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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi all We definitely will announce things when the time is right, but there is a danger in premature announcements and also because so much of what we're doing is conceptual, yet concepts change over time through discussion and practice. Even though we don't always comment, we are always making note of the numerous great suggestions made on all the SC forums, they are appreciated, and many of the ideas get mulled over, sometimes over long periods, as we see what we can do to oblige. In terms of SC3, there are some elements of it that are being introduced in Breakthrough, therefore Breakthrough is a testing ground for things like the Deployment Phase and new supply rules... with much more to come in the future for SC3! Including of course, a return to hexes... Bill
  2. Hi Firstly, apologies for the delayed response. When you are in the editor, you will need to select the Edit Unit Layer function. This can be found a bit to the right of middle, in the panel of icons at the top of the screen. The icon itself is grey, and has a lightning flash icon to its right. After clicking on Edit Unit Layer, you will also need to change your mouse setting to Select Item(s). This icon is more towards the left in the same row, just to the left of the big X. With both of these selected, you can now right click on a unit, and select Properties. In the box that pops up, you can amend the strength, entrenchment and experience of the unit. Morale values themselves aren't directly editable, though they are strongly related to a unit's strength, supply value in game, and also whether or not a HQ is assigned to it. Saying that, the morale of new units can be amended by selecting Campaign from the top row, and then Edit Morale Data. Within the screen that pops up, you'll see New Units' Initial Morale mentioned at the bottom right. I hope this helps. Bill
  3. Hi Mike Interesting thoughts on AA, and as always, it's good to read because it provides food for thought. Thanks! Bill
  4. Hi To provide everyone with a taste of WWI Breakthrough!, two of our beta testers have kindly agreed to provide us with an AAR. They will be playing the 1914 Call to Arms campaign, Breakthrough Edition. Commanding the Central Powers is Catacol Highlander, while attempting to halt his advances will be Abukede. Both are veterans of numerous games and a number of great AARs, so stand by for what should prove to be a thrilling game! Feel free to ask questions and post comments as the game progresses, though please bear in mind that neither player may be able to reveal too much of their planning. Finally, let's wish our players good luck and a great time, as the war is declared and both sides prepare for battle... will the victor be King or Kaiser?
  5. That's very true, but in Breakthrough it won't be quite the same, and the opportunities for Germany to pursue different strategies have been increased by adding the Deployment Phase and the potential to delay the UK's war entry. Whether Germany can make proper use of alternative strategies, or the one actually used in 1914 really was the best, is what Call to Arms in Breakthrough is all about. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you all make of it after release, and to see if there are any brilliant grand strategies like the Russia first one of Glabro's.
  6. Hi Sorry to hear about the problem, and it's caused by Norton being a bit too ready to declare everything a virus. This has come up before: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=102289&highlight=norton And there is a section about Norton on the battlefront helpdesk: http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=227 The best advice I can give, unless some experts in Norton pop in (I don't use it myself, partly because of this) would be to submit a ticket at the Helpdesk.
  7. Hi This is definitely amiss, and must have been quite a surprise! Please can you send me the turn, along with your password, to: bill.runacre@furysoftware.com Thanks!
  8. Hi As David said, I'm afraid it's not possible as the Allied player does control all the allied nations. However, there are restrictions on their co-operation which mean that British and US units will not be supplied if they enter the USSR, nor can they operate through it by rail. This effectively keeps the western allies separate from the Soviets, even though you get to choose what unit types and technologies of both to build and invest in. Bill
  9. Hi Sapare I can't tell from the screenshot, but is there another enemy unit immediately to the west of Venice? If so then the rule which prevents units from reinforcing above a strength of 5 if they are surrounded will apply here. If that's not the case, then please send me the turn and your password to bill.runacre@furysoftware.com Thanks!
  10. Hi ClayParrot Welcome to the forum, and I'm glad you found it! Bill
  11. With ZOC, so as long as you have a unit adjacent to the spawning hex, no partisans will appear. Thus a unit can cover 7 hexes: the one it's in and the 6 around it.
