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Everything posted by Mace

  1. The piece of string of your can-o-phone won't reach this far?
  2. Actually, that's the problem. He doesn't now 'cause he soiled them.
  3. Phonetically it's Go-anna, not Go-wana! One day you lot will get the accent right. Great podcast tho. I enjoyed it (and now must shower 'cause I feel somewhat dirty) Sturmy's kiss was extra-special.
  4. Err why? If Panzer Command is like CMx1 then there's no need to rush out CMx2.
  5. It's a very fine juxtaposition this feeling of loathing yet friendship I'm now finding myself feeling for ya, Seanachai. *grins* [ June 13, 2006, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  6. Just adding a bit of Australiana to the MBT: And no, you can't shoot it.
  7. Yeh Budweiser and Fosters, two words that mean the same thing.
  8. He stays. Someone's got to hate us Aussies with a passion.
  9. Ummmm. I don't think that song is about an arrangement in which a lender gives money or property to a borrower, and the borrower agrees to return the property or repay the money, usually along with interest, at some future point(s) in time. *frowns as the little jukebox in his head starts playing that song...over and over and over and...*
  10. Well that's the closest to a religious revelation that I'm ever going to get.
  11. Well older anyhow. I sincerely wish you a Happy Birthday mate, even though you support *gasp* THEM! btw I have to say this: where's Emrys? I sorta miss the old(er) fart.
  12. Must be the same bar you've been banging yours on as well, because I thought I was responding to Joe Shaw?!! Or are you on his payroll and taking his calls now?
  13. Does this help? Fourth Bruce: No. Right, I just want to remind you of the faculty rules: Rule One! Everybruce: No Pooftas! Fourth Bruce: Rule Two, no member of the faculty is to maltreat the Abbos in any way at all -- if there's anybody watching...... Rule Three? Everybruce: No Pooftas!! Fourth Bruce: Rule Four, now this term, I don't want to catch anybody not drinking..... Rule Five, Everybruce: No Pooftas! Fourth Bruce: Rule Six, there is NO ... Rule Six!... Rule Seven, Everybruce: No Pooftas!! Fourth Bruce: Right, that concludes the readin' of the rules, Bruce.
  14. Nah it's you lot, and in particular you, Flammenwerfer. PS this is a smiley free zone.
  15. Given that you're a nice guy, I'll forgive you, even though your brain's slightly addled. I don't think Speedy will be around for a little while because.... GEELONG WON!!!! 20.10 (130) to 13.10 (88) MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  16. My favorite AFL team (Geelong Cats) and Speedy's favorite AFL team (Essendon Bombers) are going at it hammer and tong. If Geelong wins, I'll be in Speedy's face. If the Bombers win I'll be in hiding (and down 1 in the footy tipping) Capiche?
  17. One reason I got a tertiary education was so I could afford to pay someone less fortunate than myself to do it for me. So next time I need a deer gutted, I'll keep ya in mind. Awww it's good to be middle-class! [ June 09, 2006, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  18. Nah. It's not, really! I'd rather be paid the same amount of money but work from home, but without having to do the work.
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