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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Hey you left out us fanatically nationalistic Aussies! Btw If I was going to name myself after a WW2 division, I'd at least base it on one from the WINNING side.
  2. You did? You better clean up after yourself then.
  3. I'm sure I saw it on America's most wanted once. *shrug*
  4. Hey! I'll have you know I'm on your shores now. Do you lot want me to start dropping names so every one else knows you lot are associated with me, hmmmmmmm?
  5. The Sheep seem to be few and far between in Canada, and Harv obviously put all his sheep in hiding when I stayed overnight at his dirt farm. Besides, it's starting to snow and I'm not really used to going outside when the maximum daytime temperature here is the same as the minimum nighttime temperature back home....in the middle of winter. So I guess the sheep will have to wait.
  6. Ha! I met Bugged and Dorosh and survived! In fact Bugged's kinda cute so I'm thinking of packing her in my backpack and smuggling her back home (but don't tell Dorosh) Btw Dorosh also is kinda cute after a few drinks. Today I get to shoot the breeze (and destroy the liver) when I meet that other Canuck (yep worth bolding, great people), Harv, and review that fine dirt farm of his. PS Emrys has an answering machine!
  7. OMFG! You've left yourself so wide open there's almost no joy in responding, but since I'm a pr*ck........ ....."That's obvious from your membership". PS tsk, tsk, what's this blatant use of a smiley in our own MBT?
  8. You lot couldn't organise a booze up in a brewery: Telstra dome Geelong Football Club
  9. I'm not surprised. Clay's always come across as a real decent bloke, although in game he's a gamey bastage!
  10. Mace

    Mine drop pods

    You forgot that mines should also be able to be cleared by engineers/Cutters.
  11. Mace

    Mine drop pods

    I can't help but agree with Squidy here. Mines are primarily a means of slowing down or preventing a line of approach and thus does serve a purpose. But I think there needs to be better way of processing and displaying in-game information about newly discovered mine fields, so bots and players know to avoid potential hot spots, and there also needs to be a way to deal effectively with a mine field once discovered.
  12. The SASR (Aussie SAS) has been carrying out LR patrols in Afghanistan. Refer picture: http://www.defence.gov.au/media/download/2005/sep/20050923/20050902adf8205214_0042_lo.jpg
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