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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. I thought I smelled something, hey, what is that on my shoe? oh never mind, just some shiite. oh, that just gets better every time I tell it.
  2. Boo Radley, you hydroencephalic miscreant, who let you out of your cage? Get back in there, go on, GIT!!!! I do like how your analogy turned immediately to musicals. Very ...... flamboyant of you I must say. Seanachai I thought we agreed that if you are to be allowed a pet, you had to feed it, wash it, neuter it, and keep track of it. We don't want to have to take away your Boo, but you simply have to be more responsible.
  3. well, in all deference to Nidan's time in the Marines, or was it prison? ahh well, what is the difference really? Anyway, a shiv is the noun, shank is the verb. ie you shank someone with a shiv.
  4. I believe the current term is "shiv", shank is so...., Alcatraz.
  5. Rune, long time no hear. Happy Birthday, I was going to send you some Depends, but you never gave me the address of your new retirement home. Nothing but the best for the leader of our illustrious house after all. It is nice to see a post by you again, I was starting to wonder if you had joined the CIA or something, then I remembered that you are buried deep in the dirty tricks department of BFC lately. Anyway, keep the evilness coming. And as for football, we will have to get em next year I guess.
  6. tail limp? did Mace, Stuka, and Speedy wear you out little guy?
  7. Well I haven't you effete British fop, now get back to killing off your troops in front of my trenches to no good effect, and letting me infiltrate my submachinegunners into your flanks with no difficulty whatsoever, as if you had invited them over for fish and chips. You sir, and I use that term loosely, are a true heir of Montgomery.
  8. Lars, congratulations, may you enjoy many happy years with your new bride.
  9. Will the Syrian forces have significantly more difficulty in utilizing the flexibility of the OOB and Chain of Command switching? I think that would be a good way of reflecting the qualitative differences in the forces. Regarding call for fire, in the US Army, it should be able to be done by team leaders and above, in certain force structures, such as Cavalry formations, anyone with a radio should be able to call it in. In my humble opinion that is. Will the chain of command flexibility allow replacement of command elements destroyed in combat? For example, if the company commander is killed, the senior platoon leader or the XO would take over after a certain delay, longer or shorter depending on the quality and training of the unit. Therefore, if the senior platoon leader took over, he would command the company, leaving direction of his platoon to the platoon sergeant, or alternatively retaining command of the platoon, but serving in both roles at a lowered efficiency. The US Army spends considerable effort trying to prepare its leaders for just such eventualities. One part of each OpOrder is the chain of command where they explain to the leaders and the troops just who takes over as leaders are incapacitated. In answer to Drusus' question, in US Army doctrine, each element has a "priority of fire". For example, lets say 3 platoons of a Cavalry Troop are conducting a Zone Reconnaissance and the 2nd platoon is given priority of fires from the mortar platoon. If 3rd platoon calls for fire, it can, unless the 2nd platoon is using the mortars at that time. If 3rd platoon is calling in a fire mission, and 2nd platoon suddenly needs the fire, 3rd platoons fire mission is put on hold until 2nd platoons mission is complete. Of course, this can be changed in the middle of the mission based on the commanders decisions, such as if the 3rd platoon comes across an artillery park, and 2nd platoon is just shooting the mortars at a woodline with suspected enemy dismounts. Just my 5 cents worth
  10. Nidan expect a large attachment in my next email, which also contains the turn which has been languishing in my hard drive because, well, because I forgot to send it.
  11. Speaking of evil, well, lets see, Seanachai could one day find employment as a teacher, that does have its up sides But you know, it could turn out badly when you consider who would be teaching.... Maybe he should stay with his current employment prospect of auditioning candidates for Evil Genius positions around the world?
  12. Can't I acknowledge the power of beer? Hey NVA Boyscout, you getting the USAF to pick me up on the way through to back home? </font>
  13. Seanachai, once I get back and get settled in, I would enjoy having all the local Pengers over for a bbq, well, then again, I do live in my jurisdiction, and I would prefer not to have my colleagues called over for a drunken gnome running down the street with Dalem over his shoulder, looking for the nearest toadstool under which to consumate his strange mating rituals... But what the hell, who really cares what the neighbors think? by the way, what game were you playing? [ January 25, 2006, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  14. You realize that a nude picture of Seanachai could cut the war in Iraq short don't you? I can envision it now, like I can envision those cheerleaders playing with a large vat of Crisco oil and some latex accessories. A large poster of the cherubically grinning little guy, his manhood on display for all to see like a wee mushroom growing out of a patch of steel wool, cheeks all aglow with the flush of victory. Standing with stubby little legs proudly spread, One little fist in the air, pumping in victory, the other planted saucily on one slung forward hip. This image borne before our forces would stun the Mohammedans into a disbelieving, disorganized muddle of reeling paralytics. They would be totally unable to organize any defense, we could clear out nests of insurgents, run convoys wherever we wanted, build the Jeb Bush Memorial Evangelical Childrens Hospital in the middle of Tal Afar with no opposition, whatever we wanted, it would be incredible. What a wasted opportunity for the western world. I blame the Australians.
  15. we are starting to see XM1117's in convoy escort roles now, supplementing, but not supplanting the M1114's we ride in now. The M1114's are having some problems that the XM1117's, designed for the heavier weapon systems from the get go, should be able to avoid.
  16. I am the opponent, and the panther had not backed up, it was seen through the factory, I was kind of upset, but I just figured it was one of those big open bay factories and they saw me through the windows or something. A couple of turns later though, I had another panther, veteran, ko'ed by two turret ricochets. That upset me considerably more. I am getting my ass stomped in this one, but that is alright, it is good for the soul or somefink....
  17. yep....... sigh....... I have a new box of Club Crackers all ready for some good Aussie Vegemite loving spread over them, just waiting on the Aussie.................
  18. Got the package. It's beautiful. *sniffle* Thanks. Our post office is trying to track the package I sent you. Incompetent boobs that they are... But I'm preparing a new one anyway. Should be getting it out next week. </font>
  19. Got the package. It's beautiful. *sniffle* Thanks. Our post office is trying to track the package I sent you. Incompetent boobs that they are... But I'm preparing a new one anyway. Should be getting it out next week. </font>
  20. Got the package. It's beautiful. *sniffle* Thanks. Our post office is trying to track the package I sent you. Incompetent boobs that they are... But I'm preparing a new one anyway. Should be getting it out next week. </font>
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