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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Thanks for reporting this, and I think this has been fixed in 1.04 as some amendments to the Victory scripts and the Decisions that trigger them were made with that patch. But just to be on the safe side I have double checked the relevant scripts in 1.04 for the situation described in your game, and cannot see any errors in them. Your opponent is being very kind to continue the game, but you have definitely won a Major Victory and the game should have ended. So I guess it might be time to give them a chance for a rematch? Bill
  2. Hi That's fine. I'm giving this some thought because I do appreciate the issue you've raised, but I don't want to promise a change here until I've thought it through fully and considered any potential pitfalls.
  3. Hi This is a difficult one because problem with changing the surrender settings to (say) 25% is that then, countries like Belgium and Serbia could surrender after losing their capitals while still having 2-3 units fighting on inside their borders. Because neither country surrendered in real life, and the Serbs went into exile to continue the war, in my experience there is a strong expectation among many players that these countries shouldn't surrender at all.
  4. Hi Kommandant Have the Central Powers had diplomatic successes? I've taken a look through all the scripts and the only other possible factors to move Bulgaria towards joining the Central Powers are that: Any country surrendering to the Central Powers will lead to a small 3-5% swing. The Entente declaring war on Albania would lead to a 10-20% swing. The Entente declaring war on Greece would lead to a 20-40% swing. Otherwise capturing Belgrade or Nish in Serbia are the only other triggers.
  5. Hi I've been thinking about this further and I think the essential is perhaps not necessarily the terms offered, but whether the threat has been neutralized from the country offering to make peace. I know that the German terms in 1916 weren't considered acceptable by the Entente, and also, because the German army was still strong and unbeaten, it was considered that any peace would only have been temporary. The situation had changed by late 1918 when the German army was collapsing, and the same would apply with the Ottoman Empire when their National Morale falls to nothing. In both these situations, the Germans and Ottomans would no longer be a threat to the Entente, therefore peace could be made so as to free up the armed forces for war with any remaining part of the Central Powers.
  6. Hi Sapare Thanks for the answers and I think I've identified one issue that is explaining some of the variable results. Regarding your second point about territory transfers, in the long run, i.e. after the peace conference, I think you're totally right that the victor would undo any transfers of territory that had penalized their allies. But in the context of the game, this shouldn't matter too much as we are dealing with the events that lead up to the peace conference. In the context of the times, having an opponent sue for peace was normally enough for their wish to be granted, provided they didn't ask for lots of unacceptable terms. Therefore I'm not sure how realistic a decision is for one side to decide whether or not to accept peace when it's offered. Certainly the British and Russian governments would have welcomed an early Ottoman surrender above all, and the National Morale penalty to Germany and Austria-Hungary is a good bonus from this. I have generally liked to keep the war-exits as simple as possible, partly because they are already rather complicated in the scripts and thus keeping them simple reduces the chances of errors, but I will think about this some more. Bill
  7. Hi Sapare If they are invaded and their capital is captured, then they will most likely surrender and whoever has invaded would then take their territory. But if their capital is still theirs and they pull out of the war because their National Morale falls below 1%, then they should go back to neutral as your brother saw. If the capital had fallen and their National Morale was below 1%, then either result could happen because the Ottomans could pass the surrender check that happens every turn after your capital has fallen, and therefore pull out of the war due to their low NM. I hope this makes sense and may explain the varying results?
  8. Hi Mathieu Thanks for the link, that is a useful site. Another one I like is http://www.1914-1918.net/ as it provides not just lots of information on the British army, but also on the war itself and with plenty of maps. Bill
  9. Hi Luke The script you've seen is inactive, but could be activated if anyone fancied playing a game where the USA joins in December 1941, rather than the varied entry date that is the default.
  10. The AI will need some Purchase scripts. I would suggest copying a completed one from another campaign, e.g. Call to Arms, pasting it into the relevant file for your campaign, and then editing it. Have your campaign open while you do this, because the editor will tell you of any problems when you update the script after saving. The second thing you will need will be Offensive scripts. Again, and the same applies to all types of scripts, including Research and Diplomacy, take examples from the other campaigns and amend them for yours.
  11. There is a chance they will fight on for a little while longer, providing they still have some units left. So get killing off their troops, and you will be increasing the chance of their surrender every turn. Shouldn't be long then!
  12. I've just been looking into this further and there may be another, better solution: moving Adana inland. Adana is really 30km inland, so it strikes me as the best solution. Not only is the gamey move resolved, but we are fixing an inaccuracy in the map too!
