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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Make sure and turn off any virus checker as well before running the install. I seem to recall that McAfee specifically used to error out about that exact point during the install. If all else fails, contact sales@battlefront.com and they should be able to help you to get a replacement CD. Madmatt
  2. Which links page are you referring to specifically? Madmatt
  3. CM: Afrika Korps has been licensed by the Australian Government, Department of Defence to aid Officers in historical education! The Australian Defence Simulation Office has now formally placed a purchase order to obtain a special version of CM:AK to be able to simulate and re-play historical tactical engagements in Greece, Crete and North Africa from 1940-1943. This version will be available for issue to all members of the Australian Department of Defence (contact ADSO-Joint 1) and will include a multimedia presentation on the Battle for Crete. Besides a number of changes to mainly the Australian Order of Battles (ORBAT), Greece will be added as a playable theater. Projected delivery of the final milestone for this special Australian DoD version is June. The Australian DoD version will not be available commercially. The commercial version of CM:AK can be purchased directly from www.battlefront.com, and is not available in stores (except in parts of Europe and in Japan). Madmatt
  4. I am sorry but we don't not offer any type of phone based ordering. You can email me directly at matt@battlefront.com though and perhaps we can arrange something for you though. Madmatt
  5. I would try and upgrade to the latest ATI drivers that are out now. Also try and turn off (by setting it to your Application Prefernce) the option for Anti-Aliasing, that should fix any issue you might see with the onscreen text. I have a 9800XT and with the latest drivers I have not encountered any texture corruption like that. Madmatt
  6. There has been a dedicated SC chat room running on my CMHQ Chat system for well over a year but no one seems to ever use it. Here are the details... To access the SC room, just type /join Strategic_Command once you login to the lobby... You can reach the Java based Chat with your web browser by clicking on this link http://www.combatmission.com:8000 (Click the Load Chat Client Button) or connect to our dedicated IRC channel by setting your IRC program to the server: www.combatmission.com port: 7000 and once connected join #lobby. Thats all there is to it and you can be connected with gamers from all across the world instantly! Madmatt
  7. Actually, I recently deactivated my old combatmission email so if you see something with that name on it, just delete it outright. I will only be sending stuff from my battlefront.com account. Madmatt
  8. Yeah, unfortuantely, Charles has not had an oppertunity to check this new hotfix himself so thats why I said it "apparently" fixes the remaining issues. Perhaps always showing the smoke and fog in the fast&compatible mode is their (ATI's) definition of a fix? In the end though, we were most concerned with the color problem and at least that still seems to be fixed. Madmatt [ April 16, 2004, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  9. The upcoming computer games, Down in Flames and Modern Naval Battles are both based on very popular and successful table top games published by Dan Verssen Games. They are not however games in the same vein as Combat Mission as they use a totally different style of gameplay, one which uses "action and reaction cards" to carry out certain activities, attacks and manouvers. While the CM series is more of a realistic combat simulation, these offerings are meant more as "games" in that they can be picked up easily but will offer lots of enjoyment and replayability while still rewarding those with a good sense of strategy and tactics. I guess the best comparison would be in looking at how different of a game system Strategic Command was over CM. Both of them are fun but certainly different types of games that approach their respective topics in different ways. The same applies to these new titles. I would strongly urge people to look over Dan's current website (www.dvg.com) to get a better understanding of the types of games his company has done in the past, and then of course add a little imagination and think of what he and Battlefront.com together will come up with. Madmatt
  10. Actually, this is not a flight sim like IL2 or Microsofts offerings. It is based on a very famous tabletop game system and is more or less turn based. Hopefully Dan Verssen will be around shortly to enlighten everyone on just exactly how DiF will play out on the computer. Madmatt
  11. What specifically are you guys talking about? The speed of the forum? Speed of the website? Speed of downloads from our public FTP server or something else all together? Matt
  12. As many of you know, for some time we have been working with ATI on a new driver extension to fix some lingering Mac issues. The beta driver did fix the psychodelic colors but there were still some issues with smoke and fog. Well today our ATI contact sent us a message to say that they just released a hotfix which apparently fixes all the remaining issues. The hotfix can be found here: http://www.ati.com/support/infobase/4380.html I have also updated the entry in the troubleshooting guide which I have copied below. Problem: I have a Mac with a Radeon video card installed (8500, Mobility 9000, 9000 Pro) and I am getting what looks like psychedelic graphics displayed when playing the game. Cause/Solution: ATI has just released a Hotfix software update that resolves this issue. The file can be found here: So, if you have a Mac and one of those Radeon cards (or if you were using the beta driver that I offered to people) I would suggest you check out this new hotfix. Madmatt [ April 15, 2004, 05:11 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  13. No, the save games are not compatible with one another between full version and demo. Madmatt
