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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. who says that todays pop culture and music are derivative, talentless, and basically a dogs breakfast? oh that is right, I do.
  2. Well, you know those Euro's, almost as bad as Minnesoteannes..... Seanachai I miss you son, come on out and go on one of your cute little rants, spraying spittle at everyone's knee level. You know we love it when you get all Michael Moore on us. (did you change your email?) Who keeps letting in the Ozzies? I thought we boarded up the doggy door and got rid of the sheep to keep them out!!! [ January 20, 2006, 05:48 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  3. Of course, every once in a while we get a visitor, like this one in our mess hall, and those make both Stuka and the camel pale in comparison.
  4. hey, after a few months over here looking at this then this ain't half bad. I mean really, right now Stuka sounds pretty good, and we already have a date!!! [ January 20, 2006, 05:22 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  5. Well, here I am, back from another mission, still alive and kicking, and I see that all the reprobates are posting. SeanachaiThank goodness you seem to be over your melan... melanch.... sad state. It looks like we will be back in the US by August of this year, so we shall have to plan your visit to the blessed land of Wisconsin. Did you get the Email I sent you a couple of weeks ago? Lady Sedai make sure you use the cat o' nine tails on the degenerate, he will love it I am sure. Did you get that scarf yet? 37mm, I see that your sausage eaters are in disarray before my defensive positions. Hopefully your 12 or more Stug's will be able to rectify the situation for you. I realize the concept was a "gamey" scenario, but really, isn't that a bit much? Well, whatever it takes I guess. Nidan,you are totally right, war sucks. Being here in my mid-30's isn't how I envisioned it as a lad, while reading Sgt. Rock comic books and playing with plastic Army men, but I did sign the dotted line, and as your sig line states, duty is heavy as a mountain. She is a jealous mistress and brooks no faithlessness. Luckily my year in hell is almost half over. Lady Bugged, be careful where you tread, you might get something on your shoe, but then again you do know Grog Dorosh, so you probably already have something nasty on your shoe.... Sorry you lot, I am not feeling very witty, I shall try to post again later, meanwhile, keep working on that coloring book Boo, I see that you are almost keeping in the lines now, good job.
  6. Still looking for an opponent? If so drop me a line, my email addy is in the profile.
  7. Seanachai the family is doing well, new baby is due in March, and I should be home on leave for that. The kids miss me, and I miss them, but that is the price you pay I guess. Anna, the baby you met, is talking now, I got to say hi to her on the webcam last night, so that is great. Hard to believe how big she is getting, but Lisa says she still recognizes me when she sees pictures of me, so that is good. Eric and Emilie, the older two, are doing well as well, but the separation is hard for them. Luckily, they are old enough to understand that I am gone because I have to be, and that I haven't abandoned them. I am being very careful over here, I have too much to go home to be trying to be all heroic and ****e. Plus, I would hate to get any of my guys hurt. Luckily, the 3 IED's my convoys have been hit with haven't hurt anyone, and the time we had an insurgent stick his AK over a berm and empty a magazine at us from about 100m away, he missed to. I just hope they don't start having marksmanship classes till I leave. Thanks for solstice rabbit. We will have to invite you to Beltane 2007, we always have a great time. Yule '06 should be a good time as well. Hey, a whole post with no insults, can't have that. Mace, you sir, are an Australian. there, that is better. [ January 10, 2006, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  8. Yes Seanachai, we are bestest buds now. Damn it, that was supposed to be a secret, just between us. But you shall not put me in a bad mood, nay, you shant, I actually have an entire day with nothing to do except get my truck out of maintenance, so I shall lounge around, suckle off the taxpayer tit, and wave my hand lazily at the local Arabs they pay to come in and pick up garbage, clean latrines, wash dishes, etc at our base. ha ha, take that!!! Stuka, still no word on whether or when I will be able to meet you in Doha, but I will let you know as soon as possible. Seems that all the old timers are coming around, welcome back to the party Shandorf, you should have something in your In-Box from me. That is all [ January 10, 2006, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  9. your damn right we would be, but then Seanachai, brimming with the milk of human kindness as we know he is, would sell his last bottle of Creme de Menthe, just to help us out with the exorbi.. exxorb.... very high price of psychiatric help these days. I think we all need to take a moment out of our busy days and just ponder on what a paragon of decency and uprightness Seanachai is. We should take him to the schools and use him as a shining example to the future generations (of Australia of course, enough is enough after all) of what it truly means to be a citizen of the world. I think it was Seanachai that said, after a conference on world hunger he attended with Bono, "To imagine is everything, to know is nothing at all. ", and that is after all, Seanachai's total philosophy isn't it? I just feel honored to have met the man actually, and you should see him put away the Tex-Mex, like a .... well, there was really no way to describe it, I just judged it best to keep my hands away from his mouth.
