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Everything posted by Gordon

  1. Pvt. Ryan: Thanks, but I think they've got it covered. ryddle: If you've only been playing around with grass mods, you've got a whole world worth of mods (both CMMOS and non-CMMOS) to catch up on. Rollstoy: Sorry, but I'm just not in the "George-III static lighting" camp. I attempt to make all of my mods realistically but subtly shaded so that the 3-D effect is enhanced but they still blend with the rest of the game's graphics. All of my mods come with blanket permissions for anyone to further mod them as long as they properly attribute myself and any other authors who have contributed to the mod, so maybe somebody will create versions that better suit your tastes. lcm1947: You're welcome. AndrewTF: Glad you like the results. Manx: Good to hear you're still around. sitzkrieg: So get those Allied Uniforms done already! Feel free to sprinkle the above with :cool: , to taste and serve warm. Gordon
  2. Garry, Glad to hear it. You were profoundly missed in your absence and it's great to see you "back in the saddle." Your mod reviews were always thoughtful and well written. Gordon
  3. If you want more information, you could always look at CMMOS v3.02.001 Preview Gordon
  4. Part 4 of 4: And finally, last but not least (certainly not in my opinion ). King Tigers. Mono-color (with and without Zimmerit and my usual plethora of options). An update of my original (low-res) s.Pz.Abt 503 mod (one of my very first ever mods), with both an original color scheme and a more historically accurate color scheme (based on information I've acquired since my original version was released). And of course, winter versions of these (plus whitewashed): Whew! We're just wrapping up the release now and should have it to Madmatt for posting very soon. Gordon (on behalf of the CMMOS Cabal)
  5. Part 3 of 4: We've got a collection of German trucks to drive around. Also, a bunch of FlaK 37 versions from Marco Bergman and myself:
  6. Part 2 of 4: For Terrain we've got a bunch of new Ed Kinney mods, including a second wall, 2 types of grass, hedge, brush and tree bases, as well as a fix to remove some "pinkies" from DD's scattered tree bases. Winter Wonderland is also updated with new pine trees for the Abominable Snow Mod, a new road option for Tom's Battle of the Bulge mod, and the ability to flip snow-cover from "more snow in the valleys" to "more snow on the hill tops" (way cool!). We've got additions to the German Uniforms with a second, more brownish wool Heer uniform by Fernando J. Carrera Buil. Fernando's Heer brown feldgrau is an update to the already released Heer green feldgrau uniform. This uniform has more of a brownish tinge to it common of late war feldgrau uniforms. This mod is identical to the green feldgrau uniform with the same options except it is a shade darker and would be more common of the uniforms present in the CM:BO time frame (for the uniform grogs amongst us). Here's a look at his original mod: and here's a preview of the new mod: mchlstrt's Volkssturm uniform is based on the BTS original and some bits-and-pieces of some other mod artists (mainly the gear). This mod attempts to have more of a "pick-up-team" look to the Volkssturm uniforms and make them look less like solidiers and more like the civilians they were (which it does a good job of). Included are optional armbands for the BTS original yellow or the red armband used with Andrew Fox's Volkssturm mod. This mod also is also compatible with several different face mods for color and hue (subdued face mods). And last, but not least, we've got tons of heavy German metal mods. First, just about every significant Pz VIE mod that could be tracked down by Pud. You may recognize some of these. Plus many others that I don't have previews for.