  14. Currently in development (scheduled for a Q4, 2004 release), the new grand strategy masterpiece from award winning game designer Hubert Cater! Combining the ease of play and accessibility of the original Strategic Command, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg adds tons of new features including many player submitted suggestions. Bigger, better and expandable, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is an evolutionary as well as revolutionary new grand strategy game. Click Here glimpse of what's in store for you in Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg! Madmatt
  15. Greetings everyone! We are sure you are going to have lots of questions, comments and opinions about the upcoming Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg game and this is the forum to do so. Hubert and others will try as best they can, when they have the time, to keep everybody up to date on this awesome new title. Madmatt
  16. Reopening this thread in order to track issues for a future CMAK 1.02 patch. Madmatt
  17. I'll bring this to the attention of Charles. Thanks for reporting it! Madmatt
  18. Can you by chance replicate this issue reliably? If you can, please email support@battlefront.com with the files, passwords (from both players) and anything else you can think of so I can check it out on my end. Madmatt
  19. Larsen, Maybe if you would click that big SUPPORT link at the top of the page you might see a link to a direct email address for support, aptly named support@battlefront.com. However, we do indeed read the forums but we can not always respond personally to every thread and question. That doesn't mean we aren't listening, it just means we are busy. As to bug reports with regards to the CM games, due to the fact that Charles is the sole programmer we can not and do not post updates on what issues he may be working on or plan to address until he see's fit to do so. Charles is a programmer first and foremost though and that means that he rarely takes the time out to post such updates, to you guys or even to us internally. Is that the optimum procedure, certainly not, but thats how it is. I can't stress enough that we are working on a number of things directly related to the Combat Mission franchise and that includes CMAK. Redwolf, I grow real tired of your continual pokes at us and our support of the game. You can be as skeptical all you want but it changes nothing. The simple truth is that Charles has rarely ever posted to the forums and Steve, due to a numner of issues no longer has the time to do so like he once did. All we can say is that we are listening to the issues put forth. However, for those of you that feel the need for constant updates from us on what is going on behind the scenes, well you are going to be disapointed as that is simply not possible at this time. With CMBO and CMBB things were much simplier as they were basically our only supported games at the time. Our product line and responsibilities and tasks have grown a great deal since then and will do so even more in the future and one byproduct of that is that there is simply not as much time to participate in the forums like we once did. The fact that we are still called upon to "babysit" several forum members time and time again doesn't make this any better. Anyway, back on topic. If you have what you feel is a bug and the files to support your claim, you need to do the same thing that we have said since CMBO was released. Document it in email, attach the files and passwords for both players (as applicable) and send it to the support address. That ensures that I see it and once I confirm the problem for myself ingame I pass it ahead to Charles for review. That system is the same as it always has been and most people seem to understand that and use it. If you didn't realize thats how things should be done, well now you do. Thanks for your time. Madmatt
  20. I recall extreme slowness in scrolling the map with *some* of the post 30.82 drivers, but not all of them. In fact, I thought everything after 43.xx was okay, or at least was on my Nvidia card. One thing to try is to lower the anistropic and mipmap levels. See if that makes any difference. I seem to recall that the bug in those drivers that caused the extreme slowdowns was related to those settings. Madmatt
  21. Just an update to inform everyone that the books are now in stock and shipping! Madmatt
  22. The beta versions of these drivers apparently fixed the FSAA bug that has been in since after the 30.87's came out. I am interested to hear from anyone that can confirm that this was finally (once more) fixed in these official drivers as well. To test, make sure you have anti-aliasing enabled and launch the game. In earlier drivers (after 30.87) you would have to alt-tab out and back into the the game in order to get the text to appear. Madmatt
  23. I just checked with the 4.3's and the text is still whited out unless the text fix is applied. To test, download the text fix file again. In the file there are both the original BMP's and the fixed ones. Put the original ones back in your BMP folder and launch a game and look at the text once in a battle. On my 9800XT the test is still whited out unless I use the fix. Madmatt
  24. Your using the wrong CD! Remember, CMAK from CDV ships on two CD's, thats disc two that you have currently in the drive. Madmatt
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