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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Just a reminder to be sure and read through the comprehensive troubleshooting guides for all three CM games before posting your problem. I have tried to include every issue ever reported in the last 4 years for the most common and not so common issues. Here are links to each guide: Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord Troubleshooting Guide Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin Troubleshooting Guide Combat Mission: Afrika Korps Troubleshooting Guide The guides for CMBO and CMBB now also include specific info for the retail Special Edition versions. Madmatt
  2. It's out now! CDV customer will want to go ahead and download the patch FROM US as if CDV decides to eventually post the patch we can not guarantee their copy protection will not once more make TCP crash, but it WILL work fine with our patch as we made sure the patch will run on CDV's versions of the game. http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmak/cmak_download.html Madmatt
  3. In the just posted v1.01 patch Charles has increased slightly the lethality of Bazookas as he found some new info on their penetration ability and all that techno-geek stuff. Madmatt
  4. This might interest you guys... http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=30;t=001355 Madmatt
  5. Wow, in the old days it would only take 1.8 seconds from the time I uploaded a patch to the time someone posted that they found it. Times, they are a changing. Anyway, as the subject says, THE PATCH IS READY!!! Now, this is VERY VERY IMPORTANT, unlike all past patches, this version WILL WORK WITH THE CDV VERSION! In fact, due to some unresolvable issues with CDV's copy protection we STRONGLY urge CDV customers to download the patch from us directly or from any of the mirrors listed on our download page. Be sure and read the directions on the CDV version download page though as the patch needs to be installed a little differently due to changes in the CDV versions directory structure. We can only confirm that the TCP bug that occured is fixed in OUR patch. If CDV eventually releases the patch, that problem may still occur so we say again, if you have the CDV version of CMAK DOWNLOAD THE PATCH FROM HERE OR FROM ON ONE OF THE LISTED MIRRORS ON OUR DOWNLOAD PAGE! Here is a link to the Download page: http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmak/cmak_download.html Readme follows: Combat Mission: Afrika Korps v1.01 Patch Readme... VERSION COMPATIBILITY NOTE Games saved in v1.01 can't be loaded in by the older version. If you are playing others by email or TCP/IP, make sure you all upgrade to v1.01. TRANSFERING PBEM FILES FROM VERSION 1.0 TO 1.01: 1.) In CMAK version 1.0, load the PBEM file. In an orders phase, save the pbem file as a saved game by clicking on the little SAVE button on the command bar at the bottom of the screen. 2.) Repeat Step 1 for all pbem files you wish to convert. 3.) Install the 1.01 patch. 4.) Open CMAK Version 1.01. 5.) Open the saved game file from step 1. 6.) Choose Email as the startup option for the saved game. 7.) Place your orders as you normally would in a PBEM, and press "GO". Congratulations! You have now converted your pbem file. Repeat as necessary for any other files you need to convert.. Patch Version History v1.01 Fixes/Changes * German Airborne won't get conscripts in a QB set to medium quality troops. * Corrections made to US Airborne TO&E. * Fixed a crash problem in TCP/IP games experienced by the CDV version. * Dust clouds appear when mines explode. * The small arms types and numbers will not be shown when clicking on an enemy 'last known location' marker, even if the unit was previously "fully spotted". * Firing panzerfausts from within a building does not suppress the firer. * Italian L3/AA does not button up when under air attack. * PzIIIF (37mm) not available for QB purchase in North Africa (though still available in editor). * US M3A1 halftrack available November 1943, and mechanized TO&Es no longer try to use it before this date. * Updated rarity/availability data for British M5 halftrack. * Canadians stop using Churchill tank after August 1943. * British 37mm AT gun available earlier, and 2pdr AT gun is rarer in 1940. * British airborne has access to 75mm artillery. * Platoon size of British Cruiser and Churchill support tanks is two. * Platoon size of Mk. VIB is three. * New Zealanders do not use the Valentine tank. * German Tiger tank and 75mm AT gun first available in North Africa in November 1942. * Of the Pz IIIJ variants, only the long-barrel model with spaced armor is available in Africa, starting May 1942. * German long-barrelled 75mm PzIV tanks not available in North Africa until June 1942. * Italian M14/41 has 145hp engine. * Italian C.202 Folgore aircraft first available September 1941. * Italian Fiat CR.42 carries two 220-pound bombs, not one 550-pound bomb. * Italian Semoventi begin use of 75mm HEAT ammo in September 1942. * Grant tank slightly more common in May/June 1942. * French troops have rifle