  7. Part 1 of 4: Ok, the release of CMMOS v3.02.001 is just around the corner, so I thought I'd let y'all know what's in store for you. We've got an update to the basic program (for bug fixes) and updated Allied, German and Terrain RuleSets to encompass all the new stuff you'll see and read about below. So, let's get right to it. Allied vehicles: We've got Andrew Fox's Cromwell mod for CMMOS in 11th Armoured Division, Guards Armoured Division (camouflaged) and Polish versions. To overwatch them, we've got my Challenger (based on Andrew's Cromwell) in 11th Armoured Divsion and Guards Armoured Division (camouflaged) versions. We've also got Marco Bergman's M10/Wolverine, M36/Jackson "full-monty" pack (sorry no previews yet, but if you stop by MODs & MODers there's lot's of previews of these and additional images of many of these mods). We've also got winter versions of the Cromwell, Challenger and Comet (there's not a summer CMMOS version of Andrew's Comet since only 11th Armoured Division deployed Comets). [ June 28, 2002, 12:59 AM: Message edited by: Gordon ]
  8. Sorry, wrong side of "the pond", and all. But if anyone has a chance, don't forget us modders. Some nice detail photos of appropriate tanks would be quite nice. Gordon
  9. Yup, good idea. Time for another hobby. I'll just throw out the big CMMOS update I had planned for this weekend and go pursue my lifelong dream of joining the PGA tour (senior circuit, unfortunately) and preparing to sail around the world. Yup, why consider modding anymore when I can't do what's really wanted, a Pershing mod. lcm1947, thanks for opening my eyes. Gordon
  10. Well, they're based on Marco's upcoming M10/M36/Wolverine/Achilles mods and Marco's originals should be released (along with a ton of other CMMOS stuff) near the end of the month. My camo variants probably won't make this CMMOS release, however. Gordon
  11. Gyrene, Probably an M45. A T26E2 with a 105mm howitzer. Since the M4 105mm howitzer was so light, the M45 was given a thicker gun mantlet to re-balance the turret (200mm!). A few served in Korea. Gordon
  12. See the following link to an article on the Chaffee at AFV Interiors that discribes the M6 75mm gun. Originally designed for the B-25 Mitchell bomber it had a concentric recoil mechanism, thinner/lighter barrel walls than the M3 gun, but fired the same ammo. It does appear, at least according to AFV Interiors that the AP capabilities of the gun might be overstated. Gordon
  13. Manx, The big problem with having CMMOS apply options directly from within the ZIP archives is one of performance since the Option "Guards Armoured (Camouflaged)" is not restricted to a single ZIP archive, but is spread across many different archives (of which CMMOS currently has no concept of). The only information CMMOS has to work from are BMP numbers. Puff, I certainly see your point, and that's why I use "CM Mod Manager" to actually install all of my mods. That way it's easy for me to wipe out my BMP folder (to remove all the cruft that tends to accumulate doing mod development) and get back to a consistent, known state. "CM Mod Manager" is an excellent mod installation tool, while I think "CM Mod Option Selector" is an excellent mod option selection tool. I will have to implement some level of indirection between the various folders used by CMMOS (FileLists, RuleSets, BMPs, WAVs) in order to allow CMMOS to handle both CM:BO and CM:BB, so I will look into providing something like what you are asking for at that point. Gordon
  14. That's certainly not out of the question, but there are a couple of issues that need to be considered. First, it would increase the length of time it takes to select an option due to the slower data transfer rate of the CD drive. Second it would involve having to remember to do the CD-shuffle to make sure you've got the mods CD in the drive and not the CM:BO (or eventually the CM:BB) CD in the drive. As I said, not out of the question, but not necessarily without downsides either. Gordon
  15. You are all too kind. Thank you. Michael, I would not want to step on PawBroon's toes. The vast majority of the projects that are in the pipeline are pretty much on display at MODs & MODers Gordon
  16. Too late, I'm already cursed, I'm a modder. And Marcus, looking good. Gordon [ May 31, 2002, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: Gordon ]
  17. Joshik, If you e-mail me at "gordonemolek@earthlink.net" I can get you set up with the necessary CMMOS stuff. Gordon
  18. Yeah, I'm here. Don't currently have a winter Hetzer project on my books. Since they're time consuming, I don't like to do snow effects on individual mods, but rather on the "series" mods, like Marco's, Fernando's, Makjager's, etc. so that I can amortize the expense across the different regular/camo sets and get more bang for the buck. Gordon
  19. Hmm. Let's see. There's the mono-color and s.Pz.Abt. 503 "striped" King Tiger that I'm working on. And the whitewashed and snow-covered version of the mono-color KT. And there's the Challenger and camo Challenger mod, and whitewashed and snow-covered versions of Andrew's Cromwell and the Challenger. And camo versions of Marco's M10/M36/Wolverine/Achilles. And probably a couple of other things I can't recall at the moment. Yup, you're right. Not much going on at all. What we need is a web site dedicated to providing previews of upcoming mods. Gordon
  20. Yup, that's the basics of it. There's a readme file that comes with CMMOS that explains it's use, and many mods include a readme file that details the specifics of each mod. To make the installation of the BMP files from the mods easier, there's also "CM Mod Manager" (available from CM:HQ) which handles a lot of the grunge work of unzipping and copying BMPs. Gordon
  21. Old Dog! Glad to see you're still around, even if you're only lurking. Gordon
  22. If it is the Pershing/Panther duel in Cologne (and I have no desire to view the movie), the Panther ambushed an M4 and then the Pershing put three rounds into the side of the Panther as the Panther was turning it's turret to engage the Pershing. Gordon
  23. Ahh, but it is included with Field and Stream for CMMOS, so there's no need to cry. Gordon
  24. Hmmm. No M&M update, I hope everything's alright. Gordon
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