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Everything posted by Apocal

  1. I've had a T-72 survive 3 frontal hits from a Challenger 2. Then knock it out. And this with minimal damage, I think the coax was broken and the tracks and optics were somewhat degraded.
  2. Put a waypoint in the building and don't give them face order. They'll spread out and head to "active" directions as the situation dictates.
  3. They all work against a BMP or BRDM except the 40mm frag version, the OG-7V.
  4. Company FIST. Plt HQ and Co HQ aren't bad either. The plt HQ, at least in light units, have an FO with them.
  5. There are a handful of people who use the Xfire 'Task Force MilSim' group, it's the closest thing. Hyperlobby or something similar would be nice.
  6. Movement does not exclude standoff or stealth for helicopters. For MANPADS there are other, more reliable, countermeasures. But nobody just hovers in one spot. That's begging for any halfway competent gunner to cause mechanics or grave's registration more work. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3928378457683897318# --- Cobras in OIF 1 (notice all the tracked vehicles being shot up). Notice none of them are hovering. Even when employing TOWs; which work only marginally well when moving.
  7. Helos don't do that when there is any kind of AA threat around. Even now they don't like to hover in areas where the enemy might have HMGs around, because even those are perfectly capable of ****ing a helo up.
  8. Not to take the spotlight off CMx2, but the other game I spend hours and hours playing, ArmA2 actually suffers a lot from it's modability in terms of community. ArmA1 at it's height never broke 200 populated servers/2500 players, ArmA2 has not broken 180/2200. This is in a game where a handful of servers and missions can take up to 128 players and sold in the hundreds of thousands of copies. The downside is that many, many servers run mods and casual players have no chance in hell of keeping up with every server's mods. So they just kinda die out in multiplayer.
  9. You know thats what they do IRL, right? They don't operate dismounted often, but when they do it's the same three or four guys that were driving the TOW humvee. And LOL at whoever said it should take thirty seconds to deploy a Javelin. It pretty much does already with shouldering the weapon being part of the aiming process.
  10. Actually, I was wrong, the carousel setup itself is safe, it's just the Russians store additional rounds inside the crew compartment of the T72, so any penetration is likely to lead to entertaining YouTube footage. At least according to Vasiliy Fofanov's Russian armor site. I'm told this is the official ammunition layout, but this isn't from VF's site. I almost want to take back what I said earlier about the Russian's not being idiots. Seriously squatting on their own powder keg right there.
  11. Propellant bags?! Charges man, encased. The Russians have a different set of priorities with their tank design, but they aren't complete idiots. Trying to find a good interior picture of the T72's carousel arrangement, but the jist of it is men and gun are in turret, in the hull below are projos and charges and there isn't near enough seperation between the two.
  12. The big wall of text quoted beneath that statement makes me believe the poster was serious.
  13. The T72's carousel is notorious for having no survivability whatsoever. AIUI, it's also the leading cause for the short-range, high-altitude turret flight made famous during the Gulf War. If they simulated the carousel's actual... "features" then it's likely T72s are less likely to have secondary explosions because everything blew up with the first hit.
  14. Not me. Thanks to the nuclear stockpile aboard a Bradley cooking off, I managed to lose half a platoon in under two minutes.
  15. I played rarely up until a few months ago. A lot of other games came out, plus the graphics... they were definitely nice for their time.
  16. Speaking of stuff in the manual, you guys used to list the maximum and sustained rates of fire for the various mortars, howitzers and guns. You didn't do that in the Brit module manual
  17. Mortars and artillery provide a fairly reasonable area suppressive effect if that is what you are looking for. Although certainly agreed that it's best to send a point element first, preferably one with enough armor to take a hit and survive, force the enemy to reveal his location and then beat on him with slightly more focused indirect fire.
  18. Any answers? Or is this the kind of thing you guys are keeping close?
  19. More or less. You need a point, heavy, quick fire mission to ensure that a deployed MG or squad in the open will be sufficiently... tenderized. An opponent with a brain is highly unlikely to let you accomplish this however. EDIT: Also, personally I feel 60mm mortars are more effective than 81s in CMSF, because both have the same practical effect on troops in the open (lots of dead/wounded) and the same practical effect on troops under cover/armor (neglible). But 60s have more tubes and more ammo. Along with body armor Syrians, for a variety of reasons, are more likely to rout even if they aren't disabled.
  20. Mortars are required for any kind of combined arms with the light infantry companies. Otherwise you get to trade bullets with a machine gun and dig it out of position Iwo Jima-style, which is pretty pretty costly, just like RL. You can use Javelins, but they are scarce and if the enemy has more strongpoints than you have Javs, you're right back in the hurt locker, eating 7.62.
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