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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Lmao, and it seems some people chose their sig for the very same reason. *shrug* </font>
  2. I like a challenge (and thinking coherently is mine).
  3. Since Berli's back (w00t!), I guess this is a portend of endtimes. Another portend is that it also happens to be a special day for Berli's now missing prodigy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KITTY!!
  4. Nah it's just to the North West of Australia. There's East Temor and then there's West Temor. And btw good morning to that one person. Yes You! You know who you are.
  5. ..and that would be a lawyer. <g> btw you've posted so much in the last 24 hours, I don't think we can afford to pay your fee.
  6. Ya know, reading that last question makes me think some of us still are.
  7. Sunburn? You call that sunburn? You can't call it sunburn until it's equivalent to 1000 X-ray exposures. Err, what's a gorm?
  8. Hey! Tero correctly identified the MP18 first. Shouldn't he get the credit for that?
  9. Well, just make sure he gets his shots. *looks over into the neighbour's back yard*
  10. Now now, Dorosh, you were told not to wander into the neighbour's back yard. And come away from them, you don't know what you'll catch!
  11. Hey instead of this never ending back and forward chatter between Boo and Shaw, who else would like to see them settle it via gladiatorial combat instead? I would, as long as a lot of blood is spilt. Oh and limbs severed. And maybe at least one disembowlement.
  12. Committees....when you want to put off those urgent decisions for another day.
  13. A valid point, but only if your opinion counted for something here! Afterall we're not your typical democracy where everyone's vote counts. Besides, rank doth hath its privileges. *goes back to marking the hours, minutes and seconds off on the wall* Oh looky there, 3 days to go.
  14. *slips in a puddle on the floor* Bad! Bad Seanachai!!! I thought he was housebroken?
  15. Makes sense. The quills would get in the way, and would make that activity quite difficult.
  16. I don't know what the problem is? You have to pay for entertainment like this elsewhere.
  17. You know, I'm always been impressed by the wisdom of confucius but no more than just now. The man was a visionary! *giggles*
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