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Everything posted by Mace

  1. There's something he's not telling me either. Oh and Lady Emma, thanks for the gift. Now where did I leave my patch repair kit?
  2. Hah! I didn't read it until after dinner... ...and it tastes just as good coming up as it did coming down. Hmmm vegemite pancakes? Now there's an idea.
  3. No, I disagree. I think it's chewing it's cud. btw how can you guys talk about a cow, when there's a A30 challenger tank on the same piccy? **drools**
  4. Hang on a minute. I'm at the centre of the universe and I can't see squat. Oh wait, *looks out window*, traffic congestion on Lonsdale Street. I'd give that a miss if I was you. k?
  5. Oooh yeh..... Sorta reminds one of the fracas that occured during the initial CMAK announcement days, don't it?
  6. Whoa. Is this car happy to see me back or what? Poofta car (not that there's anything wrong with that) :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  7. ...is what Moon said. So the question is, will ToW provide a similar record and playback option so we can watch the entire battle post game? *drools* And while we're comparing the two games, the IL2FB series was kept fresh by the inclusion of new aircraft during patch updates, and add-on theatres and campaigns. Any plans to do something similar with ToW (eg release additional AFVs with patches, extra campaign module releases)? Hmmm a IL2FB/ToW interface...now that would be cool.
  8. Mace


    Is this the "steel wheeled" Tiger 1? Actually it looks like a middle mark to me, even though the Tigers that used that scheme were really late model Tigers with the later cuppola and steel road wheels. Are you sure about the removal of outer steel wheels though? Most of my references show late model Tigers with the complete set of 8 pair of roadwheels per side, although with the order reversed from the earlier mark. eg earlier marks had the pair order from the drive bogey of Outer, Inner, Outer and so on finishing on Inner (as per modelled in the picture) The late mark had the roadwheel pair order reversed: Inner, Outer etc.
  9. Breakfast just tastes so much better when reading this type of conversation!
  10. I'm impressed by the variety in military vehicles, and the vehicle modeling, in this game. A Flakpanzer 38(t) Gepard? nice! (I claim first brown nosing thread)
  11. Mace

    Number 1

    Number 2 I claim this thread on behalf of the Peng Challenge!
  12. Speculation's over. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=9&t=020080&p=7#000172 http://www.battlefront.com/products/tow/
  13. I bet you even see him dressed like Kate Bush in the Babushka video....sicko!!! *mad*
  14. Hey everyone, Stikky's potty trained at last and wants us to see how grown up he is!!!
  15. Me too. It's better to have all you lot in the one country so we can all keep an eye on you.
  16. *enters wearing a skirt, kicking his legs high into the air (but not both at once) and swaying his arms to and throw* Kate-Bush, it's me, Macey, I've come home. I´m so cold, let me in-a-your window. *gives self wedgie to hit the really high notes* Ooh, it gets dark! It gets lonely, On the other side from you. I pine a lot. I find the lot Falls through without you. I'm coming back, love, Cruel Kate-Bush, my one dream, My only master.
  17. Not really. I've been listening to that CD over and over for the past week. She certainly has a way with lyrics.
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