grenades in Italy. * French version: Operation parameter screen in editor allows '-' button for nr. of flags. * French version: Exit zone graphics are not swapped. * 88mm flak gun model does not rotate its base when the gun rotates. * German forces first available in North Africa in March 1941. * Reloading a saved game maintains the 'portrait' graphic of bailed tank crews. * Bazooka and Panzerschreck teams take suppression when firing from within a building. * Corrected an ammo loadout problem on the StuG IV. * Increased lethality of HEAT rounds (e.g. Bazooka). * Force Mix types are displayed in the briefing of a two-player Quick Battle. * The sight of captured units does not cancel a Move to Contact. * When ordered to button up, a vehicle crew will remain buttoned for at least a full 60 seconds. * Australian/New Zealander names that start with "O'" are displayed properly. * Corrected a bug that could inflate an individual unit's "kill count" of mortars and guns. * Crewed guns move across river fords at a slower speed. * Corrected a problem with building graphics when using the "All Combined" region type. * The British 3-inch mortar and 4.5-inch artillery spotters without radios are properly named. * New Zealand may use the 2pdr Portee vehicle and Mk VIB light tank. * Stuart Recce won't fire its bow MG when hull-down to the target. * German aircraft not available after May 1944. HS129 aircraft no longer available in Italy. * Corrected rarity/availability of Allied ATG pillboxes. * Small correction to French 1940 TO&E. * French and German versions: Minor typos fixed. [ February 02, 2004, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  6. The link was missing a letter, try this link: http://www.counterglow.com/article.php?id=combatmission Madmatt
  7. The FTP server was down the other day but its working fine now. Madmatt
  8. Not only did CMAK get the Turn Based Strategy Game of the Year Award but it also got a review score of 92% and a Editor's Choice award! CMAK beat out Korsun Pocket and Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic for this highest of high awards. Check out our all new CMAK Review page located below to see what everyone else has to say about CMAK. The little game that could! Combat Mission: Afrika Korps Review Page Madmatt [ January 29, 2004, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  9. Took ya long enough... slackers...all of ya! Madmatt
  10. Guys, i am going to close this thread up now. I know that some threads posted today went missing, I cant fix that. What I want to focus on is what happens in about 14 hours when we usually have the problems and see if they persist. If they do, please post to the topic in the general forum dealing with forum problems. Madmatt
  11. It was never released. I still want to do it, but other issues need to come first. Madmatt
  12. Try it now, we were having a problem with the ftp server. ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/demos/CMAK_Demo.sit.bin Madmatt
  13. I tend to agree Abteilung but it would seem that we may have a sitation here that needs looking into. One problem though with increasing the artillery point ratio or creating new *pint* sized units is that you have to remember that whatever we do to accomodate human players will also affect the A.I. The A.I. is not as good at utilizing artillery as a human and those are points spent that could in themselves throw a battle against the A.I. out of whack as well, but the other way (against it). We have to walk a very thin tight rope and try and balance realism, reduced cherry picking, A.I. ability and over all consistentcy in all we do and modifying costs or point ratios is very tricky. But I did bring it to the attention of the rest of the guys to look over. One quick question though, in 1.0, if you play a 1000 point ME, stadard rariety but with Unrestricted forces, how many points to you get allocated for Artillery? In 1.01 you get 175, which does give the Allies some options. Was it not 175 in v1.0. I would test it myself but in all the testing of 1.01 I seem to have blown away my original CMAK exe! DOh! Also, if we DO decide to make a change, it won't make it into the 1.01 patch... Sorry Madmatt
  14. An interesting topic to be sure but not game related so I am moving it into the General Forum. Madmatt
  15. Really? I'll check again Redwolf, but I swear I even saw yesterday a german squad firing a Pf-60 at a car and no suppression. I'll double check tonight. </font>
  16. Aw shucks... I'm not a robot without emotions-I'm not what you see... I've come to help you with your problems, so we can be free... I'm not a hero, I'm not a saviour, forget what you know... I'm just a man whose circumstances went beyond his control... Beyond my control-we all need control... I need control-we all need control... Madmatt
  17. Hi mom! Now time to close this thread as I don't know WHERE THE HELL ITS GOING! Madmatt
