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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Mathias The rocket = airship problem can be solved by: 1) Ensuring that in the editor the "WWII campaign" tickbox is unticked. 2) In the localization.txt file for the campaign, it isn't only the place for changing the country names, but lots of other names too. I would empty out everything from it that you imported, as the default WWI names for units will be fine in most cases. 3) Don't use any modified graphics, because the standard WWI images should be fine, and show an Airship. I hope this makes sense. Bill
  2. Hi Godfather I've just taken a quick look and there are some which depend on the Decision event, i.e. which option the player has chosen, and there are also alternative routes in case ports en route have been captured by the enemy. I think that should explain any repeats, though if there are any straight duplications, i.e. with no differences whatsoever between them, then they wouldn't be necessary.
  3. The generic AI combat routines will be fine, but some scripts will need to have their dates changed to match your newer start date. The best thing to do will be to open up both the AI scripts and Events in the campaign and take a look. Some script types will be fine, but with so many script types available it will be best to look at them all.
  4. Hi Luke Yes, there are some restrictions. It depends on the co-operative settings between allies, so whereas the UK, France and the USA will happily provide supply to each other, any units from those countries entering (for example) the USSR will not receive any supply or be able to operate units there. In China, other allied forces will receive supply but won't be able to operate. The same applies to the Axis, because while Italy and Germany have no restrictions, they won't provide supply to Japanese units, or vice versa. Bill
  5. That is very odd indeed. Hopefully it won't happen again, and you might want to come to an agreement to deal with the glitch in your game, i.e. a house rule to prevent your brother exploiting the situation. Otherwise, good luck in defending Italy!
  6. With Greece, I'm afraid that even with diplomacy you won't get all the units. There is no way to program units to arrive in this circumstance, that wouldn't also have them arriving if Greece enters the war another way. So overall, the divisions within the country mean that Greece will fight defensively, but has very little offensive power. Though saying that, the controlling player can always buy more Greek units to increase their army. Whether that is a good use of your resources is of course another question... An Entente invasion might be a viable strategy early in the game, but being an invasion it will trigger much of the Greek armed forces to mobilize, so be careful.
  7. Size isn't a problem, but it's because different country slots were used to design each map. The solution is to make a new localization.txt file within the campaign's folder, where you can rename the countries to suit. For example: #ARABIA= Finland The name on the right being the one you want it to be. Open up your new campaign's Campaign.ini file and put these settings in place: #CUSTOM_BITMAPS= 1 #CUSTOM_INTERFACE= 1 #CUSTOM_SOUND= 0 #CUSTOM_LOCALIZATION= 1 You will also need to copy over all the Flag related image files from Gold, to place in your new campaign's own Bitmap and Interface folders. Otherwise Finland will still fly the Arabian flag!
  8. It is low, just a chance 20% chance for Montenegrin units, whereas Belgians, Dutch and Serbs will always fight on from exile. As there aren't many Montenegrin units, it's not surprising that they aren't often seen after their capital is occupied.
  9. You're certainly on the ball! My ideas for anything to do with 1939 Storm over Europe go in the same document as comments and suggestions for improving the WWI campaigns. That way it's easier to keep them all in one place and not to have to go into different documents when I'm preparing the campaigns for a WWI patch. But I can see that my comment might have looked as though I was confused again. Fortunately not... at least not this time!
  10. Hi Sapare I've just checked the scripts and this is definitely very odd behaviour. It's not connected to the British support prior to Italy joining the war, and those units should arrive in all circumstances. Could it be that the relevant scripts have been turned off? This can be seen in Options -> Advanced -> Scripts and then looking at the UNIT scripts to see if the box is ticked for these Italian ones or not. The Greeks are reluctant to enter the war in all circumstances, due to the division between those who favour the Entente, and the King who was German and preferred the Central Powers. The coup is therefore a better bet than just diplomacy. Bill
  11. Hi Kommandant This doesn't have any effect on the troops occupying the fortress, unless they were to have to rely on the supply value of the fortress for supply. It doesn't affect the defense bonuses themselves from being in a fortress. Bombarding the fortress with bombers and rail artillery is really just to lower the fortress's supply value, so it may or may not be worthwhile - though a lucky hit on the defending unit can sometimes make all the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful attack.
  12. Hi Mathias, I'm not sure that it will work that easily, but testing it out will soon let you know. I would suggest opening the campaign in the editor to check whether it a) opens ok and that everything looks as expected. If it does open up ok in the editor, make sure that the tick box for WWII campaigns is unticked. This can be found under Campaign -> Edit Campaign Data. If it doesn't work ok, then exporting the data from the campaign within the Gold game, and importing the data into a new WWI map of the same size will be the solution.
  13. Hi Ivanov I must have had a funny moment the other day, but I have amended my WWI ideas document so that if this is implemented, you, and not Kommandant, will get the credit for the idea. Bill
  14. Thanks Kommandant, I'll give your suggestion some thought as it does make sense. Getting the NM bonus/penalty to France right will be very important, so this might take a little working out and practice.
  15. I saw that too, and there may well be a few more surprises like that hidden away in the archives somewhere.
  16. Hi Clausewitz To retreat, the Chinese Corps should have been at very low strength before the attacks that made them retreat. Please confirm whether or not that was the case?
  17. Not exactly, because the decision event is to help ensure a White victory. Independence and a White victory are two separate issues. If von der Goltz isn't sent to Finland, then a White victory isn't guaranteed and if Finland were to then join the Entente, a Red HQ would be more applicable. Admittedly, the chances of this happening are extremely remote.
  18. It's certainly true that Dunkirk affected French morale as it was seen as an evacuation by their allies, even though the British sent more troops to France after it, including an armoured division. That having no British troops in France could lead to a drop in French National Morale might have some merit. Certainly something to ponder. Alternatively, we could use a decision event to take away or reduce the cost to the UK of having to transport units to France. I guess the answer lies in comparing strategies and devising one which makes it worthwhile for the B.E.F. to be sent to France, if it isn't already the case. Ivanov, in your example, if the French had dug in around Paris with British support too, would it have made much difference? Could another Panzergruppe have bitten the dust?
  19. This has now been fixed, for all you modders out there, the solution was changing the Type = 0 to Type = 1 in the last two scripts.
  20. Agreed. Finland gets its independence, but what the German decision event does is just to determine Finland's final political leaning, i.e. whether or not it is favorable to Germany and will trade with them.
  21. Hi Mathias In the Global forum SeaMonkey has posted, as he's willing to email the campaigns over to you. He just needs your email address. I did mean the Repository, but I can't see either campaign in the WWI one, so it's probably best if SeaMonkey sends them over to you. But here's a link to the Repository with all the uploaded mods: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314
  22. Hi Kommandant Are you thinking of in WWI? If so, the HQ needs to be scripted because while it would be Mannerheim if the country joins the Central Powers, it definitely wouldn't be him if the Bolsheviks had taken over, i.e. if it enters the war on the other side, unlikely as it is to happen. The scripts are set to provide either Mannerheim or Rahja depending on the situation, with different unit names applicable to the situation, either whether Finland is Red or White. Bill
  23. Thanks for the reports and I'll get it checked out and fixed! The map looks good too, thanks Lettowvorbeck.
  24. Hi Mathias I think it is, or was, in the depository. But he's now working on a new version using Nupremal's map so it might not be there now, waiting on the new map being completed.
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