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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Ivanov Bordeaux is historically the capital they moved the government to, at least in WWI when I think it moved there and back more than once! And thanks for the message, there will be a reply coming within the next few days. Bill
  2. Hi Ivanov Thanks for this and I think you're right in defining the issue: it's the lack of an alternative capital, because even if National Morale remains high, the loss of Paris has a high chance of leading to a French surrender in every subsequent turn. We'll have to have a think about this. Thanks also for the notice about the Soviet boost. We'll need to change the settings in both scripts. Bill
  3. That's fine Sapare, I'd rather you mentioned it than didn't because now we can fix it!
  4. Press the Pause button on your keyboard, which is probably to the top left of your number pad (assuming that all keyboards have roughly the same layout).
  5. I'll have to let Hubert answer this one, but glad to hear the game's started ok.
  6. Yes, the event is extended over two turns now, so its long term effect will be doubled and take even longer to recover from.
  7. Thanks for the comments regarding the spawning locations. Good news is that the French cavalry deployment has been amended slightly for the forthcoming patch. One thing that could be done for Hindenburg would be to alternate his deployment between Marienburg and Danzig, so that the Russian player will never know for sure where he will be coming. Von Rennenkampf's arrival at Kovno can also be adjusted, maybe to Vilna as it's still close enough to command the units of his army from. As the mobilization schedules were pretty much set in stone before the war, I'd hesitate to make them too unpredictable. But I'm happy to consider changing the locations of any other weak units, e.g. HQs and cavalry, if there are some more examples of these.
  8. It's a fair point and I'll put this on my list of things to think over. It would help to see some examples after the patch is released if anyone does march directly on St Petersburg. While we all know what happened to Russia during the war, I do wonder if a strong invasion by the Germans earlier in the war could have led to different outcomes, such as a stiffening of Russian resistance as what had been a distant war came closer to the cities of Moscow and St Petersburg. Thanks for the explanation and I'll have a think about this too!
  9. Hi Sapare Don't worry, it's not a dead subject and we are currently testing out something which is pretty closely based on your suggestion for a Decision when Ottoman morale falls low. It's certainly a good idea and hopefully it will pretty much fix this issue. Regarding Russia, the last capital is far back so that if invaded they can fall back, possibly even giving up their capitals as they gave up Moscow in 1812. Generally their National Morale will have fallen very low if the Central Powers get that far, so I haven't thought it necessary to include any extra National Morale hits for losing Moscow and St Petersburg. In a way it makes sense, but given that their National Morale will already be low, I wonder if introducing this could remove the opportunity for the Russians to launch a counterattack after either city has fallen? It certainly isn't in the Russians interest to allow their western cities to fall without a fight, which is why I expect their National Morale to be low, and constantly falling, if the Central Powers do drive to the east. I'm afraid that I'm not sure I understand this. Please can you explain further? Thanks Bill
  10. It does, if you have 6-8 units in or adjacent to Warsaw, or 5-6 units in or adjacent to Konigsberg then Soviet mobilization has a 50% chance per turn of increasing, by 5-10% each time. Therefore it's best to hold forces back from the frontier until just before you launch Barbarossa. Otherwise Stalin is alerted and there is a chance that he will actually believe the reports he is receiving (unlike in the spring of 1941 when he ignored every report of an invasion build up). However, don't hold too much back, just keep it below those numbers because if you have no troops near either Warsaw or Konigsberg then that could wake up Stalin's dormant ambitions.
  11. Doubling up the chits will double the rate of increase, but as Wlape3 says, this rate decreases as you go up the tech levels. Consequently once you get up to levels 3-5 it will be a good idea to invest more than 1 chit, whereas at the lower levels you will obtain success fairly quickly with only 1 chit.
  12. Hi I think that silent mode is very useful indeed. Destroyers have a 50% chance of finding the sub in silent mode, but other ships don't have this chance, so silent mode still keeps you hidden most of the time. Also, the "?" that appears due to subs raiding a convoy isn't necessarily a report of the sub's current location. It helps, but it's often a turn out of date by the time you can see and react to it.
  13. It's true that someone could do this to help win current battles, but as it's long term planning and strategy that counts it will show up if they aren't a good player. I have never minded my opponents doing an occasional reload if they made a very silly mistake during their turn, e.g. deployed a new unit adjacent to a resource rather than in it. But taking it too far would be unsporting. One solution if you have some doubts is to play the same person via TCP if possible and see how good they are in that mode.
  14. Hi Mathias Yes, you will need to place the correct flag in the relevant space. The same size flags are used for Global;WWI, in fact any SC2 release, so if you have any other games in the series then you can copy the relevant flag for the country in question. Your message has been received too, thanks!
  15. Hi Amadeus That's one of the things we'll be correcting in 1.05. It was added to the notes but accidentally not added in the game. Bill
  16. Good luck everyone! I had a lot of fun in the tournament and would like to thank my opponents and the Kommandant for organizing it.
  17. It's hard to predict when exactly, but I'm sure there will be one.
  18. Yes, the more ships that are occupying the blockade locations, the more effect it will have on Germany's morale. The blockade in the North Sea is also more effective than the one in the North Atlantic.
  19. Hi Mathias There are four spare slots below the Red and Black which you could use, and the Red and Black can also be renamed to be a proper country, e.g. in the localization.txt file you could change this: #RED= Red #BLACK= Black #VACANT_1= #VACANT_2= #VACANT_3= #VACANT_4= To this for example: #RED= China #BLACK= Brazil #VACANT_1= Argentina #VACANT_2= South Africa #VACANT_3= Belgian Congo #VACANT_4= Ethiopia You will need to change the flags for these country settings too in the Bitmaps and Interface folders for this campaign.
  20. Hi In the main campaigns the HQ ratings of Samsonov and von Rennenkampf are rather low to reflect their lack of co-operation. It would perhaps be hard to program something in for this, though if one were to give the Germans level 1 in Intelligence then it might help, i.e. the chance to spot enemy units that would otherwise be hidden. I recall that the Germans weren't averse to sending some signals in clear either, but with less catastrophic results.
  21. The game balancer for Triple Alliance is that US entrance will happen a lot sooner, because they don't like the balance of power in Europe being so upset. I have played it in PBEM and it's been very close, and certainly if you would like to see more of the US in the game than we tend to get in Call to Arms, then this is a good one to try.
  22. Hi Mike The situation you've described where so many MPPs are eaten up by having said yes to decisions that nothing is left for production or repairs is perfectly feasible, and during that period the country in question will go overdrawn. It is a situation that requires the player to consider every decision carefully, though it might be wise to modify the cost of some decisions if you are finding them too much. Or what triggers them, e.g. if they all happen around the same time then it might be hard to avoid the US having a negative income. Therefore if it's possible to spread their timing then it might work better?
  23. Hi Slazer33 Welcome to the forum and it's great to hear you're enjoying the game. Just to add to the above about Finland, it will split away when Russia's National Morale has fallen below 25%, and the first revolution will also happen at this time. Bill
  24. Hi Mike Here are a few thoughts that hopefully help. It may be that the cooperative settings of both Germany and Italy aren't set to None. This can be checked by going to Campaign -> Edit Country Data and looking just to the right of the HQ image for both Germany and Italy. I think that you will need separate scripts for both the Germans and the Italians, so if you duplicate the script(s) that are working for the Germans, and amend the country id to be Italy's, then they should work fine.
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