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Everything posted by Apocal

  1. In general terms, calling down artillery (preferably 155s because they carry the ammo for it), low intensity, high shell count mission across a relatively large suspect area works somewhat. The smoke (in case of "general") tends to blind ATGMs for a time. Without fire support or terrain favorable to dismounts getting ahead, I don't know how to really take them on.
  2. The argument, as I understand it, is that in a environment where you're not going balls-out combined arms, but instead cordoning off blocks with relatively few crew-serves and going door-to-door with riflemen, you'd use the IAR vice the SAW. The belt-fed capability of fireteams would be retained under the arms room concept. You have either option going into a fight, METT-TC dependent. That sounds about right.
  3. It's situational. When you're talking about something like classical mechanized infantry, who aren't designed or built around operating independently from their vehicles, it doesn't make much sense. They have firepower on tap, but are short on dismount numbers. If you're talking about a country which doesn't have anything light(er) for the squads, it makes sense. There's certainly a need for that kind of belt-fed firepower, at least historically and somethings better than nothing. But the United States walked into Vietnam thinking it wasn't a huge disadvantage, walked out and promptly moved all it's machineguns to the platoon- or company-level. Granted, that was for a whole lot of reasons and maybe if we'd had war in Central Europe we'd have been singing the M60's praises at the squad level. On the other hand, relatively recent experience in Iraq has at least one service decrying the SAW as being too much at the team level and moving to get something more like a BAR (magazine-fed Interim Automatic Rifle) into the hands of it's troops. I suspect they've already recognized that as the pendelum swinging too far in one direction or at least that it may be the wrong weapon in other wars, but once again, I could be wrong.
  4. I agree. It was about as balanced portrayal you could ask for considering the circumstances. Apparently the actor portraying the Corporal was actually a Corporal, USMC and the huge, ****off scar on his leg is the actual injury that he was medically retired for. About the only thing that stuck out as odd was it seemed like the Corporal was running the whole show and the Sergeant/Staff Sergeant was just kind of hanging around. But that's minor.
  5. ACOG with BDC gets the job done out to about 600. YMMV. SAW is belt-fed. Burst-on-target makes the difficult easy.
  6. Experience begs to differ on that point. Crew-serves are effective at isolating buildings and blocks by locking down the streets around them. Unless by MOUT assault, you mean actual doorkicking and contact so close you could spit on them. Not all, although that probably varies unit-by-unit.
  7. You know, it's entirely possible for two different segments of the same military to have a vastly different opinion of the same piece of gear. It's even possible for two people in the same functional area to have a differing opinion, although it's a lot less likely if they are both reading from the same sheet of music. It doesn't mean someone is lying, just that one found a way to make it "work" within the context of their fight and likely the other didn't (or doesn't need it to begin with).
  8. Left side ammo: little bang bang 2nd ammo: bigger bang bang 3rd ammo: long range boom 4th ammo: hand-tossed boom
  9. We won't if you stop getting butthurt because the game slammed you HEY!
  10. If every round carried found it's way into a target, you'd have a point.
  11. Good lord, man, I posted that nine months ago! Anyway... I can honestly say the M16 hasn't given me any problems with reliability, excluding one ludicrously clapped-out weapon that should have been occupying vacant space at a scrap heap. When it does when it get a click instead of a bang, I pull SPORTS and two seconds later it goes bang again. Very early in my career I was issued the M14, it did give me problems with reliability, possibly due to age... but the first impression is the lasting one. The various malfunctions I get rarely have anything to do with the gas system, I mean, it looks horrible after a good day's work, but the majority of the problems are the ****ing magazines. I buy my own nowadays. Pretty sure most guys do. Had next to no problems since then. Yeah, it (allegedly) had or has issues with overheating. Never heard about the reliability issue though. Well, that one possibility. The other is that it's legitimately a more effective weapon. I don't know either way, I've never fired it. Found the link I referred to so many moons ago... http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0IAV/is_1_94/ai_n27864822/pg_4/
  12. One might as well ask the point of infantry, going by that train of thought.
  13. No. But not all Cobra loadouts include Hellfires or TOWs, IIRC.
  14. Javelin team can only carry two or three missiles. They are very bulky beasts.
  15. US Army - Infantry It's the top selection.
  16. The element of the CAAT Plt that shows up as five minute reinforcement. I assume it's the command vic because the leader of the group is a 2LT and as far as I know there's only one officer for your guys' CAAT Plt. I got you. I was just wondering because otherwise the feature works flawlessly and allows me to do all sorts of stupid things I couldn't do before.
  17. Bail out with vehicle crew. AFAIK, passengers can't dismount them.
  18. ... as a part of my ongoing quest to go through old scenarios and find inventive ways to destroy the scenario balance using new features. For starters, dismounting the M2HB and putting it up on the hill just out of the blue spawn sure does get the snipers to STFD/STFU. It also manages to knock about a few technicals as they race away from the onslaught. Pretty cool. Dismounted TOWs are not as awesome... until you get them a good line of sight overwatching known problem areas. Then the snipers really STFD, generally because their roof collapsed underneath them. That being said, holy crap, their accuracy is something between 25%-33%. And the setup/breakdown times... yeah. Terrible and nothing at all like the LAV-AT/Stryker ATGM which will utterly ruin Red (or Brit ) armor as long as they are hull down. The only bummer was that you apparently can't dismount the MK19. Intentional design decision? Reflection of the fact that it was a "command" vic so they weren't the types to haul around a MK19? Bug? Oversight?
  19. Easiest way to replicate is at setup phase, split a squad, mount them in seperate vehicles, then put the two vehicles right next to each other. Or you can cancel a passenger unit's move order after a few seconds (while part is still inside and not exited) and order the outside element to go walk somewhere.
  20. Sweet. Hmmm... I failed to articulate my opinion well. I'd rather have greater identification of one smaller unit, seen as a whole in most missions, than the present campaigns that try to cover all elements of a larger formation by chopping out the extraneous bits. I understand a lot of that comes from the modern doctrine and it's love of task-organization, but I also *think* they did it less back in the bad old days of Normandy? Hell, I think Close Combat's tactical combat only truly "worked" in the original game. Everything after CC1 consisted of making the appeal a little more broad by conceding what was originally a depiction of incredibly brutal, close-in fighting combined with a realistically unforgiving morale system and a replacement system that really showed you the meaning of Pyrrhic Victory. But that's really for another thread, on another forum...
  21. So anyway, to get things back on track, is there any possibility of multiple campaigns in upcoming CM:N? I can definately see the reasons you shy away from an official Syrian campaign, but it seems like something covering the 352nd(?) in the bocage would at least be moderately interesting from a gameplay standpoint. Oh yeah, another vote for more consistent, less ADD-inspired campaign forces.
  22. The brown smoke is IR obscuring. White smoke is not. Kinda bassackwards since WP is bright white and dust from firing is brown.
  23. Tell my information security officer that Heh, they took away our flash drives, or rather, disabled the USB drives on all our computers for a variety of reasons, that specific leak being one of several. That flash drives weren't used for any of the violations had no effect on the decision. :mad:
  24. Rule of threes man, one platoon assaulting, one supporting, one reserve. Your reserve platoon should be good to go without much adult supervision, the supporting platoon you just got to make sure to turn it's fires off at the right time, and the assaulting platoon is the one you micromanage the hell out of. At least that's how I do it and I play company level real time comfortably.
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