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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Wow. I disappear for a few weeks to the US to seek the allusive ClaytoniousRex, and this happens. Some great stuff there, and it's a lot easier than fiddling with code. I, I love you man! **hugs**
  2. Hey I work for a Department that may be able to help him out here.
  3. Yeh well, guess who's gladly squandering your taxes on frivolous activities? Me!
  4. Well that's the main reason I'm down here...to avoid them.
  5. IIRC the slat armour is primarily there to help cook off RPGs, shaped charges (like HESH etc) or any other round that penetrates armour via a plasma jet, before they hit the hull armour. What it is less effective against are the larger calibre Armour Piercing rounds, shrapnel or HE based rounds. Google and ye will find: http://www.lexingtoninstitute.org/docs/773.pdf (refer page 10 for equipment losses by vehicle type). Did it being dry ruin the meal? Shame, a beef dinner rocks!!! \m/ I'm not too sure about given oral to a 44 magnum however. That doesn't rock as much as a beef dinner does. In fact, it doesn't rock at all.
  6. You never met Kitty then, did you.
  7. Are you kidding? Your team is called BLOOD, after all. We were the "good guys" and today the forces of evil prevailed. God only knows what you guys are doing to innocent locals in that Research Station at this very moment.</font>
  8. Military Engineering Officer. You know what they're like. I will say one thing in his support however, he did mention getting drunk so he's sorta like a kindred spirit.
  9. The glass is always half full as far as you're concerned hey Sturmy?
  10. Oh you mean the type that comes in the handy sealed bag and is just full of nutrition and salmonella?
  11. Hey if you want to continue to show us the "extent" of your WW2 knowledge, don't let us stop you. We need the laugh.
  12. Hmmm It's an experiment gone horribly wrong then! I think the ethics committee needs to hear about this!
  13. There aren't any particularly good examples. There were the UK paras and US airborne, but by then the Waffen-SS wasn't what it used to be, and was woefully under-equipped and under-supplied.</font>
  14. Seems the Waffen SS were almost as busy as the Allgemaine SS, or SD: http://members.iinet.com.au/~gduncan/massacres.html Have you got examples of Waffen SS facing off the elite Allied Divisions and 'doing better' or are you merely speculating? I'd love to see some examples.
  15. Umm that may be because Battlefront isn't responsible for the CMHQ chat server. I would suggest you emailing Madmatt direct (as he was the webmaster of the Combat Mission website)
  16. Doh! That sounds like too much hard work. Interferes with me drinking time don't cha know?! I tell you what, you send me a map detailing where I'm supposed to stand, and a time which when I'm supposed to stand in it, and I'll endeavour to be there (unless of course it interferes with drinking time, or coffee). I'll have you know it's totally deserved. It is my responsibility to ream, annoy, and generally piss off the Australian taxpayer and waste their mandatory contribution to governance. That sort of experience requires professionalism, and by crikey I deliver it! Job satisfaction? Yep in spades. Each death threat is a measure of my performance. Anyhow it's great to have you back. If I was there (and I was a few weeks back, where were you?) I would shout you a drink. I'd probably spit in it too, but that just shows how much I like you. *hugs*
  17. They never fought against the SS, though... </font>
  18. And aren't you speculating about whether "Battlefront.com" is speculating? PS btw it's Battlefront's board. If you read the forum rules you'll notice that banning is not really decided by the forum members, but by Battlefront moderators. We've all learnt to live with this, why can't you?
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