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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Okay, closing this up. There is a new approved thread title, just wait until it shows up which should be latter tonight. Madmatt
  2. We need a new title and the recent one was just too poor of a title. So until then, I want you guys to email me with topic name suggestions and WAIT until you hear back from me (which will be sometime Sunday afternoon). Until then I dont want to see any new Peng Threads. Madmatt
  3. Dima, this iosnt the place for insults, they arent allowed here. Madmatt
  4. For some people (me) the search works great, for others it takes a very long time and few some it times out alltogether. Those with broadbanmd seem to have a much better go of it than those who do not for some reason. Infopop admit that the search features on this version of UBB are very processor intensive and have some serious faults. Hopefully soon they will come out with a non-beta version of UBB 6.1 which supposedly addresses some of these issues. One thing you will want to try and do is be as specific as you can when you conduct a search. Madmatt
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: is there even a remote possibility that CMBO might be ported to Linux?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> NONE.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: Eric, I brought the pause between waypoints idea not even a week ago, and Mad Matt said it could still happen. They were very busy at the time, and didn't have time to answer questions. So I dropped it for the time being. I plan to ask again in a week or so. Bump.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No pausing at waypoints is NOT going in, I said that SOME of what was brought up we were looking at implememting but that is not one of them. In short, allowing pauses (and we debated back and forth for weeks on this) was decided to give TOO much control over the troops in an environment which is decidedly uncondusive to such co-ordination. However, there are changes to the whole C&C and Delay system which will help greatly to address the concerns of needing such pauses. By the way, you can ask all you want about stuff but we will not be answering with details anytime soon. Madmatt
  7. I think a 542K pic is a little much, so I am going to edit that post above. My reccomendation, use a compression program before posting pics...PLEASE! Madmatt
  8. Guys this thread is getting very close to the maximum limit that we like to have for a single topic. If you wish to continue I would simply ask that you start a new thread as I am going to lock this one up now. Madmatt
  9. Guys, what is the deal here?!? All of you need to chill and Stalins Organ I think you are WAY OUTA LINE so back off or face the conscrquences. No one, NO ONE here in this thread is a moron or an idiot and last time I checked everyone was free to hold an opinion, even if diametertically opposed to one that someone else holds. What the hell are you guys really arguing about? A tank design that hasnt been seen in 50 years?!? Come on, get a life! You are acting like a bunch of Trek geeks talking about the range of a transporter. Come to grips with your anger and deal with it somewhere else as it is NOT ALLOWED IN HERE. Am I clear?!? I have more important things to do than come in here and babysit a bunch of members acting like pathetic babies. So put an end to this crap right now! If you dont agree with someone about something, fine, deal with it like an adult and move on. Case closed, as is this thread. Madmatt
  10. This message is in the wrong forum. Now moving to General Topics area. Madmatt
  11. Some email packages get confused by the format of the attachment and try to apply MIME Encryption to it which totally screws up the file. Its actually amazing that CM even loaded the file without crashing. Madmatt
  12. Unless the map makes had an internal beta version (was he a tester by chance?) than v1.12 should be able to open any older release version map. Send me the map and I will see what it does on my end as I still have EVERY CM.exe ever made. Madmatt
  13. Here: http://www.combatmission.com/mods/pcmodman.asp Madmatt
  14. There are no plans what so ever to do anything other than 60 second turns. It would require re-writing the game from the ground up as just about EVERYTHING in there is based on 60 seconds/turn worth of resolution. Charles was asked about this before and he just began to drool on himself, wrapped his arms around his body and shook while mumbling something that sounded like "sixty seconds...Must be sixty seconds...Code only happy with sixty seconds...no two minutes...only sixty seconds...Sixty seconds make Charlie happy..." Um...it wasnt pretty to watch... Madmatt [ 08-18-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  15. Corn, Okay I just can't seem to do enough for you. In your first email you completely ignore the fact that I DID reply to you. Now you indicate that my answer wasn't suffecient. I told you it should arrive by the end of next week to just be conservative, issues can and will arise with shipping products but they are usually NOT on our end. All I can do is ensure that the order gets processed, sent to our order fullfillment company and sent on its way. Your order came in at 2:40 AM August 14th so that means that it shipped later that day, probably in the late afternoon. Figure 3-5 days for normal domesitic shipping (AS INDICATED IN THE CONFIMATION EMAIL) and that would mean that it should be at your doorstep as early as tomorrow or as late as Tuesday assuming everything with USPS goes according to plan. Now, as to the billing of your credit card that is done automatically at the time of purchase and I have no control over the timing of that. We did this exactly for the reasons you are bitching about. Instant credit approval means faster shipping times, but you are now complaining about that as well. It's your choice to get bent all outa shape on this, I have spent far too much time listening to your unfounded complaints and unsubstatiated issues. Tell you what, just go ahead and refuse the order when it arrives at your doorstep and I will cheerfully refund you the total cost of the product with shipping. You can go your own way and we ours. But if you choose not to do this than you have no right to come here and complain about NOTHING! If your looking for some sort of support here on your crusade to belittle our customer support you are in for a rude shock. It is your outlandish expectations of how commerce is done that is the problem here, not our order processes. Your order was placed, processed and shipped, I am at a loss as to figure out where your problem is. You purchased our product not any right to come here and critize innappropriately. Madmatt P.S. I am locking this thread up for the same reason as the last. Just wait and the order will arrive. If you continue to start threads such as this you will be banned from posting further. [ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  16. 14.61 on Win ME exhibit the same issues as 14.40. The map and 3D display is flawless with FSAA enabled. The unit info box does not refresh properly though. Madmatt [ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  17. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=020931
  18. Hmm, Joe seems to certainly like his SOD...Ah well...Enjoy your new home boys, try and remember to scrub the walls when you are through. Madmatt
  19. Beta release 14.61 was just released for all platforms. Testing now... Get them at http://www.guru3d.com/download/ Madmatt
  20. Can you provide me with some details on your system and configuration? You wouldnt happen to be running on a Compaq by chance would you? Madmatt
  21. How deep were your troops in the woods? I had noticed similar occurances during my beta testing last year but my troops were always rather deep in the woods. When I moved them closer to the treeline edge they would fire their panzerfausts as planned. Has to do something with not wanting the faust to hit trees and branches so there is a built in delay or hesitantcy to fire when deep in woods as I recall. Madmatt
  22. Okay okay, getting off track here guys. The original concern (and a valid one as are any customer issues) has been answered and there is no need to boil the guy alive. Corn, all things being equal you should anticipate the game arriving by the end of next week. If it doesn't for some reason, give it an additional week to pop up (these things do happen from time to time) and then email me if it still doesn't show. Whoever had the brother that was waiting 3 weeks, have them email me with their order details please and I will check on this for you. Thanks guys! Madmatt p.s. I am going to close up this thread so my message doesnt get lost in the sea of replies from some of the Board Elders (or is that bored?!?)
  23. Actually I responded to you twice already Corn. Once to get your order number and the second time to tell you that orders ship within 24-48 hours. To say that you have heard nothing when in fact you replied to my first email is not at all truthful. All this is spelled out quite clearly in the order confirmation email. You ordered on the 14th, today is the 16th you have GOT to have some patience it will arrive in the next few days. By the way threatening to download the warez version aint gonna win you any "Good Neighbor" points in my book. Madmatt [ 08-16-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
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