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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. It looks as though the Allies have set a little trap for what remains of the Italian fleet in the Med, as there is a South African Transport just north of Tobruk. Obviously I have to see what can be done about it, so my Romanian fighters in Albania sortie, swiftly followed by the Italian air force in North Africa, and then my bombers based at Naples. I have a feeling that it took some serious punishment, but I am not going to risk Italy's remaining navy just to sink it. Spring is a good time of year to declare war on our neighbours, so let's celebrate it by conquering Yugoslavia! Next stop Greece? All is fairly quiet in the Far East as we continue preparing for the war to come.
  2. I'm not sure, could you paste the relevant script here so I can take a look?
  3. It's February 1941 and the weather in Europe isn't good, but we may well be launching some offensive operations in the spring to deal with threats to our flank and also boost our income prior to the big one when our Panzers will drive into Russia. The Kriegsmarine thought that it might be wise to make itself scarce in the Atlantic given that we were rather surprised to lose a Cruiser in the Allied turn. Plus we have some naval units returning to France from an extended patrol and they need resupplying before they'll be any use in combat. Our Italians have taken SeaMonkey's advice and are digging in around Tobruk. The Luftwaffe is moving into Italy in more strength now, but annoyingly the Royal Navy are now keeping their Cruisers just out of range. More tech advances this turn, perhaps the most surprising being that Italy has just developed Infantry Weapons level 2. Whether their army in Africa will get a chance to even upgrade with them, let alone use them, waits to be seen! The Japanese army has taken up a more secure position in China, hoping to avoid a repeat of its recent mistakes. The officer responsible has fallen on his sword.
  4. The Luftwaffe has entered Italy, and has a lot of fun on its first mission when it bombs the Australian cruiser Sydney down to strength 2. Alas, having only one Stuka unit at the moment means that little more can be done to relieve the blockade of the Italian coastline this turn, but our endeavours will continue. Better still, the Kriegsmarine wins a really surprising victory in the Atlantic, north west of El Ferrol, as we run into a British Cruiser which is, or rather was, escorting transports that were carrying Leclerc's Free French Army. I was only moving a submarine out to attack the UK's convoy routes when I discovered, and sank, this charming prize! The cruiser ended the turn at half strength, and will be lucky to reach port at all. In China we lost an army near Changsha. That will teach me to be impetuous and underestimate the strength of resistance here. A new approach will be needed here in the east if we are to be able to face the might of the USA when we can't even take on Chiang Kai-shek! The turn ended with three tech increases, one for Germany and two for Japan. We'll need quite a few more in the coming year, but it is a morale booster at what is a rather worrying time for our side!
  5. Hi Mathias Tile 35,34 will need to belong to the country that is surrendering for it to work. I don't think that adding the island of rĂ¼gen should affect the Polish/USSR script, but after making any changes to the map the scripts always ask to be checked before saving the campaign, and this will be necessary. If you run the check it should give a message like the one you've seen for the surrender 1 script that you've seen.
  6. Yes, they should still be able to do other things because the check should be made at the end of your opponent's turn, i.e. what you did in your turn with them is no longer relevant, and the engine is just looking for a Bomber set to Raider mode within range of a convoy.
  7. Hi Point i) is correct, but their role as a convoy raider is passive, i.e. all you need to do is to right click on the Bomber and select Select Convoy Mode, and set it to Raider. This doesn't end their turn, but a bit like U-Boats, at the end of your opponent's turn the engine will check for whether the Bomber is in range, and also whether your opponent has any Fighters in range that could intercept. If they have, then the raiding doesn't take place. If they haven't, then their convoy will lose a few points. This will be logged at the end of your opponent's turn. Finally, they can't accumulate experience in this way because there is no risk to them of suffering any losses. Bill
  8. And I third them! My advance there to the south west of Changsha was a mistake, as my supply levels are very low there. Elsewhere though, things are brighter as a British army near Tobruk is brought down to half strength, Algeria swings towards joining the Axis, and Japan develops some extra long range aircraft. More to follow, but it's now December 1940 so not really the best time for launching new offensives.
