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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Mace

    Wiki anyone?

    Thanks Squidy. :cool:
  2. Oi stop changing my words!!! PS I didn't mean his brain. He could have lost that in Iraq and no one would have noticed. *snicker*
  3. Mace

    Wiki anyone?

    I've been playing around "off-line" with the in-game XML commands, but I think the wiki should have a template for explaining the game's XML. The template should be IMHO: XML command: Syntax Description: what it does Type: {text,file call,number,logical,etc} Parent XML/XML family: some XML are associated and nested under parent XMLs. This will indicate the parent and provide a link to it's description Example of use: self explanatory The user could navigate to here from an alphabetical listing of all XML commands? I'd be happy to take any other suggestions of what can or should be provided?
  4. ...mowing the lawn? Yeh but good to see you made it back with all your necessary bits, NV.
  5. Mace

    small UI wishes

    Actually it might be good if this can be configurable either through game preferences and/or the scenario.xml file. If I was designing a scenario based on an ice world I'd probably want to set the font black for example.
  6. Noooo, that's a bush hat. Have you been wearing one of these on your head recently?:
  7. Hey Clay, would it be possible to list XML changes/additions as well for scenario designers?
  8. Mace


    Dropping mines directly on top of the slow movers was something done during beta, and it was quite effective. However It looks like that might have to be reviewed given the changes to how a dropship makes its approach.
  9. Wow! The Web master even ripped off the logo from the book of the same name: http://www.rzm.com/books/eh/panzersnorm.cfm And I strongly suspect the photos are borrowed from the book as well.
  10. Yeh. And older sisters, and good friends, etc etc. But the funny thing about life is sometimes truly marvelous people come along so that the good balances out the bad. [ August 18, 2006, 05:28 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  11. And he had to sit down due to the corresponding feeling of inadequacy?
  12. Mace

    Wiki anyone?

    Neat. Now we should start nagging Clay for a list of the changes made since Alpha, and his initial inspiration (which I'm 100% certain he typed somewhere once).....nag nag nag nag nag.
  13. The two bars were travel locks rather than stabilisers. Both the Nashorn and Hummel had them, but I think later models of both had these removed.
  14. Mace

    Wiki anyone?

    Here's one I'd love to see: revisions to the dropteam game since Alpha, more for a historical (hysterical perspective). Also, how about a "background" section that details the "universe". This can include details of the protaganists (and at least link back to the battlefront pages). ModDesign can probably be used to provide more detail of what the various XML commands do, and examples of how to use them.
  15. Wow that's as cryptic as. Did something happen?
  16. What the?!!! Ummm, I think the scientific field of cosmology and in particular gravitical affects has moved on since the 16th Century when you last studied them.
  17. You chose to fly a Hurricane, and you want us to scorn young Stoat? Yeh right.
  18. Hiya Warpy! Good to see you back here!
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