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Everything posted by Gordon

  1. Andrew, Looking very nice. The example or two of markings for Daimler's I've seen actually had the unit serial number and formation sign on the lower portions of the hull (front and back) rather than on the fenders. And no turret tactical signs that I've seen. Also, did you ever receive the pic of the prototype snow-covered version of your Jeep I sent? Gordon [ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Gordon ]</p>
  2. Since the "Full-monty" Jeep mod and Rules exist for CMMOS v3.00, one can just rename Andrew's files to match the "_uk_para" Option. If somebody doesn't get to it first, when Andrew finishes up his MME version I'll package that up with his others into a CMMOS compatible version. Gordon
  3. What the heck, give it a bump for the people on the opposite side of the world. Gordon
  4. Yes, it's a Finnish StuG named "Bubi". It's brought up in this thread: Bubi Gordon
  5. Hah! The man can't keep me down! Jeez, tough crowd. You'd think nobody'd ever got "stuck" by Geocities before. Gordon
  6. Agent Scully: So, Agent Mulder, I understand that you have conclusive proof that BTS is justified in the use of shared BMPs for their in-game models. But how can that be? Agent Mulder: I know it's hard to believe, but you have to open up your mind to the possibility. I have conclusive proof that it was done in real life. Here, look at these photos provided by Agent Patolino just before he "disappeared": Look at the front of this shield: And now the back: You can't argue with that! Agent Scully: We'd better contact Skinner! Nice photos, btw. Gordon [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Gordon ] [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Gordon ]</p>
  7. Michael, That is an interesting idea. But unfortunately, you're right. I'm just too busy. Gordon
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by patolino: ...which makes them sooo beautiful... just look at these babies: Bubi Liisa Marjatta Hopefully someone will mod them if they're not included already on the CD :cool: <hr></blockquote> Hey! I call dibs on modding "Bubi"! How can you NOT want to mod a tank named "Bubi". I'd seen a drawing of it in a book, but those are excellent photos. Gordon
  9. Actually, it doesn't matter anymore. As of CMMOS v3.00, you can "install" CMMOS high res mods and then when you select them from within CMMOS you can convert them to low res, so you can have the best of both worlds. Gordon
  10. Andrew, The Daimler is coming along nicely. Pawbroon, The Archer looks a little grey, you might want to bump up the saturation a little, other than that, it's also looking very nice. Gordon
  11. The new-and-improved German Uniforms CMMOS RuleSet and the all-new Allied Uniforms are in progress. Andrew, expect a contact from Keith regarding both (the pass-phrase will be "The rooster barked at midnight"). Gordon
  12. Andrew, Yes, your winter-ized Jeep is still on my todo list, along with the Hetzer and now the Daimler, however since you've decided to muscle in on my Mickey-mouse-ears truf, I may have to rethink my priorities. :mad: Actually, finishing up the "German Vehicles" CMMOS RuleSet and wrist troubles have put a lot of my projects on hold. Nice looking Daimler, btw. Definitely looking forward to it. :cool: Gordon
  13. Oh the absolute shame of having to (bump) your own post. Gordon
  14. I'm putting together a CMMOS compilation of the available mine warning sign mods and was wondering if anyone has examples of Allied mine warning signs from the period? The only example I have so far is a rather bland looking British one. Thanks, Gordon
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: I upgraded to CMMOS 3.0 yesterday and I also installed Makjager's JgdPzVs. I placed the BMPs in the CMBO\BMP folder and I placed the Ruleset 020 folder in the CMMOS folder in the GEM Software Prods folder. I see the menu for the JgdPzVs when I run CMMOS, but the files won't load. Please help.<hr></blockquote> Please e-mail a copy of the CMMOSLog.txt file from the CMMOS installation folder and a description of the actions you took to me at "gordonemolek@earthlink.net" and I'll look into your problem. Thanks, Gordon
  16. Please contact me regarding your mine warning sign mods (or ideas) as I am trying to put together a CMMOS compendium of the available versions that are out there. Thanks, Gordon (gordonemolek@earthlink.net
  17. If you have authored a mine warning sign mod in the past, please contact me at "gordonemolek@earthlink.net" as I'd like to discuss enabling your mods for use with CMMOS. The author's that I'm aware of, but have not been able to contact are: MrBill Thorsten "Ozzy" Koch I'd like to hear from them and any others that I have missed. Thanks, Gordon
