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Everything posted by Apocal

  1. Those are strong words. The infantry got by with a handful of .30(ish) MGs in each platoon for years and never complained about their effectiveness. With a LRF and stabilization, a 50cal Stryker is pretty much a sniper platform on wheels.
  2. Probably wouldn't explode. You see LAV-AT TOW launchers getting damaged all the time in-game though. Pretty much. Gotten plenty of side and rear aspect kills on even relatively modern Syrian armor with the 25mm, especially massed from multiple sides. Hellfires, yes, to an extent. Mavericks, no, they are huge missiles.
  3. I've come to like Mark a bit more after going through one range session with a 8" high, 24" wide (yes, I mean that) target placed in a grassy field about 450m down. Meant to simulate a muj laying prone. Difficult to see, near impossible to hit with anything without area effect.
  4. Part of it is that even ArmA's terrain is undermodelled. In real life, there is all kinds of microterrain you can exploit, unless you're in a desert or Kansas. Going prone means even a 12" variance can cover most of my body. The other part is that your avatar is capable of maintaining a perfect stance and sight picture at all times. Plus the usual gaming issues with no fear of death, hold the line or complete the mission at any cost, etc. Even so, I've had 10-15 minute running firefights where maybe a handful of players were hit and only two or three were killed/incapacitated. Which actually leads into one of my (few) beefs with CM:SF. Squads don't break for it until they've been thoroughly spanked. Real life, there is a sweet spot in a firefight when one side has established fire superiority and the other side decides discretion is the better part of valor and slinks away, intact and frequently without taking any losses at all. Maybe I need to play with the motivation setting a bit more, but if this happens in CM:SF (slinking away under heavy fire), I haven't seen much of it.
  5. Later on they describe it as the heavy HE shell. Either way, it's pretty redonkulously awesome. I also noticed the toned-down ROF out of the MG42s they showed.
  6. Just because the grass is green doesn't mean it's all good to drive on.
  7. I was saying that turning down the difficultly level might reduce rates of bogging. Obviously wet soil and mud are going to bog vehicles more than arid desert and city streets. I played CMBO for a month or two and recently picked it back up a few weeks ago. I don't recall bogging being absurdly excessive, although my sample size probably isn't the best.
  8. I think the effectiveness of weapons is overrated in every game, including this one, although it is exceptionally closer to reality than most.
  9. The addition of a "shoot and scoot" AI command would make this much easier. As it is, they tend to stay in one location until they've been pummeled by firepower.
  10. I remember when people were deriding CMSF for appealing to the wargaming crowd they called "RTSers" and who they described as being focused on graphics and real-time gameplay. Now excuse me while I unpeg my irony meter.
  11. If you watch the damage tab closesly, you'll see wheels occassionally go from big green to little yellow, which I'm lead to believe is a slightly damaged/degraded system. I'd always assumed someone managed to put some lead into my wheels when that happened, but the Stryker or BTR just kept on trucking.
  12. Well, considering how much emphasis BFC puts on realism, I don't see how you can dismiss it as irrelevant. That being said, I have encountered less bogging in CMSF when played at lower difficulty levels. Not at all a scientific study, but that's the way it appears to me.
  13. Uncon spies can act as FOs as well. This can allow for a great deal of hilarity to ensue.
  14. I really wonder how they managed to make-do back when the Brad only seated six. It'd be like a platoon... but smaller.
  15. Unless you enjoy doing a crazy split squad dance every time you want to mount your mechguys, the system is fine. It would drive me up the damned wall if I had to split those guys up like in real life.
  16. ISTR, that only one between the PL/PSG actually dismounted and the other stayed mounted to coordinate the mounted portion of the platoon. A description of such a division of labor was in David Bellavia's "House to House", albeit with Bradleys rather than Strykers.
  17. You can't purchase a BLUFOR formation and chop it's 81 or 60mm mortars out?
  18. Looks like Full Spectrum Warrior and CoD4 combined. And I find it funny that of all the outrage here, no one talked about the torture and summary execution scene in CoD4.
  19. I forgot another one I had recently. Rahadnak Valley Search against my brother, I'd moved a rifle platoon, FO, anti-armor team, XO and snipers mounted in AAVs along the dried up creekbed and dismounted them en masse into some trenches. Not 15-30 seconds later, all hell broke lose as mortars began pounding the hell out of my AAVs, damaging two lightly. This was one of the most intense incidences of incoming I've had in-game. Had that fire mission been a minute or thirty seconds sooner, he'd have taken out around seventy Marines in one go.
  20. I think this was also aided by the fact that in both countries a considerable portion of military aged males had been either killed or severely wounded, with the remainder having at least seen something unpleasant during their service. And regarding recovery, for all intents and purposes, both were Western nations before WW2 to begin with, so it makes sense they'd "see things our way."
  21. Playing either Ali-Baba or Berto's Battle of the Soccer Stadium. I had two AT-3C teams posted on rooftops, hitting an M1 in volley. As I recall it took six missiles total before the tank was knocked out.
  22. Different era, but Col. David Hackworth's biography "About Face" includes a description of him fighting during the Korean War and using tanks as a covered casualty collection point and growing highly irate when said tanks moved, exposing their wounded.
  23. OTOH, many idiots can (and do) wear the BTDT shirt. They are still idiots.
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