  18. Redwolf, I would advise you to stop with the ranting as I don't appreciate it. No where did I say that I have read every thread on this topic and I will admit that I have not as I have been busy with other matters but that in no way gives you a free pass to "harp on Matt". If you want to spend your time posting all about the things I DON'T know then you had better block off a big chunk of time and do it somewhere else, I might add. Now, after reading Yankeedog's reply I see why my test was getting different results than what you guys are seeing. I did use Unrestricted as my force choice and therefore got 175 Artillery points while a selection of Combined Arms or Infantry does provide only 125. I do also understand that there is a disparity between what the Germans can effectively bring to the table as opposed to what the Allies can in the Artillery category for QB's. I WILL start up an internal discussion today with the rest of the team to look into this and see if they think there is something that can or will be done to help address it. My original comments in the above post were not originally directed at you redwolf, but they certainly are now and seemed to have gone right over your head. The thing is that there are only a few of us, we are not (gasp) omnipotent and (double gasp) don't always have the time to read every forum post and keep up to date on some of the older topics or questions raised. We do as best we can and YES we do sometimes skim and scan the topics. There is simply not enough time to do otherwise. What that means is that sometimes topics don't always get our direct focused attention as soon as people would like but that doesn't mean we are ignoring them intentionally. More often than not, threads tend to wobble back and forth between important factual based info (which we could then use to improve the game) and mindless rambling and rhetoric which, quite frankly, is fatiguing to always have to wade through. Anyway, I don't want to become guilty of doing the same so let me once more clarify that I WILL be taking this issue, as you guys have reported it here, to the rest of the team and then we will see what happens. That's the best that I can do at the moment. Madmatt [ January 28, 2004, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  19. Wow, we work out butts off trying to get the 1.01 patch out to you guys and suddenly we are accussed of ignoring customers and being arrogant. Nice. With the forthcoming 1.01 patch I tried multiple 1000 point QB's and chose Allies (US) and with a 1000 points I have access to about 175 points in which I could buy a 81mm Mortar battery (Radio or wire) or a 75mm battery (Radio). Depending on region and date I might also have access to some airsupport. British and Commonwealth forces have access to 3inch mortar batteries. Please understand that a meeting engagement by its very definition is supposed to represent manuever units from two opposing forces that encounter each other UNEXPECTEDLY as they each race for a common goal. To put it another way, neither side is situated in a defensive or a formal pre-planned offensive posture. As such, access to the larger artillery assets is limited on purpose. And please remember, we ARE listening and working hard to make CMAK the best game it can be but that doesn't always mean we are going to change something that we don't agree with or always be able to answer every thread that pops up about something as soon as we would like. Madmatt
  20. When we are able to post required specs for CMX2 rest assured that we will. Right now, its far too early to speculate. Madmatt
  21. Yeah, as Rune said above its simply too early for anything like that at this time. When the time comes I will be sure to throw out the tastey CMX2 bone but don't expect anything like that this year. Madmatt
  22. Do you have a Radeon 9000 card by chance? If so have a look at this entry from the Troubleshooting guide: Problem: I have a Radeon 9000 video card and while editing map elevations in the scenario editor changed elevation numbers do not display. Cause/Solution: Alt-Tab out and back in to the game. The proper elevation numbers should now be displayed. Note: You might want to try the new Catalyst 4.1 drivers that were released the other day as well. As to your second issue. I just started a battle, set the FOW to Extreme and then played one turn. I then exited the game completely and reloaded it. I then started a new QB and the FOW was still showing as Extreme, so it appears to be working as required. If for any reason you ever delete your Prefs file that setting would get reset to Full though. Note, that was tested using the 1.01 version of CMAK so if it doesn't work for you that way it was probably something Charles fixed in the patch but didn't document. Madmatt
  23. Just letting you guys know that we are in the final stages of testing the 1.01 patch and it "should" be ready after we do some more testing on it. (no, I will not clarify that any more). Looking over the readme I see about 47 items listed as being addressed as well as a handful more that I know Charles did which were too hard to define or explain. I will try and post the full Patch readme prior to the patch being released but I can't promise that. Madmatt
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