  18. Thank you for the kind words. No need to send donations (yet). All I require for now is the eternal praise and admiration of my adoring public. Eventually, I'm sure a small-ish shrine will be necessary (no bigger than, say, the Taj Mahal) where my worshipers can leave their offerings and prayers, and where my disciples can gather. Gordon Papa always said that the way to get rich was to start a new religion.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: If you look more closely, you will see 7,000 Japanese tourists milling about the main street of the first screenshot.<hr></blockquote> Oh No! Now somebody's going to demand that I make both "snow-covered" and "whitewashed" Japanese tourist mods in addition to the "clean" versus muddy versions I was working on. Gordon
  20. Heinz, You've probably installed CM:BO twice (e.g. to run DFDR) or manually copied the files from the CD. If you have never looked at the Windows Registry before, please do the following: Click "Start" -> Run. In the "Open" combo-box, type "regedit" and click "OK". Click the "+" next to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". Click the "+" next to "Software". Click the "+" next to "Microsoft". Click the "+" next to "Windows". Click the "+" next to "CurrentVersion". Click the "+" next to "App Paths". Click on "Combat Mission.exe". In the right panel there should be 2 rows, one with "(Default)" in the "Name" column and one with "Path". What's under the "Data" column of the "Path" row? This is the folder that CMMOS expects CM:BO to be installed. It needs this to find the BMP folder. If not the correct directory (presumably not), right click on "Path" and select "Modify". Change the edit box to be the correct path and click "OK". Run CMMOS and see if things work now. Gordon
  21. Colonel_Deadmarsh, I'm not sure what you mean by "I can't see any mod list when I start the program". You don't see a set of tabbed windows and icons? Which icons are you clicking on? Please e-mail me (gordonemolek@earthlink.net) a copy of the file "CMMOSLog.txt" from your CMMOS installation folder along with a brief description of the sequence of actions you took and I'll figure out what's wrong. Thanks, Gordon
  22. Tom, Very, nice concept. I'm definitely interested in it, and right now I'd be leaning toward "green", but not by much. One comment, and it may or may not be an issue when you're finished, but the bare spots look a little too "linear", if you get my drift. It seems to be more pronounced in the "mud" pictures. I'm not sure what, if anything, can or should be done about it, but there you have it. Nice job. Gordon
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bebbetufs: To the makers of CMMOS: First I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for a great program. I think it works really well to do what it was supposed to do, manage complex mods with many options. <hr></blockquote> You're welcome. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> I would like to suggest the implementation of some kind of .zip support in the next version (if you ever make one). That way you could easily install complete packs of mods that the user easily can modify by adding and deleting .bmps to the archives. It would also save disk space. <hr></blockquote> Well, I have been thinking of trying to solve the disk-space problem, and using zip-archives is one possibility, but there are some fundamental issues involved that I have yet to find a satisfactory solution for. As an example, there is not a one-to-one mapping between "mods" (the graphics) and "Rules" (the CMMOS method for implementing options). So, it becomes problematic to apply the "British 11th Armoured Division Rule" across an arbitrary collection of zip files. That's why CMMOS keys off the files themselves. I'm not saying that there's no way to do something like this, just that I haven't figured out a satisfactory way (yet). <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Example: I have a set of terrain tiles that I think is the best combination to represent an overcast autumn day. These include tree bases, water, hedges, walls, grass, brush etc. Now to play such a scenario I just need to unzip the contents into the Bmp folder. It would be great if CMMOS could implement .zip support to combine different archives and to get a good overview over the contents in some way or another. The way it is now I would need to unzip all these files into the Bmp folder and give them a suffix. This would mean that I would have all the .bmps of the entire game installed about 8 times over in that folder. I would rapidly run out of disk space and the folder itself becomes almost unmanageble. <hr></blockquote> But on the other hand, this sort of situation is what "CM Mod Manager" does best. The only "catch" is knowing exactly which BMP files you want to capture for each particular "set". Again, I'm looking into solving these issues, but they're not quite as "cut-and-dried" as one might think. Thanks for the suggestions, constructive criticism is always welcome. Gordon
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bertram: Didn't for me . I replaced the CMMOS 2.1 version with his one, but he has taken exception with the way the CMBO directory is registered. That means he won't run on my comp. Bertram [ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: Bertram ]<hr></blockquote> Bertram, Please e-mail a copy of the file CMMOSLog.txt from the CMMOS installation folder to "gordonemolek@earthlink.net" and we'll get you squared away. Gordon
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