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Everything posted by Gordon

  1. Just a note to let everyone know that we're still "on". I'll be sending out an inaugural e-mail to everyone who's expressed interest and we'll take it from there. Gordon
  2. Fernando, Everybody knows REAL Finns don't need no stinkin' uniforms. Ok, well maybe a loin-cloth during the really cold months of winter, but only while in between attacks (as Finns are never on the defensive). Gordon
  3. Faces of Fear is really Philippe's baby. If you want, run CMMOS, go to the Faces of Fear tab and try to apply one of the non-working versions. Then exit CMMOS and e-mail me a copy of the logfile "CMMOSLog.txt" at "gordonemolek@earthlink.net" and if I can't figure it out, I'll pass it on to Philippe to have him take a look. Gordon
  4. Everybody, there was a bad link on the web-page for the Miscellaneous RuleSets (which includes the Vexillography and Faces of Fear data. I've informed Madmatt, and we'll have to be patient while he finds the time to make the correction. That bad link was my fault, so please don't bitch at him. Rob, Your problem is most likely related to the above issue. If you'd like me to verify, please run CMMOS, and then exit the program. Open up Windows Explorer and navigate to the CMMOS folder (usually "C:\Program Files\GEM Software Productions\CM Mod Option Selector" and there should be a file called "CMMOSLOG.txt" there. E-mail that to me at "gordonemolek@earthlink.net" and I'll look into it. Thanks, Gordon
  5. Anybody having problems with CMMOS should e-mail me a description of the problem and a copy of the file CMMOSLog.txt from within your CMMOS install folder (try to recreate the problem, exit CMMOS and then e-mail me the log). We'll usually get you straightened out pretty quickly. Gordon
  6. Rob, You're welcome, but a lot of people deserve credit for the quantity and quality of this release. Gordon
  7. Peter, Regarding your first question, it's actually been quite some time since I worked on that mod, but I believe that's a shared texture issue. The lower half of the front of the Achilles actually uses one of the "generic" vehicle interior BMPs. There's nothing to be done about it, and you probably just didn't notice it as much on Marco's original. Regarding 3361_us_camo.bmp being missing. Ooops. You're right. Neither I nor any of my testers noticed that. I'll upload a new copy of the mod that includes the missing texture and mail a copy of just the missing texture to anyone who requests it (to save an extra download). Gordon
  8. Rob, All older mods should be forwards-compatible with the new version of CMMOS, unless there's been an update to the mod itself. You should always download the new RuleSets when they're updated as they'll include the new functionality for all the new mods. Gordon
  9. Boo_Radley, The first step is to find all the BMPs that constitute the object you want to mod (be it a building, a gun, a vehicle, etc.). There's a list of BMPs floating around the net somewhere, but CMMOS has the complete list (it's used by the program). Once you know which BMPs are involved, you can then figure out how they go together to create the surfaces of the object. There's a pattern to it, in that the first vehicle BMP is usually the hull side, the second BMP is usually the hull top, etc. Regarding copyright and use of other's mods. AFAIK, in the United States, copyright is automatically provided to the author of an original work, no explicit statement or filing is necessary. While it's not legally required that you ask permission of a mod author before using his work as the basis of your mod, it's considered good form to do so, and to credit the original author(s) in the documetation of your mod. Gordon
  10. The file Bergman_Stuarts_CMMOS_hr.zip/Bergman_Stuarts_CMMOS_lr.zip on CM:HQ in the Allied Vehicles section of the CMMOS page include the Stuart Roos. The file Pud refers to updates those with my camo versions. Gordon
  11. As soon as we smooth out the last of the RuleSet issues, which will hopefully be any day now. It's just an answer. Gordon
  12. It appears that due to real world concerns, the full Allied Uniforms RuleSet will not make it into this release of CMMOS. However, the Semiotics RuleSets will feature the extensive work of Darknight and Philippe, providing unit patches for Andrew Fox's Commonwealth and US/FF uniforms. Gordon
  13. Actually, I believe this is possible, with the following caveat. It will only LOOK like snow on the ground, the actual in-game environmental conditions would still be clear, mud, etc. Bascially, just copy the snowy ground BMPs to the normal lo-res or hi-res open ground BMPs. You also might want to copy some of the other terrain types, e.g., buildings, trees, bases, etc. Gordon
  14. gautrek, The boot is part of the leg BMP, and I'm not sure there's much to be done with it as it's just a little rectangle along the bottom. Gordon
  15. Tracer, Great, you're on the list. John, None of the 3-D models include hatches. Regarding the armored exhaust covers, I'll look into possibly increasing the contrast around them. Thanks, Gordon
