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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Ivanov You're right, I was only thinking of WWI as all the feedback regarding mountains had come for that. It slipped my mind for Storm over Europe, but probably makes sense there too.
  2. Hi You wouldn't happen to have a map of this road that you could email me? Thanks Bill
  3. Hi everyone Is Bulgaria entering really quickly due to Central Powers successes against the Serbs, diplomacy, or does it appear to be script based? I've never seen them enter this early myself, so either I've been unlucky or I haven't got the same strategic nouse as some of you have! Bill
  4. It's an interesting idea, and at the moment the closest work-around solution is the one Kommandant has suggested, because a big boost to the unit's morale would significantly increase their fighting capability, albeit not their supply value itself.
  5. Hi Chrizz1980 A way to get round this would be to increase the starting National Morale of the UK and/or Russia, so that they will be in the war for longer. Consequently a full conquest will be more achievable than it may currently be. The trouble with allowing a second declaration of war on an already defeated enemy is that this country will be very easy to defeat, so it would upset the game balance somewhat. It would also be rather hard to code in penalties to countries for doing this, i.e. a significant drop in Germany's National Morale for having attacked the already defeated Russians.
  6. It will generally last a few turns, or to put it another way, take a few turns to recover from the loss. But there are a few factors that can distort this: The surrender of an enemy nation - as this will boost your units' morale. The surrender of a friendly nation - it has the opposite effect. Plus the supply status of this unit, and whether or not it is commanded by a HQ.
  7. Oh yes, I forgot to mention about Morocco but I agree that it is odd that you can't see the strength of its resources. Do you have a saved turn you can send me?
  8. Hi Kommandant I agree that when it comes to the peace conference after the war, Germany would undoubtedly let France have some of its territory back. But while they are still at war with the UK, it's unlikely that Germany could have afforded to leave any French territory unguarded in case any British forces land there to open up a new front. Britain's history of operations in Europe, especially during the wars of the 18th century and then the Napoleonic Wars would show what they would be likely to do. Find an unguarded bit of coast with a harbor, land a force there, expand the bridgehead, gain allies, and then advance. While the British didn't have a general of the caliber of Wellington alive in 1914, this is almost certainly what they would have done in this circumstance. Hence France remains in German hands, as a potential new front for the British. Bill
  9. Hi Using Forced March or Operating units by rail prior to launching Barbarossa will seriously reduce their morale, so as Wlape3 says above, resting your units after doing either of those moves with them is a good idea. Timing the conquest of some minor neutrals to coincide with launching the invasion will help, as it will boost up your unit morale and reduce the enemy's. Keeping your units as close to good supply sources and HQ as possible too... but admittedly if you do this too much, it won't be Blitzkrieg! Bill
  10. Hi Snowbart I can't think of any off hand but if you do come across anything else feel free to ask! Glad to hear you're enjoying the game too! Bill
  11. Hi Snowbart Kommandant has most of it right. The tank symbol denotes that a Prepared Attack is being launched, i.e. attacking before moving, for which there is a 45% bonus. The -35% is the penalty for attacking across a river, so in the example stated, overall the unit has a 10% bonus in its attack. If it weren't for the river, it would have been 45%. I hope that makes sense, and yes, the top one is the most important. Bill
  12. Hi It might be a good idea to submit a ticket to battlefront's helpdesk so that they can help get it sorted: http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/
  13. Hi Tirane Whether or not MPPs are transferred can depend on the season, on the port strength of the starting and finishing locations, and also if any waypoints are in enemy hands. The best way to check if a convoy route exists is to go to the Convoy Map which is contained within the War Map. But it is also possible that the convoy will only exist under certain situations, e.g. if a country has a % leaning towards one side or the other, possibly even controlled by Decision event.
  14. It will need a finish position, but if you set the length as a number of turns longer than the campaign, then the units should be gone for long enough.
  15. Yes, the Germans would still need to occupy whatever capitals you set for Norway, so it may be that a loop script is unnecessary if the Germans have to occupy all those places. I was assuming that Norway would surrender when Oslo was taken, but if that isn't the case, then just having their last alternative capital be somewhere in the UK should work, and it will also allow for Free Norwegian units to be built there.
  16. Hi I think that the mechanism would be to use the Export Data function in the editor (found under File) to export the data into a folder you'll have to create first especially for this role. Then open up the Gold editor and import this data into a new campaign. The map size will have to be the same. I'm not sure whether or not every data field will import, but when attempting to do so you will be alerted to any that can't be copied, and I would imagine that most if not all can. Copy over the scripts manually, and then you'll have a certain amount of editing to do. But the scripts will alert you to the issues you'll need to address. I hope this gets you started!
  17. The easiest solution would be to have a tile in the UK that contains a town, and is set to be an alternative capital for Norway. This does mean that Norway won't surrender, but a LOOP script could always be used to remove all Norwegians units in Norway from play when Oslo is captured, and a DECISION event could be used to provide the Germans with plunder.
  18. You're right, the partisans will only appear in Syria if the British have sponsored the Arab Revolt, and Jerusalem falls to the Entente.
  19. Thanks for the feedback everyone, it's always appreciated! As to the Kommandant's question, it doesn't matter what type of unit is left around Warsaw, just as long as they are German. This may make it fairly easy, but if you've had your starting Detachments destroyed then you'll have to repurchase them for this use. If not, then at least there is a responsibility on the Central Powers that didn't exist before, and in the long run the number of units can always be adjusted if we feel the need to do so. One thing I had to be very cautious with when making 1.04 was that while there were various issues raised in the discussion on Call to Arms a few months back, the consensus seemed to be that the campaign itself was very well balanced. As a result I didn't want to penalize the Central Powers player too much by making the number of units required very high. I'm sure that after we've all played some more we'll begin to get a better idea as to whether or not the balance still is on the knife edge!
  20. Exactly, because it's extremely hard to not attack such a tempting target. You can then launch your counterattack the following turn.
  21. Hi I'm glad it worked, and when you have naval units on the Raiding icons, you don't need to set to Raider mode. The naval unit's location will tell the engine that you are there and it should raid automatically. The Raider mode is only needed if you are on a convoy land and want to raid it. Generally the Raiding icons are adjacent to enemy ports so there's no need to keep your presence from the enemy - they'll see you anyway, so there's nothing to be gained by not raiding. Hence there's no need to be in Raider Mode on those icons. I hope that makes sense! Bill
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