  9. I think that the only real way at the moment would be to use different unit slots, but as the Tank unit is the only one with a target type of Tank this could require a bit of thought (i.e. manipulation of the stats).
  10. Partly for balance reasons, but also due to the scale so that only the special rocket artillery fielded by Germany and the USSR are in the game. Without seeing the script it's hard to tell, but when you try to update the surrender #1 script, there should be a message giving you some information on the problem?
  11. Thanks for the campaign, and I've replied with a solution to this. I will mention it to Hubert for a proper fix in due course.
  12. There are so many changes and improvements made that it wasn't really possible, e.g. converting the GC campaigns to work in the Gold engine required changing all the country slots and unit types, the extra Majors, not to mention the interface redesign and everything that entailed.
  13. Japan is busy licking its wounds in China as quite a few units were getting a bit low on strength. We're also busily purchasing some devilish weapons of war! Germany celebrates as Norway surrenders, and our U-Boat commanders are recalled to port to upgrade their subs. Very little fighting this turn, but the Royal Navy that is hanging around the Italian coast like a bad smell may well regret it if it doesn't sail away soon.
  14. The Luftwaffe found it easier to throw away damaged planes at the end and just give the pilot a new one. Petrol and pilots were more of an issue. I guess that in a normal state of affairs as a new aircraft is introduced, the previous front line fighter is given to less important units (i.e. sent to lesser theaters of operations) and/or it becomes a training aircraft.
  15. Even though the Royal Navy currently has supremacy in the Mediterranean, the Italian air force is not beaten and I've just enjoyed bombing the Malaya Battleship down to strength 2. That'll teach it not to harass our troops to the east of Tobruk! Germany turns its attention to the north by invading and conquering Norway with a Stuka attack followed by a para drop. Meanwhile, taking advantage of the Royal Navy's strong presence in the Med, the Kriegsmarine sends out the Bismarck to sink a British Destroyer that had been patrolling the Belgian coast. A Luftwaffe Renaissance patrol spots a British Battleship in Harwich, but we'll take our chance that it won't sally out to give battle. In the Far East, there are a few air battles over China as we test enemy strength there. Some more significant moves might have to wait until our troops have been reinforced and some tech upgrades implemented. Stay tuned! The turn ends with Hungary joining the Axis, hot on the heels of the Romanians who joined last turn.
  16. Hi everyone! Marc is on holiday for a little while now, so he's asked me to take over running the Axis side for him until he's back. This looks a bit of a responsibility given the situation in the Med where the Italian navy is feeling a bit sorry for itself, but I'll do my best and hopefully be able to knock a few spots off the Allies in the meantime. Turn update to follow shortly...
  17. I'll be happy to take a look if you want to email the campaign over to me. I have a few ideas of things to try, but if not then after the Christmas break hopefully Hubert will have an idea.
  18. Any campaigns you have edited will not be removed by installing a patch UNLESS the modified campaign has exactly the same name as an official campaign. So, for example, if you've modified 1939 World at War and called it 1939 World at War Mod, then this campaign will not be lost, and will still be available for you to start new games with.
  19. Hi Cantona Importing unit data from previous games isn't likely to work due to the new unit types that have been added since, so I wonder if this could be the cause of the problem? I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to remove all units, especially including any in the Production Queue, and adding them back in manually. Perhaps try out just one country to start with, to see if it fixes the issue for that country, before doing it for all. Bill
  20. Hi Cantona The best thing to do before starting is to create a folder ready for the data to go into. Then when you are doing the export, it will ask you where to save the data and all you'll need to do is to click on the relevant folder. After having selected all, just click ok and it should work. The export map positions is different, and this is a way to export coordinates from the map. If you select a number of land tiles, using the Land Tiles selector, then click on export map positions, it will save a text file for you. This is just to make script writing easier. I hope this helps. Bill
  21. My thoughts exactly! We've implemented a lot of suggestions based on this thread, and the quality of the feedback has been, like in the Call to Arms balance thread, extremely useful. Thank you!
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