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Everything posted by Gordon

  1. There are a couple of "non-official" German vehicle sets out there of various types. An "Official" set is currently in development/testing. I can't provide a definite ETA at this point. Gordon
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Funker Vertinox: You know... Actually there is a rumor that a lone pitiful Nashorn took out the only Pershing lost in combat. Well pitiful in it's armor and protection but I suppose that 88mm packed a nasty punch through the Pershing. <hr></blockquote> It's not a rumor. The Nashorn ambushed a Pershing at "point-blank range" and the round set off the turret ammunition. I think just about anything would die from a point-blank 88 hit. A Pershing was "comparable" to a Panther in terms of armor protection, not a King Tiger. Gordon
  3. Boris, It looks like you did everything correctly except you might have entered the wrong values. Assuming one has followed the instructions in opening "regedit" and opening all the folders so that you are in the "Combat Mission.exe" folder, you should see to entries under the "Name" column. The first row "(Default)" should have the full path and EXE of CM:BO. For a default installation it would be "C:\Program Files\CMBO\Combat Mission.exe". The second row "Path" should just have the path portion of the above (e.g. "C:\Program Files\CMBO"). The next release of CMMOS will prompt the user to specify the location of the CM:BO install that they want to use CMMOS with if it can't find it in the Registry, and will "remember" it for future invocations. Once CM:BB comes out I'll figure out how to handle using CMMOS with multiple installations simmultaneously. Gordon [ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Gordon ]</p>
  4. Please e-mail me at (gordonemolek@earthlink.net) a copy of CMMOSLog.txt (from your CMMOS installation folder) and I'll try to figure out what the problem is. Gordon
  5. "Hybridisation" of Stuarts and Shermans is due to the sharing of the 75mm turret textures between the M4s (US and Free French) and the Sherman II (Commonwealth). Similarly, the M5A1/M8 HMC and the Stuart Mk V also share a variety of textures which can cause problems (which is why there's an option for the Stuarts to provide "US-compatible" colors for the Commonwealth Stuarts (see the Stuarts Advanced option). Regarding the M3A1s, I just checked them on my system and they seem to be working. Whenever anyone has these sorts of problems, please e-mail me (gordonemolek@earthlink.net) a copy of file CMMOSLog.txt and a description of the behavior you're seeing and I should be able to figure out what the issue is. Thanks, Gordon
  6. Well, I would hope that eventually I'll get all the bugs out of CMMOS and finish all the features I want to put in, and so in that respect CMMOS (the program will be finished). However, since it was designed to be "open", new RuleSets/Rules could be added at anytime in the future (distribution of those sorts of updates may be the focus of the next major CMMOS release. As far as publishing a CD, that's not my business (nor was it ever my intention). Gordon
  7. Yes, All existing CMMOS mods will work with v3.00. Gordon "not a mod god, only a 24th level mage"
  8. No, that's my fault. I shouldn't have used a screen shot that showed non-default RuleSets, especially ones that haven't been released yet. Gordon
  9. Ligur: What do you mean by "categories"? The currently available "Tabs" in CMMOS v3.00 are "Commonwealth Vehicles", "US and Free French Vehicles", "Winter Allied Vehicles", "Buildings" and "Markers". "German Vehicles" featuring Fernando's mods, "Makjager's German Vehicles" and Philippe's magnus opus "Field and Stream" will hopefully all be released very soon. Gordon
  10. Yes, I'd also like to apologize for any confusion. Unfortunately when I got home this evening from a family outing to find a suprise e-mail from Manx stating that he had posted ALL of this :eek: Well, let's just say it's been a mad struggle to catch up. Gordon
  11. What's the matter with you people. You should have the pitchforks and torches out and be storming the CM:HQ castle demanding that these be released! Geez, where's a good mob riot when you need one. Gordon
  12. Pawbroon, I've sent the information off to you. If you need more, let me know. Gordon
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PawBroon: What I meant with REG wasn't REGULAR (Sorry) but REGimental as opposed to DIVisional. Sometimes I can't help but being me.<hr></blockquote> Pawbroon, That's Ok, we love you as you are. However, my question remains. AFAIK, there would be no REGimental markings other than the battery and vehicle identifiers. The vehicle would display the Division's formation sign. If the battery and vehicle identification symbols are what you are looking for, I can provide you with that (from "The British Soldier Vol 2"). Gordon
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PawBroon: Seriously, Div badges are easy to find, but where can I get the Reg ones?<hr></blockquote> Pawbroon, What do you mean by "Reg ones?" I thought they would have carried the parent Division's formation sign and the appropriate battery markings. Or am I missing something? Gordon
  15. Yes. Once CMMOS v3.00 is posted all you'll need to do is to rename the files to match the Rules and you'll be all set. Gordon
  16. Andreas, Yes, that appears to be the case, but just as I'd prefer to be in a Sherman troop with at least 1 Firefly around to deal with the "heavies", I'd have thought that they'd have allocated the Achilles around among the Wolverines for the same purpose. But apparently not. Gordon
  17. According to "The British Soldier Vol 2", the Archer was deployed in the Anti-Tank Regiments (RA) of the Infantry Divisions at the strength of 1 troop (4 vehicles) per battery. The Wolverine and Achilles were deployed in the Anti-Tank Regiments (RA) of the Armoured Divisions at the strength of 2 batteries (12 Wolverines or Achilles per Battery, 4 per troop). It's not clear if they were "mixed" or not (either within the troop, battery or Regiment). Gordon
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PawBroon: As a side note, if there is any Dorosh in here who'd wish me to put some divisional or regimental thingies on that MOD, now would be the time...<hr></blockquote> Pawbroon, French-type person extraordinaire, Very nice start. Whatever markings you put on 'em, just remember to put 'em on backwards. Gordon "I knew Dorosh. And you sir, are no Dorosh." [ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: Gordon ]</p>
  19. Actually, CMMOS v3.00 has a fully-configured Jeep Rule for both the Commonwealth and US/Free French Vehicles RuleSets. Gordon
  20. It's a CM Mod Manager-compatible mod that's mis-labeled as a CMMOS mod. The confusion probably arises because most CMMOS mods (at least the ones I create) are also packaged for installation by CM Mod Manager. That makes for easy previewing of the mod and (most importantly for me) an easy way to clean out and restore my BMP folder when I've got it all mucked up with test versions of mods that I'm working on. Also, CMMOS is a "Mod Option Selector", not a "Mod Manager", and CM Mod Manager has a lot of capabilities for dealing with the mod packages themselves that CMMOS does not. CMMOS is more concerned with the BMPs contained in the mods. If that makes any sense. It's too early in the morning and I'm living off too little sleep. Gordon
  21. Well, I appreciate the response to my Camo Stuart, but a major portion of the credit must go to Marco (again) upon who's excellent base my variant was built on. Thanks, Gordon
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