  10. By all the gods, don't get Seanachai going, she will start swinging her handbag, just as Lars said, then she will topple over on her stiletto heels, put a run in her stockings, and then where will we be? Just let her sit in the corner of the bar, pounding her Old Fashioneds as she mourns her lost youth, with the mascara running down her cheeks, hoping against hope for a young virile sailor, or maybe an Oddstraylian to take pity on her and give her a tumble. Founder of the "Hoose of Pawbroon, isn't that kind of like the guy that built your outhouse?
  11. So, when Seanachai passes into the great beyond, can we put a memorial above his tiny little grave that says "Seanachai and Mother Theresa, together in heaven"? I remember the time Seanachai sold his last case of scotch to have money to buy the orphans presents during Xmas. I remember him volunteering to ring the Salvation Army bell during the blizzard of '97, just so that the homeless men could stay warm in the shelter. That Seanachai,he is truly a saint... I think I shall commission a velvet painting of dogs, all with Seanachai's head, sitting around playing poker, and then donating the winnings to PETA.
  12. alright you lot, I finally got back from that mission. Let me tell you, IED detonations sure do have a way of putting your life into perspective. Boo, stop fantasizing about Stikky's lips. Lady Sedai, as always, your presence is a breath of fresh, flower scented, air in this reeking pit of bowel gasses. Seanachai, what are you doing in the pub again? Did they finally get the booster chairs you kept railing on about? Mace, I am glad to see that the Oddstraylian contigent is still ably represented, well as ably as the Oddstraylians are able to do anything.... Who let Stoat in? Why hasn't someone shooed him into the proper line to sign up for the Special Olympics? Why hasn't 37mm taken him to serf yet? We all know how lonely 37mm gets , he needs something to love and hold and pet and call George. That is all
  13. I blame you lot for a two day mission to An Diwaniyah ending up taking 9 days and involving a run to freaking Mosul. Do you realize that I saw ice forming on a pond in I freaking Raq? Do you realize that I smell like an old sweat sock, or worse, like Abbot!!! I am going to bed now, and I don't even have the comfort that a genetically deficient Minnesoteannie like Seanachai does of being drunk before crashing with a sigh into his pile of old news papers that line his very own card board box in the alley behind the local gin mill. However 6 hours of sleep in the last 48 will soothe me to sleep like Dalem snuggling into a nice warm pan of Lutefisk. ok, if I was more awake, that might be more funny. Good night all.
  14. OGSF, I said someone, not OGSF, you shouldn't assume anytime alcohol is to be imbibed that you need to pull out your funnel and pump it down your gob. Maybe you should go to meetings, you know, the first step in fixing your problem is admitting that you have one. thanks for the well wishes, you big softy you. I go to Qatar for R&R in February.
  15. If someone could drink a nice Jim Beam with Lime Coke for me, I would greatly appreciate it! The holidays shouldn't be too bad, it looks like we are going to skate through till the 26th with no missions, and the mess hall has a pretty good line up. prime pib, turkey with all the fixings, even "sparkling wine, red and white, non-alcoholic". So I will be dining mightily on your tax dollar. I will lift a glass of "sparkling wine, non-alcoholic" to you lot of tossers, here's to you. [ December 24, 2005, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  16. Can I be blamed if you so willingly lined up? Humbug!!! I won't let you spoil my happy Christmas mood. Keep your head down Scout, Merry Christmas. </font>
  17. Stuka go put on your little sailor boy costume and dance for Joe Shaw he is from Utah and fond of tradition, it will entertain him.
  18. speaking of tradition, I saw a sig somewhere with a cool quote from Churchill. Something along the lines of "Don't talk to me of naval tradition, it is nothing but Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash" for some reason, Stuka brought that to mind.
  19. Nidan's whole problem is that he likes to gamily hide in buildings and copses of trees and slaughter my innocent pixeltruppen out for a harmless picnic, that is his problem.
  20. You have a leash fetish or something old fellah? I thought that was a disease of the Pom's, not red blooded Koala molesting Aussies. I think that photo came from the Australian Heritage days in Melbourne, something about the traditions brought over on the deportation ships or sumfink.
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