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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Her Babooshka video has always been........stimulating.
  2. Anyone tried sowing mines on a slow mover like a Thor?
  3. I was working on this map during betatesting more as a test to see how the engine can handle a lot of trees (did I mention "a lot of trees"?) and have got it to a stage where I think you lot can play around with it. All that's really needed to complete it is some initial scenario briefing. Given the number of trees (I think up to 500 - remember, "a lot of trees") it is a bit of a resource hog, so just bare that in mind when playing. Anyhow you can get the 66mb file from here: http://tbgsoftware.com/RollingHillsCurrent.rar And here's the obligatory teaser shot: (yes they are infantry in the screenie) Now I got to think of something for my next one. PS I'd like to thank Clay for his support in making this one. And putting up with my daily inane questions. [ July 21, 2006, 05:43 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  4. You shouldn't be sleeping outside with your mouth open.
  5. The important question has yet to be answered: Did he spill any?
  6. Yeh right mate, we've heard about your bandwidth...two tin cans and a bit of string between 'em isn't it?
  7. So that was before the concept of money and trade was implemented?
  8. http://www.armchairgeneral.com/articles.php?p=2774&page=1 For those of you too lazy to go through Moon's latest Blog.
  9. Oh I wondered what that gripping sensation was. *tugs at panties* That's much more comfortable now. Thanks Abbott!
  10. You should be able to beat Boo then.
  11. Yeh but isn't the new CM going to be more focussed? ie the WW2 based CMx2 will be providing scenarios concentrating on a particular battle or campaign rather than providing scenarios for anywhere in Western Europe from 1944 on (as CMBO did). Hence an extensive unit list of every AFV that was used in the Western Front is probably not required (and probably wont be modelled).
  12. Actually, Seanachai baby, that sounds very Aussie of you because that's the kind of thing that makes us piss ourselves laughing. I usually save these for someone else, but you deserved this one.... *kiss*
  13. What kind of heartless bastage would mention a keg in front of Aussies who have NO MEANS of getting there in time?!!!! *fuming* Oh yeh, that's right, you're a republican/conservative. Carry on then.
  14. *ponders* Maybe the Justicar thinks that if he continually plays it over and over, he may just win it one day?
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