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Everything posted by Gordon

  1. Apache, If I understand your questions correctly, you only need to install EITHER the low-res or the hi-res patch, not both (they contain the same files, just at different resolutions) and the choice of which to install is up to you. You can use CM Mod Manager to install any/all CMMOS mods or you can manually unzip them into your BMP folder. Gordon
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bfamily33: Looks like those HT 250's in the ambush scheme are just about done. When might we see those? Sure would love to have those, with the winter version, arrive at the same time as Tom's wnter Bulge mod.<hr></blockquote> You mean like this? Actually, the SdKfz 250/8 is nearly finished, the others are still very preliminary. Gordon
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Clubfoot: That's just... fantastic!!! You wing-tipped, fur-hat wearin' pimp.<hr></blockquote> Say, that brings up an interesting point. Just what IS the vehicle of choice for the modern Euro-pimp. Can't be a US-issue Cadillac, can it? Gordon
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PawBroon: And who would you be? You should whip SuperTed. I dropped him a mail before going public. It says Madmatt twice I think mind you... Somewhere. Might be with the naked pic! Or not.<hr></blockquote> EWW! Now nobody's going to go anywhere near that site. Gordon [ 01-21-2002: Message edited by: Gordon ]</p>
  5. Stingray, No, you didn't miss something. Either Manx or I did (probably me). There are supposed to be mono-color, tri-color and hasty StuGs. I'll alert Manx. Gordon
  6. Cmeroon, Ok, please let me know if you need anything. Gordon
  7. Yes, an Allied Uniform RuleSet is in the works. The German Uniform RuleSet is being re-done (specifically to remove Scipio's uniforms) as he has his own method of installation/selection of options. Gordon
  8. Apache, RenoFlame 36 has got it right (as far as I'm concerned). I use CM Mod Manager to keep track of what mods I have installed (and to reset my BMP folder back to a known state every once in a while to clean out the cruft that builds up). Then I use CMMOS to swap between the various options available. Gordon
  9. Voidhawk, It all depends on what you want to do. The German Tanks and Halftrack RuleSets that are out there (I believe) allow you to choose from various different versions of the different vehicles from various (I almost said different) modders. In that respect, they are more like the upcoming terrain RuleSets which will allow you to pick and choose various terrain types from many different mod authors. The German Vehicles RuleSet will ultimately allow you to select camouflage styles and unit markings across the entire range of German vehicles supported. For instance, want all your vehicles to belong to the 9th Pz Div sporting a mix of Dunkel Gelb, tri-color and ambush paint jobs? Or maybe you want all your vehicles to be hastily camouflaged and belonging to the 12th SS? That's what the German Vehicles RuleSet does. So, since the RuleSets are providing different functionality, they will unfortunately have different naming conventions. You can go from v2.00 directly to v3.02. You don't need to uninstall anything. Gordon [ 01-19-2002: Message edited by: Gordon ]</p>
  10. Is there any status from the CMMOS equivalent for Mac developers (sorry I can't seem to find your contact information tonight). Just wondering what the progress was and if any help (such as an unwashed, heathen PC programmer can provide) was needed. Gordon
  11. Clubfoot, What an eloquently stated post. You have nothing to apologize for and I thank you for making it. If there's one thing that amazes me about CM:BO, it's players and modders is that for a group of such war-worshiping psychopaths (and aside from a few bad apples) it's a remarkably well-spoken and considerate bunch. That said, I'd like to make a few comments regarding your post. I can't state this enough (and this is not intended directly at you), but CMMOS is not intended to be the be-all and end-all of mods. What it does, I hope, it does very well, which is to allow selection of optional BMPs across the widest range of mods possible, in a fast, easy-to-use manner. I still "install" all of my mods with CM Mod Manager, because if provides me with an easy way to put my very complicated BMP folder back to a "known" state (especially important when you're installing and testing lot's of developmental mods). Do I think that all mods MUST be CMMOS-compatible? I must not because I recently released an assault boat mod that's CM Mod Manager compliant, but not CMMOS. Why? Because there's no need. Now, someday we may be awash in assault boat mods (get it! AWASH ), and it may be time to make a CMMOS assault boat RuleSet, but we'll see. My point is that not all mods need to be CMMOS compatible. Are there benefits? I'd like to think so, but it's certainly not required. I'm interested to find out what more I can do (if anything) to make CMMOS more inclusive and easier for modders to get a handle on. Unfortunately, as a software engineer by trade, that's not my strong point (I spend all day "talking" to computers because it's easier than talking to people). I wish you hadn't used the word "petition" when referring to acquiring an "official" RuleSet or Rule number. I think that's too strong a word and has ugly connotations for what the process actually is. "Apply" is a more neutral term that I believe is more accurate. The only reason that RuleSets and Rules are "regulated" in any way are to help prevent chaos possible if multiple people started distributing RuleSets with the same number. For the record, I have no intention of ever refusing anyone's request for a RuleSet or Rule (although I may, and have offered advice on how projects might best be structured). I will, however try to keep assignments ordered within the existing structure of the RuleSets, so don't be concerned if you don't get RuleSetXXX, but instead I offer you RuleSetYYY, because it's probably just because RuleSetYYY is in the "right" range of RuleSet numbers for you particular RuleSet (e.g. terrain versus vehicles, etc.). Joshik, I'm not aware of any websites that have instituted a CMMOS-or-nothing policy with regards to mods. I'd be interested in seeing what you're working on and am always willing to help out modders who want to enable their mods for CMMOS. If I were a Mac programmer there would already be a Mac version of CMMOS, but alas I am not. Also a CMMOS mod is no more Mac unfriendly than the older batch file mods (which it replaced). Unfortunately it is no MORE friendly either (at least not until the Mac equivalent arrives). Gordon Gordon
