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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Nah, he's a wuss! A wuss with a lot of smarts, tenacity, and fighting spirit, but still a wuss! Mace (just joking, Stefan. If you like, just take it out on me in our PBEM)
  2. Matt once had hair?!!! I'll be blowed! Mace
  3. Fog of War is when you have no idea what's going on in the battlefield! That is, your opponent does something sneaky you weren't expecting and you go 'Sh*t, where did that come from'! Mace
  4. Errr, what plane silhouette would you like to see moving across the ground? Tempest, P47, Fw190F? Mace
  5. And it has an excellent Multiplay facility! Co-op play in Steel Beasts is excellent! Mace
  6. And I'd like to mention last night's Rugby League World Cup victory: Australia 22 Great Britain 2 Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi Mace
  7. An monthly English Military Modelling magazine, called 'Military Modelling' (surprised?) has been running since the early 70s. This magazine is a very good source of information on WW2 uniforms and armour and is worth investing in if you're that way inclined. It's published by Nexus Special Interests Ltd Mace
  8. I'm suitably impressed! WildBill, you continue to bring out quality product, even though you have both Brian Rock and Joe Newell assisting. How do you do it? Mace (waiting for a response from Brian or Joe)!
  9. sinaweek, err... Shornasheep, no, ah, Seanachai has accused me of firing shots in anger. This I can categorically deny, filling his Britisher/Canadian/Polish/whatever troops with bullet holes fills me with nothing but an overwhelming sense of joy!!! Mace
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: We hatesss the Meeks. We hatesss it. My preciousss.. My precioussss hamstertruppen... We hates the AI... that which buys us stupid units... that which pays for crack units... that which buys units busy smokin crack rather than fighting... that which buys units in armor that would rather shoot at squishy things than hard crunchy things... we hates it... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Poor Gollum! Fallschirmhobbits been getting the best of you, or are you still ticked off about loosing that little ring? Mace
  11. Yep great work! Now excuse me, I have to post a lot more mindless drivel than usual as I've been demoted back to junior member! Mace
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: As for the rest of you, line up to kiss my ass! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No thanks! The rest of us will pass on that, mate! Besides, we don't know where it's been! Mace (ahhhh, gone for a week, it's great to be back in the pool)!
  13. Crack open a beer keg! Happy birthday, and welcome to the old fart's club! Mace
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Mace and I are just starting but so far his playing abilities are no more advanced than his writing ability. And if you've read The Forward Observer ... and who hasn't ... you'll see that he's pretty limited there as well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In comparison with the bard, I must admit that my writing skills are somewhat lacking. However, when benchmarked against those of Slow Bore, who pours out words as quick as crap from a poor WW2 German Ostfronter suffering with dysentry*, it is easy to see why I get to write the more interesting articles. Which brings me to a bit of logical manipulation: If my playing abilities are no more advanced than my writing abilities, and my writing abilities far exceed those of Slow Bore, does this imply that my playing abilities far exceed those of Mr Bore? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Right, I'm off ... Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Slow, as we all know, you're off alright!!!! Mace * Amount and content equally as vile!
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Bullethead vomited: I see that rusty dagger you're hiding behind your back....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm not hiding anything behind my back! Those knives are a permanent fixture, kindly inserted by Seniletea, Slow Bore and the rest of the kinigits in some sort of bizarre induction ceremony! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> ...you product of cockroach incest.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I bow to someone who obviously knows more about the subject than I. As I always say, it's nice to have a hobby one enjoys! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Still, I will take your welcome at face value, although I'll my back to the wall.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wise decision, given that induction ceremony! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This place reminds me a bit of home, although less boiling blood and more oozing ordure. Still, the over-all effect is about the same<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Boiling Blood? Hey guys, I think we have someone from the Medical or Legal profession in our midst! Mace
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead: (message found by a Cesspool hamsterherd stapled to the back of a returning stray member of his flock) OK, you reeking .....extremely long rant removed <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bullethead, Welcome to the pool! Jump in, the ...errr... water's fine (nice and stinky, just as you like it)! Since the great and late Muzzlehead is no longer a contributor (something about devoting his full time deciding on some nice PINK curtains to go with his LAVENDER PC), it's good to see a different kind of 'head' to the D***heads we normally get here. Just one thing, dont go around yelling 'FFE' like you used to about 10 years ago, it may upset a few of the locals! Mace
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shornachimp: the Knights of the Cesspool. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Then we must have a coat of arms: Sable, A Hamster rampert argent with Bend Sinister Or. Sable - the color of our hearts A Hamster rampert argent - Hamster rearing, with nasty gnashing white teeth. Bend Sinister Or, A Bend Sinister denotes bastardry, Or - yellow - hence denoting that we are cowardly bastards! What say you (not that I give a toss anyhow)? Mace (Heraldry scribe, master of the never ending CMBO PBEMS, bazookiter of SdKfz 251s and PzKpfw V Ausf G's, loser of 4 AFVs in one turn, smiter of the anti-CMBO troll, groveller of the Madmatt, and just a wonderful dinky-di true-blue Aussie)!
  18. Pzvg, Sorry about your dad, hope all turns out well! Mace
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: I am already over my limit in games with attorneys ... i.e. I have ONE going and that's one too many. Therefore, go sequester yourself with your torts or something. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think Joe would prefer more quality time with that fine looking morman woman/mule/whatever of his! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As to the smell, I think WasteMace took his shoes off again.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nope, my shoes are still on, but it may have something to do with the Curried Chicken I ate for lunch yesterday! *ULP* btw. I like the new digs, has a certain charm about it (shame the residents are the same old mongrels though)! Mace
  20. Jabos bait!!! Just as well PE hasn't got Close-air support coded in the game, or there would be large amounts of scrap metal blocking the road. Mace
  21. An recent edition of Military Modelling magazine had an article about the Kangaroo, its usage and what units they were attached to. Feel free to drop me a email if you need further details. Mace
  22. Say, including the page number links right up on the front thread summary page is quite innovative!! One question though: don't you guys ever sleep? Mace
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Yeah, huh, huh, and the first one we'll take is Madmatt. (Since he is now employed by Battlefront) We'll hold him ransom for a CM5: Rising Sun or we'll polish up his bald little noggin bright enough to blind Steve and Charles. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm. Maximus, you may be on to something here! Ransom note to read: Steve, Charles, If you dont want to see Madmatt again, you better get working on CM5:Pacific War! Mace
  24. I'm sure if we all asked nicely, a Pacific War CM could be implemented! If that doesn't work, blackmail, bribery, or the taking of hostages may need to be considered! Mace
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