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Everything posted by Apocal

  1. This? Is this it, or do you mean the unit icons that float above your guys?
  2. Considering how Iraq's security infrastracture turned out, I don't think we'll ever get that sort of free-reign again. For better or worse. It would be nice if there were triggers that could simulate modifications to ROE depending on circumstances, but as long as it's upfront and employed reasonably, the it's not a terrible idea.
  3. Most definately. Basically I run up to the half wall and the two buildings, bounding overwatch, all that stuff, etc. Get my MGs up and positioned, then I move up to the buildings but just can't manage a good breaching location. I could use a Javelin, but I'm afraid the next mission is going to RAMPAGING HORDES OF SYRIAN TANKS, WHA'CHU GONNA DO PARATROOPER?
  4. My personal opinion here: in practice it winds up feeling "unfair" because some briefings are overly broad and there is no real feedback as to what you can do when, in mission. In real life, they are fairly explicit: Do NOT hit the kiddy pool. Do NOT breach the walls of the toy factory. Do NOT use 120mm or TOWs. Then there is back and forth when it comes to grey areas, like taking fire from an orphanage and you want to know if it's cool to can extinguish fire with fires or you gotta go with boots and utes to do it the Hard Way. While actually in mission, especially real time, you tend to forget about stuff like that and then you get a big "EPIC FAIL" because you destroyed all 1001 preserve objectives in the town. Plus some scenario designers are just mean with it, giving you like two batteries of artillery, a division of helos and a section of Hornets, then putting every single muj in the "DONT DESTROY THIS" location.
  5. Short answer: everything. They don't spot as well, slower reaction times, reload weapons slower, etc.
  6. Just tested the armor thing, it apparently does specify a delay fuze! Freaking A, for some reason I thought it didn't. Gonna test more before I get too excited.
  7. Yeah I should have thought that through a bit more, but something like a choice between roof/interior would be nice and it would be realistic. I'd use a quick or superquick fuze for rooftops (or if I didn't want to render the building uninhabitable), delay for getting inside and stirring up any unwelcome occupants. Really though, the FDC should automatically assume since it's a building, we'd want a delay fuze. Otherwise we'd ask for VT, since only people can be on a rooftop. It should be under-the-hood, since BFC wants to keep most of the call for fire stuff that way. Oh yeah, never had a problem there.
  8. The pic doesn't show it, but fuze delay appears to be as in real life, where it's a fixed time after impact. The end result for the customer is that each floor is reduced in turn. I'm sure I brought this up before and made a UI request, but without the benefit of pictures, here we go: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=88722
  9. Hold up, wait a minute! Is your aimpoint at the ground floor a building, or the rooftop? Something I found out a few weeks ago, aiming for the floors below the roof is the only way to get fuze delay. Otherwise, the FDC assumes you want to hit the roof and uses fuze quick/superquick. I'm pretty sure I made a post about it, but it probably got lost in the sauce. Before: http://i34.tinypic.com/34fb13c.jpg After: http://i33.tinypic.com/2ljpafo.jpg
  10. Nope, nothing of the kind. Depends. Middle Eastern construction is typically quite **** and rebar seems to be their kryptonite. Fairly well. A few floors down and it becomes hands down building. 105... IME, not much. 155 can do a lot, but tends to do far less. Huh? I'm not sure I'm reading this question correctly. For starters, they do take some suppression, obviously they aren't actually dying because the effects aren't reaching far enough. Historically, there has always been a huge difference between perceived effectiveness and the real thing.
  11. Rereading the book now, there was also a portion during which 15-20 Fedayeen, as singles or pairs, fled across a road in plain view of a platoon of M1A1s and not one was hit. The other end of the spectrum, as it were.
  12. I almost want to say it's because players utilize converged sheaf AKA point target far more than I've ever heard of being done in real life.
  13. I was saying we know how effective AAA used in the ground-role is.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYdHWEpoD-Y
  15. They assume that during an actual firefight, people will take precautions to avoid precisely that. Unlike the juiceheads in question.
  16. How do you use this? I used z-Bee to get it working but everything is either 4ID or 82ABN.
  17. The guy who stood up and started yanking back with his M16? That seemed more like frustration to me.
  18. My own experience with our current enemies personal weapon of choice has left me less than totally impressed with the design. My civilian ownership did not endear me either.
  19. They actually can, the whole thing blanks out or whites out when there is too much light. Totally not cool, especially when you are driving.
  20. There is quite a big difference between "supposed to" and "will."
  21. Odd it goes on to harp about the M4's deficiencies when in the first paragraph: Wonder what kind of machine gun it was. Uh, yeah, that'll do it.
  22. That looks like a promotional poster from "Ninth Company."
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