  13. Hi Mathias The Mobilization level of Germany and Austria-Hungary will be a factor, as until they are both at 100% mobilization they shouldn't be able to leave their borders. This can be checked in the editor in Campaign -> Edit Country Data and then by making sure that the Mobilization % at the top is 100% for both of them, and any other countries you think should be at that level, e.g. France, Russia and Serbia. As to the country numbers, if you open up any script file they will have a list of the default countries, with a number alongside. I've pasted them below. Note that if you've renamed any countries in your campaign's localization.txt file then you will have to take that into account, but otherwise this is the guide, so if Austria-Hungary isn't country number 7 then the anthem won't play. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; COUNTRY ID REFERENCE VALUES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; #UK= 1 ; #FRANCE= 2 ; #ITALY= 3 ; #RUSSIA= 4 ; #USA= 5 ; #GERMANY= 6 ; #AUSTRIA_HUNGARY= 7 ; #OTTOMAN_EMPIRE= 8 ; ; #ALBANIA= 10 ; #ALGERIA= 11 ; #ARABIA= 12 ; #AUSTRIA= 13 ; #BELARUS= 14 ; #BELGIUM= 15 ; #BRITISH_EMPIRE= 16 ; #BULGARIA= 17 ; #CANADA= 18 ; #CRIMEA= 19 ; #CUBA= 20 ; #CZECHOSLOVAKIA= 21 ; #DANZIG= 22 ; #DENMARK= 23 ; #DON_REPUBLIC= 24 ; #EGYPT= 25 ; #ESTONIA= 26 ; #FINLAND= 27 ; #GREECE= 28 ; #HOLLAND= 29 ; #HUNGARY= 30 ; #ICELAND= 31 ; #IRELAND= 32 ; #JAPAN= 33 ; #KAZAN= 34 ; #LATVIA= 35 ; #LITHUANIA= 36 ; #LUXEMBOURG= 37 ; #LIBYA= 38 ; #MESOPOTAMIA= 39 ; #MEXICO= 40 ; #MONTENEGRO= 41 ; #MOROCCO_FR= 42 ; #MOROCCO_SP= 43 ; #NORTHERN_CAUCASUS= 44 ; #NORWAY= 45 ; #PALESTINE= 46 ; #PERSIA= 47 ; #POLAND= 48 ; #PORTUGAL= 49 ; #ROMANIA= 50 ; #SERBIA= 51 ; #SPAIN= 52 ; #SWEDEN= 53 ; #SWITZERLAND= 54 ; #SYRIA= 55 ; #TRANSCAUCASIA= 56 ; #TUNISIA= 57 ; #UKRAINE= 58 ; #YUGOSLAVIA= 59 ; #RED= 60 ; #BLACK= 61 ; #VACANT_1= 62 ; #VACANT_2= 63 ; #VACANT_3= 64 ; #VACANT_4= 65
  14. Hi The script will have a 75% chance to trigger, per turn until it has happened. Providing all the conditions are met (not that there are many with this script). The 107[1] and 107[0] refer to DECISION event 107, with the script with the [1] being triggered if the answer to 107 was yes, and [0] if the answer was no. I hope that makes sense. Bill
  15. I'm not sure that I understand the first problem, can you explain it in a bit more detail please? As to the national anthems, the anthem will be set to country number 7 in the WWI engine, so if Austria-Hungary occupies that slot then I think it should work. Please can you confirm which country number you are using for Austria-Hungary?
  16. Hi Matthias It is possible that clicking on Restore Defaults when in the Edit Unit Build Data might work in fixing this for you, but I would try it out first on a copy of your campaign. In fact, given the work you've done so far, I would strongly recommend making a copy of your campaign just in case.
  17. Good points all round, I'll take a look at your suggestions Kommandant and implement a solution here.
  18. Hi First the HQ must be set to either Manual or Auto-Assist. To do this, right click on the HQ and select Set Mode, then choose either Auto-Assist or Manual. I prefer the former, but in competitive play, the latter is more frequently used. Once this is done, with the HQ selected, right click on the unit you wish to detach, and click on Detach. Attaching units is done in exactly the same way.
  19. Hi Godfather The numbers underneath will denote the upgrades applied to the unit. If you right click on the unit and select properties, on the left hand side you'll be able to see the applied upgrades listed. Bill
  20. All countries represented on the map need a capital, but you can solve this by either: transferring the tiles belonging to Spanish Morocco to another country. Adding a capital to Spanish Morocco.You may find it easiest to temporarily transfer ownership of some tiles to countries that are already correct, and then transfer them later to the correct countries as you realign all the countries in accordance with Europe in 1914. I'm not too sure about the crashing message, but hopefully sorting out the countries may fix that.
  21. Hi Mathias If you open the campaign and go to Campaign -> Edit Country Data -> Unit Build Data -> Advanced Here you'll be able to change the Minimum Production Date to be whatever you want it to be (i.e. sometime in 1914 rather than 1940). While you're doing this, you can set the same thing for Tanks to be 1st January 1916.
  22. Hi Thanks for this, and I have had this reported to me by others as an issue in 1.04. The interesting thing is that nothing material to Ottoman entrance has been changed since probably v1.2, so I am a little puzzled as to why it's become a possibility now. I will work on resolving this. The point of the diplomatic chits has always been to provide some variation in the date of the Ottoman entrance into the war, but not to have it happen at such an early date as to cause massive problems to the Entente. I'm on the case, and may just have to work in an alternative method of providing some variation. It's probably the simplest solution. Bill
  23. Both units would have to still be in their country to prevent a surrender, because units that have left the country are no longer defending it so will no longer count.
  24. Are these production dates from units imported from the WWII campaign? If so, remove all those units from the production queue. Once you've got all the countries sorted out and in the right place, then I would suggest to start adding units once you've decided on the scale (Armies and Corps I presume?).
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