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Everything posted by benpark

  1. Taking you seriously, though I suspect you are joking: If you are implying that CMBB is a failure because it does not portray "battles of encirclement", you need to consider that this scale of action is WAY beyond platoon/ battalion level. It is very easy to set up situations where small groups of men are cut off or surrounded in the scenario editor. Your issues with CMBB seem to stem from a lack of understanding of the scale the game portrays, and how this relates to the historical realities-rather than your imagined wishes. I would point you toward something of an operational level to simulate what you desire.
  2. Thans, Mike! Great idea about the "private" extra ruleset. Lots of possibilities there.
  3. Mike, thanks alot for taking up the CMMOS mantle from the great Gordon. I have finaly been able to download for a few hours and catch up!
  4. I am getting behind with this outpouring of great mods. Gotta...catch...up...
  5. Well, thanks yerself!! You are doing a great service to modders and people who want mods. It's the first site I check everyday.
  6. I just woke up. What are we talking about (grogilly rubs eyes)...?
  7. You will most probably get Photoshop LE with the scanner. You can do plenty with that. What scanner did you decide on? I have the Epson 1640, photo edition-you can scan negatives up tp 4x5" on it and prints a s large as 9x12. It has been upgraded now to the 2450 photo scanner. It's less than $400, and worth every penny. I regularly make 30-50mb scans, and print them on an Epson printer, and they look as good as prints I make in the darkroom quite often.
  8. Camera grogism: A Leica would be a negative that has a longer format than these prints. The camera was probably a rangefinder (Leica is known for their 35mm rangefinder cameras, and stick to 35mm in terms of camera manufacture) I would again say that the camera is a Voightlander, or a knockoff-the format of the print fits the format of the negative that those prints were probably from(6x7cm or 2and1/4x31/4"). The rangefinder is not a great method for focusing in the dark, nor is like a modern day point and shoot. It depends upon the lining up of a split image within the viewfinder. Cameras of the 30's and '40's did not have optimal rangefinders, so this would be a possible explanation for the relative lack of "sharpness" in the pictures. I would say that is not Stalin, however, the man at the left of the picture(in the background)does look a bit like Goering before he really went on his high carb diet in the '40's.
  9. Well, Yunfat, you are entitled to your opinion as well. I am just speaking with issues of historical credibility in mind. I would rather see the photograph in its original state. And yes, I am very familiar with Photoshop-check my website link in my profile if you think my credentials are not as solid as yours... [ January 29, 2003, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: benpark ]
  10. Dachau is about 25 minutes outside of Munich. That could account for the recollection of the concentration camp. Posted by Yunfat: "don't even bother trying this project unless you have PS7, I dont know if anyone mentioned this, but its essential." Sorry, but this is hogwash. Don't Photoshop them. Do you want people questioning factual elements about the pictures? I would rather see a crack in a photograph than a badly(and I mean even by the best Photoshop Guru) retouched one. Frankly, I wouldn't be as paranoid about the copyright as some are suggesting. I deal with my own pictures in the public domain every day, and have yet to see a rampant abuse. It comes down to your choice-would you rather publish a book of these pictures (a realistic proposal), or do you wish to show them on a forum such as the internet, where people could use them for whatever purpose (some good and some nefarious)they choose. [ January 28, 2003, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: benpark ]
  11. Acid free and other archival stuff (or anything photographic for that matter): B+H Photo www.bhphotovideo.com
  12. Scanning the pictures professionally would be a good investment-you could have them burned onto a disk. Or get a scanner-Epson makes the best, hands down. I would do up to a 10mb scan of each one. You could easily replicate the quality of the print that way. (make sure that the photo albums are archival!) You have inspired me to make a page of my Gramps pics from the 113th Mech. Cav.(Red Horse) in France, Holland and Germany. I'll send the link in a week or 2.
  13. Ask your Grandfather if it was a "Voightlander" camera. It would fit the size of the prints made from the negatives that camera takes. My Grandfather brought one back from Germany-they were a very popular camera in Germany in the 1920-60's. It is almost an impossibility that the pictures were taken with that Kodak Brownie that was linked. There was no control over exposere, it was literally the first point and click camera. And as for people suggesting that there were pictures that were rephotographed, making more than 1 picture per negative-this is also unlikely. I would have to see the prints, but the likelyhood of all 4 pictures being of the same exposure, thus all coming out relatively well is really unlikely. Goodale-you won't likely find anyone to press your pictures flat for you. I worked for Polaroid in their archive of art photography for 4 years, and when something was curled (an Ansel Adams for instance, there were hundreds of em)-we would carefully press it under a large weight. Do this slowly and carefully. One weight per picture. Absolutely no one doubts your story-I for one think it's amazing, and want to help you verify the timeframe of the pictures (because it is highly unlikely they came from some type of camera that I don't know about )
  14. Actually, the Kodak Brownie camera from that link cannot be the camera those pictures were taken with. While the roll of film was long enough to take 100 pictures, the image was round. This was the first consumer camera c. 1900. While I believe the story completly from my experience (which in this case I am authority on, finaly(!)), there were no cameras that took a 100 picture roll of film. The explanation that there may have been more than one roll is plausible, given the amount and time span the pictures were from. Gooddale-Don't be afraid to scan them, no harm can be done to them. Black+white papers have a life of over 100 years, so they will be fine. DO put them in a PVC/acid free archival storage sleeve, and not in an off the shelf photo album. Your grandchildren will never see them if you do that. Good find. Hope you can post a few...
  15. A thing of true beauty. And so much of it... Thanks, Gordon!
  16. Scotty, I just ran a test, and I was able to put 3 battalions on the map. The QB screen is where you allocate the force sizes-this has nothing to do with the map. You need to look at the QB setup you are using-how many points are you alloting? If you want a full out, massive battle, use 2000+ points, and allow youself to choose your forces. Like I said, you should go into the map editor and place flags and setup zones to your liking. [ January 16, 2003, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: benpark ]
  17. Scotty-did you put the maps in the CMBB/Quick Battles folder? I didn't do anything to limit the forces...try to edit the map-and set whatever parameters you need for what you are doing. Also, try rearanging the set up zones in the editor. If that doesn't work, let me know-I'll look at the file again.
  18. oh, Scotty, here is the link. Bookmark it, you will be using this page a lot... http://ns9.super-hosts.com/~dragonlair.net/combatmission/
  19. No worries. I couldn't figure out the response function. I gave myself a "0" score too! Liked your map, though. I would like to find maps of some of the more suburban areas and have a go at those.
  20. Look in the CMBB maps section. There is a very large map by me (intended for use as a whole, or you can edit it into smaller parcels in the Scenario Editor). There is also a very good map by Vader's Jester of a smaller scale. They are both make your own battle (or QB) situations, though.
  21. Dog Day Afternoon (or, Fetch Fidopov, Fetch) Gather resources and see Soviet mine dogs and German "Goliath" tanks marmaduke it out on an island shaped like a human skull!! Not for the elderly or weak of heart! ("Mine Dog" and "Goliath" Special 1.03 patch by CDV available only in Continental United States. Available ONLY in a store near you. As part of the acceptance of your terms of purchase, you are legally bound to make no mention of this "special patch" to friends, neighbors or representatives of Battlefront.com)
  22. There is a LONG list of great work from people and of contributions to making this already beautiful, amazing game even better-instead of playing favorites (you're all my favorites...), I thank you all!
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