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Everything posted by Gordon

  1. Hey, at least he didn't ask about the grass. Gordon
  2. Gordon it was on the 4th of April update. Are you implying you're a slow reader? And I MIGHT redo that Humber. At least there wasn't any doubt that it was Green AND Black.</font>
  3. YK2, No, I was not referring to the quality of your modding, which, I believe has far surpased PawBroon's quality at a similar stage of development (as evidence I would like to present exhibit 'A', PawBroon's Humber Scout car mod) or my early King Tiger for that matter. You know, the one that nobody can seem to agree on what colors it is. However, everyone is, I'm sure, familiar with the saying "Hell hath no fury ..." I know that it's time to walk away from the computer and pay closer atttention to my wife whenever she pays particular attention to the cutlery during meals. I do hope that PawBroon intended the "Stakhanovist" comment in the positive sense, rather than in the shoddy workmanship sense. Gordon
  4. PawBroon, I don't know if SuperTed is just stalling because he's got to learn to speak Russian like a native by Sunday or not, but I do suggest you pay some attention to YK2, as she seems a little "edgy." We don't want any "Fatal Attraction" type stuff slowing down M&M updates. Gordon
  5. Pascal, I believe everything was merged into the "official" RuleSets. I probably have the mods stashed on my computer somewhere, so if you could e-mail me (gordonemolek@earthlink.net) the file names, we might save at least one transit of my painfully slow dial-up connection. Gordon
  6. The top row of buttons in the Allied Winter Vehicles RuleSet applies the chosen option to ALL allied winter vehicles that have the appropriate mods installed. I didn't think it made sense to have some of your vehicles snow-covered and some whitewashed. There is a Churchill-specific Icon to allow selection of the various different Marks of Churchills that are available. Gordon
  7. Pascal and Clubfoot, IIRC, another member of the CMMOS Cabal made the new German Vehicles & Guns/Winter German Vehicles & Guns Rules to pull in all of the (at that time) Pz IV, Pz V, and your kubelwagen collection mods that were out there. I'm sure we can find space on CM:HQ to host the mod collections as long as y'all agree. John Tucker was posting his mods somewhere (I don't recall off the top of my head). Gordon [ May 16, 2002, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: Gordon ]
  8. Sorry, but anyone who's sent me e-mail in the last 8 hours or so, it was probably lost by a server glitch. So, if anyone was looking for CMMOS help, please resend your e-mail. Sorry for the inconvenience. Gordon
  9. All, I've sent a revised set of links to Matt that should fix all the known link problems, please let me know via e-mail (gordonemolek@earthlink.net) if you find any more. I thought someone was working on a "Tiger Mod Compilation" a la the "King Tiger Mod Compilation", but I could be wrong. Gordon
  10. Gary, Yes, that's correct. Download and install CMMOS v3.02 and the new RuleSets that you are interested in, and then download any of the new mods. You do not have to re-download any of the old mods. Gordon
  11. MarkEzra and Pvt. Ryan, That's very peculiar because I develop CMMOS on a Win98SE machine. Frankly, I'm clueless, but it appears that you've at least got a work-around. If I can reproduce it, I'll add it to the list of known "gotchas". Gordon
  12. Apache, You may have been using the old batch versions of the BMPs with the "unofficial" RuleSets that have now been imported into the "official" RuleSets that will be part of CMMOS v3.02. You'll need to make sure that you have the appropriate CMMOS mods installed for the halftracks or you'll still have the same sort of problems. CMMOS v3.02 should be released any day now, so you might want to sit tight. Cyberized, All BMPs must be installed (either manually or by CM Mod Manager) into the CM:BO BMP folder, and not in any sub-folders or elsewhere. If you send me (gordonemolek@earthlink.net) a copy of CMMOSLog.txt from the CMMOS install folder, I'll diagnose the problem for you. Gordon
  13. Apache, The 250/251 problem is most likely that the CMMOS version of those mods isn't installed (Fernando originally released those mods as a batch file version, and you've probably got that installed). Run CMMOS, e-mail a copy of the file CMMOSLog.txt to me (gordonemolek@earthlink.net) and we'll get you straightened out. As there's no Allied uniform RuleSet yet, your GI arm problem is due to the order that mods are listed in CM Mod Manager. Gordon
  14. Manx, Sad news indeed. But best wishes for the future, I'm sure you'll bounce back better than ever. Keep in touch and hope to see you again soon. Gordon
  15. CMMOS v3.01 was a feature/bug fix update. The latest version (v3.02) is just finishing beta test and should be posted soon. Among other cool features it adds sound mod support and reorganizes the packaging to make future updates to the RuleSets easier to apply. Gordon
  16. SuperTed, But I thought April Fool's day was on April first. Bwah, hah, hah. Sorry I just couldn't resist it. Happy Birthday PawBroon! Gordon
  17. MikeyD, The mono-color KT will be available in both zimmerit and non-zimmerit versions with a variety of tactical and unit markings. There will be a snow-covered and whitewashed version. I'll be doing a re-make of my s.Pz.Abt. 503 "striped" mod and there will be "guest" modders who will be doing the bi-color, tri-color and ambush versions. bfamily33, (groan) Gordon
  18. Mattias, thanks. bfamily33 - Yes, along with whitewashed and snow-covered versions, and there will even be some "guest" painters. panzerwerfer42 - Yes, not historical, but I can understand why some would want it, so I'll probably end up doing a "hasty" anyway. PawBroon - Now that's a threat that's hard to ignore. Anyone else out there with any markings information? Thanks, Gordon
  19. Grogs, frogs, ladies and gentlemen, You may have seen a picture of this new King Tiger mod I'm working on Image courtesy of MODs & MODers I'm looking for information on the markings that appeared on the KTs of the various Schwere Panzer Abteilung (Abteilungen? ) that fought in the West. I've got a fair representation of the different styles of tactical numbers, and have examples of the unit symbols, but almost no examples showing those unit symbols being actually used on the vehicles. So, any corroboration one way or the other would be appreciated. Feel free to e-mail me at "gordonemolek@earthlink.net" or respond in this thread. Thanks, Gordon
  20. I KNOW that. But it beats having to (bump) this thread. Gordon [ April 01, 2002, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: Gordon ]
  21. Oh man. Marcel, around these here parts, them's fightin' words. You gonna take that? Gordon
  22. Andrew, The multi-vehicle Icons in the "Commonwealth Vehicles" RuleSet (e.g. 11th Arm.Div., 4th Arm.Bde., Guards Arm.Div., Polish Army), and the "Winter Allied Vehicles" RuleSet (e.g. whitewashed, snow-covered, etc.) will swap between the "standard" formations as long as the files are named properly. Creating Cromwell-specific Icons is easily done once you finalize your plans. Are you planning on doing Mark-specific versions a la Marco's Shermans or Feldgrau's Churchills? Gordon
  23. Quite frankly, no idea. It's MODed by one of those French. You know them fickle Frogs... Seriously, it's supposed to have been done by a John Doe then mailed to Franck Lazzaroni (another French MODer) and then forwarded to Saturnin who mailed it to me. Does that make sense? My guess is that Franck is indeed the culprit. He just wouldn't say so and I'm not even sure they'll release the bloody MOD. God knows I've asked for the BMPs for some time now under the pretence of doing screenies. What's ailing the Frogs is beyond me really. Why do a MOD if not to release it? And it's obvious this one is the best H39 to date... Strange. Bloody French. Must be cultural or there's something in their tap water... </font>
  24. We'll probably be creating a set of JagdTiger mods based on my upcoming Pz VIB mod (see the latest Mods & Modders thread and update). Gordon
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