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Everything posted by Mace

  1. I'm just flattered that Tag would recommend Emrys, Boo or I as the people to go see to enquire about pronounciations. Makes me feel wanted.
  2. Umm ok...happy 4th July. May you have many more, and stuff. Now, Canada day, that was worth celebrating.
  3. "Well, where Lady Bugged is concerned, I would certainly accept no substitutes". There. Consider yourself topped. [ July 03, 2006, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  4. Goes without saying. Shhhh, you know what the Justicar's like, vindictive!
  5. Wow you're really willing to take the mentor program further than most, aren't you?
  6. ...then read the latest blog! http://www.battlefront-newsletter.com/Blogfront/tabid/55/EntryID/13/Default.aspx This has been a public service announcement.
  7. seanachai rules were ok until he brought religion in it. There is only one person i'd boogie for, but sorry you're not that person! *razzzzzzz* [ June 30, 2006, 05:22 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  8. Oh bugger. But that means I have to put my clothes on and stop posting naked! *sigh*
  9. A whole dollar?!!!! Ummm, don't you think you're being over generous? I mean it is Boo afterall. [ June 29, 2006, 02:31 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  10. In my mind, I can picture that... and that bothers me greatly </font>
  11. That's a moot point. I'd be saving the beer so I wouldn't be on the lifeboat.
  12. You must have a really long extension cord for your PC then. PS remember the golden rule about water and electricity.
  13. Dear Peng, you should be watching tonight’s game… GO MEXICO!!! </font>
  14. WTF IS THIS?!!!! Have you yank bastages been playing around with genomes again? If you have, then Stop it!
  15. Ooh yeh. btw I'm disgusted by the level of discussion over there. Where's the abuse? Where's the profanity? There should be MORE OF IT!!! *fumes*
  16. "Arrrrrgh"?!! <----death rattle <font size = 0> *goes back to writing a letter to his one admirer* Umm dear admirer. you rock too. argh! Too short. Dear admirer, thanks for your kind thoughts. The $100 I promised is in the mail. Umm no. Too honest. *wanders off deep in thought*</font>
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