  16. bab, Ok, you're on the list. Pawbroon, Thanks, we'll be chatting soon about the Photoshop techiques. Zitadelle, Yup, Unit markings like what were done for CM:BO will definitely be on the list. Air recognition markings: Early war for the Germans, middle to late war for the Russians. I've always been afraid to try to produce convincing damage, but if anyone can teach me how ... Also, don't forget that I'm sure we're going to need Polish and Czech markings for all those Russian vehicles, not to mention Allied Bulgarian and Romanian vehicles, Polish Home Army, etc., etc., etc. Gordon
  17. Vader's Jester, Yes, it's the same techniques I used on my dirty KT prototype. My clean KT will be in the next CMMOS release, but not the dirty one. Old Dog, I need to ask Kwazy Dog how he produces those little shots first. But I'm not sure if this dirty version would be distinquishable from the stock clean version at that resolution. Herr Kruger, Great, we'll give you another one of the T-34/76 versions to work on, which will allow you to make easy comparisions to the prototype so you'll know if you're making them similar enough. Remember, they don't need to be identical, just similar enough that they looked like they drove through the same muddy country. Shatter, That's why I won't be doing these all by myself. I want to get to play this game (as opposed to CM:BO, which I've seldom had a chance to play). Hopefully by spreading around and coordinating the work we can all have our mod cake and play the game too. Red 6, You're on the list, and I got your e-mail, thanks. Gordon
  18. Well, in the spirit of mod frenzy, and given that I've been told that there's a rumor that some people prefer dirty tanks, here's my take on the weathered and dirty, T-34/76 model 1940. Now, this isn't just another mod preview. I'm also soliciting people to join the "Pig Pen." I'm sure as hell not looking forward to doing a dirty mod for every single vehicle in the game. But, I certainly do prefer a somewhat consistent look to my vehicles, e.g., similar shades of dunkel gelb, olive drab, etc., similar levels of details, dirt, etc. (although I have been known to do mods with some pretty off the wall camo schemes). So, I'm willing to work with anyone and everyone who's interested in creating this type of mod to coordinate the whole series of dirty vehicle mods. I'm offering my tricks, tips and techniques used to achieve the above results, and am willing to coordinate who's working on which vehicles in order to prevent duplication of effort. The level of dirtiness and the dirt effect are also open to negotiation amongst the "Pig Pen'ers." I'm also considering formation of the "Whitewash Painters", the "Snow Shovellers", and the "Soviet Camo Syndicate." So, if you're interested, respond here and we'll start getting organinzed for the release of CM:BB. Gordon
  19. Yeah, sitzkrieg hit the high points. There's a fair amount of UI handling code that would have to be translated into the appropriate Mac UI handling code, another chunk of code to handle Windows-isms, like the Registry, etc. that would also have to be translated to the Mac equivalents and a large chunk of code that handles the actual transformations themselves. In addition, for the CM:BB version I'm finally considering adding support for keeping the BMPs in ZIP files (although not the original mod files for technical reasons). Gordon
  20. Strontium, can I call you Strontium? Making a mod CMMOS compatible can be as easy as a couple of text files for a simple mod without a lot of options or variants. Unfortunately, CMMOS is PC only, at least for now. I keep looking for a Mac programmer I can work with to port it (or provide an equivalent), but so far no luck. Maybe with CM:BB using BMPs on the Mac things will be easier. Gordon
  21. Ladies and Gentlemen, Let's hear a hue and cry for CMMOS for CM:BB on the Mac. I'm willing to help (as much as possible) a Mac programmer to develop a Mac equivalent of CMMOS for CM:BB, but first we need a victim (I mean volunteer). Anyone willing to take up the gauntlet? Gordon
  22. You can't add schurzen as the game's 3-D model doesn't have include it. CMMOS is the CM Mod Option Selector, which allows you to easily switch between different mods and between different options of the same mod. Check out the CM:HQ CMMOS section for more info. Thanks, Gordon [ August 26, 2002, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Gordon ]
  23. Cool. If it's Ok with you, I'll see if Philippe can add it in as an option for CMMOS' "Winter Wonderland". Thanks, Gordon
  24. Nice job. Can we make a CMMOS version of it? Thanks, Gordon
  25. Shadow 1st Hussars, Well, the good news is that at least this will be a simple CMMOS mod with no optional files, so it should be easy to extract the BMPs from the ZIP file and rename them. lcm1947, Imagine a whole company of tanks painted this way, and other units painted various tiger faces on their tanks as well. John Kettler, No, not really planning on a whole Korean war mod, just always thought this camo was cool. I'll probably fiddle with it some more as time permits. Gordon
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