  12. Well, being the bloody parasite that I am, most of what I work on depends on the other modders getting their work done. So, let's see, off the top of my head, there's the Ambush camo versions of Fernando's SdKfz 250s (summer and winter), the hasty versions of Fernando's SdKfz 250s and SdKfz 251s (summer and winter), Andrew's snow-covered Jeep, I'm supposed to make a CMMOS version of Andrew's Jeep if somebody doesn't get it done first, the camo, snow-covered and whitewashed versions of Pawbroon's Archer. I THINK that's about all that I'm allowed to talk about, but it's definitely NOT everything that I'm working on. But then again, I'm such a push-over that if just about anyone comes up to me and asks if I'd like to do "X version" of one of their mods I usually say yes. :cool: Gordon
  13. There is a massive and comprehensive (subdued) set of CMMOS terrain transformations that's just started the test cycle. Gordon
  14. TankDawg, I think your subject line might be referring to the "Fernando" mods. And I don't think you have very long to wait. Gordon
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bfamily33: Damn good news! I'd love to see the two tone brown version plus the plain version released. ATTN GORDON: I recall you had a plan to do a hasty camo version of a Tiger as soon as someone did a nice base. Perhaps you could work with Makjager and handle the hasty version as well as the winter versions. Thanks again.<hr></blockquote> bfamily33, Sorry, I just noticed this question. I plan on doing hasty versions of anything/everything I can get my hands on. Gordon
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PawBroon: St Gordon help me. Of course Mac users can access CMMOS MODs. They could just NOT use CMMOS to apply the MODs on the fly. I'm a Windows user and I don't use some of those. For example, I like my AFV snowy. Why would I install a AFV_Whitewash and AFV_Snow when I can simple RENAME the extansion to AFV.Bmp and be done with it? There is a tremor in the Force but it wouldn't be because of OS.<hr></blockquote> Marcel, Please, my oath of humility begs me to demure that I am only a lowly 24th level mod-cleric, and no saint. That said, however, you are absolutely right in that at it's core, CMMOS is only a set of naming conventions to organize the options associated with particular mods and the rules to apply when selecting a particular BMP to be used "in-game". In the interim before a CMMOS-compatible program is available on the Mac, a Mac user should be able to select "their" BMPs from a CMMOS compatible mod much as they did with pre-CMMOS "batch file mods". Obviously, the solution is to have the CMMOS-compatible program for Macs, but I haven't heard any status on that project lately (nor am I affiliated with it). Gordon
  17. Actually, I've been "expanding" somewhat myself. Must be that winter in Chicago, prepare to hibernate instinct kicking in. Gordon
  18. Dan, I believe you can edit the subject line (at least I did so once). The technique you outline is pretty much the way I do most of my mods (with slight variations for using a different graphics package) and with a lot less finesse. I'll have to keep practicing. Gordon
  19. Nope. Everything should be backwards compatible. Your existing RuleSets should all work (or be upgraded by the installation of v3.00). v3.01 should be available for download very soon, however, so you might want to wait a little longer. (hint) German Vehicles Gordon
  20. Anybody seen or heard from Feldgrau lately? Gordon
  21. Note, I corrected my earlier post about the approriate color for a tac sign. It would be white, but the shape obviously depends on the vehicle's placement within the regiment, so a diamond, triangle, square, circle or rectangle for HQ, A, B, C or D squadrons respectively. Also I have found one photo of a Staghound AC with a square on the hull, so I agree with Michael that they certainly could have tactical markings. Gordon
  22. Or better yet, start the first mod "Pyramid" scheme via e-mail. Gordon
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars: What do the colours represent on the unit numbers anyway? Good work btw!<hr></blockquote> The background color indicates the type of arm or service that the vehicle belonged to. So at least for NW Europe, a red background signified the Senior Infantry Brigade of an Infantry Division, or the Armoured Brigade of an Armoured Division. Green signified the second Brigade of an Infantry Division or the Infantry Brigade of an Armoured Division. Maroon was used for the Junior Brigade of an Infantry Division. The placement of a white stripe (along the top or bottom edge, or either diagonal) specified that the unit belong to a command higher than the division. Gordon
  24. And how about we just lay off the guy for awhile and let him work in peace. Gordon
  25. From "The British Soldier Vol 2", it appears the most applicable set of markings for the Daimler would be a Green over Blue unit serial number of 44 (with a white bar across the top) as part of the Armoured Car Regiment (Corps Troop) of the Armoured Divisions. Therefore, as a non-brigaded regiment, a white shape would be appropriate as the turret tactical marking. Gordon [ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Gordon ]</p>
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