  12. Good questions and we'll look into them and come back with an answer!
  13. Hi ChaseAbe Glad you've made you're first post, and welcome aboard! With the Fighters, their intercept range is based on their strike range minus one, whereas their Action Points denote how far they can move (i.e. change their operating base) in a turn. Hopefully this makes sense with what you've been looking at? With the tanks, we have made it so that only those countries with the appropriate doctrine and skill for armored warfare get two strikes, which is why the heavily armored but poorly used French get only one strike, but the British, Soviet, US and Germans get two. Otherwise the French Renault tanks (and others) would be a bit more dynamic and powerful than they were in real life. Bill
  14. Hi! There is a 50% chance of Greek units that are at sea choosing to continue the fight from exile. Unfortunately in your case, only the HQ decided to do so, and the rest have returned to Greece and surrendered.
  15. No problem, and I can experiment at making it a diplo hit on Denmark (I'm not sure that it would matter too much to the USA?). It cannot be made to be just for subs, at least not without some coding changes, but the British did discuss an operation to send a small force of cruisers and destroyers through. Most of those involved in the planning weren't at all keen, and were rather pleased when the operation was cancelled. Can't blame them really!
  16. Sure, and I'll also explain why the loops exist. Their aim is ideally for the British to send small naval units into the Baltic, particularly submarines, or for small German naval forces to escape destruction by the Royal Navy if they are defeated in the North Sea. If the British are sending naval units (typically submarines) into the Baltic, it was pretty much a one way street. When the Russians pulled out of the war, the British submarines in the Baltic were scuttled as returning to the UK wasn't considered possible. The passage itself was tricky, and the Danes weren't too happy having ships travelling through their territorial waters to get in or out of the Baltic. The Germans did want to send naval units into the North Sea via Denmark's Belt, but the Danes maintained their neutrality, sending out naval patrols which had encounters with ships of both sides. Consequently Wolfgang Wegener, then chief of staff to the Admiral commanding the First Battle Squadron, in his memoranda written in 1915 came to the conclusion that if the German navy wanted to head out to sea via the Danish straits, then the only way to achieve this would be by invading and conquering Denmark. Therefore the current set up does drive Central Powers players' to this same conclusion, and the option to invade Denmark is there.
  17. Thanks, I get your point and will see what can be done, though it depends on how loop scripts themselves are dealt with by the engine. We shall see!
  18. The scripts check in descending order, from the bigger victory to the smaller, hence a Major victory will happen if its conditions are met, even if a Minor condition lower down the list is also met.
  19. Hi Here they are: Hotkeys G –Turn the map tile grid on or off H – Temporarily hide all units on the map N – Select the next active unit that has not yet moved L – Displays the last turn's summaries for reference P – Shows the location of potential enemy partisan activity. S – Shows the level of supply your forces currently receive, along with a prediction of how much they will receive if venturing into enemy territory. Arrow keys – Scroll map left, right, up or down Ctrl-E – End Turn Ctrl-P – Purchase Units Ctrl-N – New Units Ctrl-M – Maps Ctrl-R – Research Ctrl-D – Diplomacy Ctrl-I – Reports Ctrl-O – Options Ctrl-S – Save Ctrl-Q – Quit MPP Flags – Left clicking on a country's MPP flag on the bottom right panel will center the map on that nation's capital. Right clicking on a flag will access that country's Production Table dialog. To pause the video, press the Pause key on your keyboard (it's usually above and to the left of the number pad).
  20. Hi Cantona This can be changed. If you open the campaign in the editor and go to Country Data; Unit Build Data; Advanced, the Minimum Production Date can be set on the right. Bill
  21. They are the marshes south of Minsk.
  22. Hi Sapare You can edit your posts normally if you haven't left the forum/thread. But if you come back to it later then it's not possible. If there's anything you'd like corrected then I can always do it for you. Just let me know. Bill
  23. Hi The editor sometimes looks like it is locking up when checking the scripts, but it can be simply that it will take a while, especially if there are a lot of scripts. If you open up a campaign and just select one of the script types with an asterix, and then hit the update button, hopefully this will work? Doing them individually will make it easier to tell whether it's the editor taking a while to update the scripts, or falling over. In my experience the latter is extremely rare when doing this, but at times it might feel like this if you try to get it to update all the scripts in a large campaign at once. I hope this helps. Bill
  24. It's the same morale loss whether they've operated or forced march. However, if you've forced march for more than one turn, then the morale loss will be heavier. In which case, catching the train is definitely a better option.
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