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Everything posted by Gordon

  1. Thanks, I'm hoping to have at least the mono-color version, with optional zimmerit and whatever markings I can dredge up for the 2 units that employed Jagdtigers available for the impending CMMOS release. Provided CM:BO survives the release of CM:BB, several camo versions, whitewashed and snow-covered versions will eventually get done. Gordon
  2. Thanks, I figured that the Americans needed at least one really kick-ass camo scheme to play with, even if it's not historical. Gordon
  3. Top notch. I'm sure we'll be able to find space in the CMMOS Buildings RuleSet for 'em. Gordon
  4. Hmmm, It's hard to tell with all the mist swirling around, but it sure sounds like a heavy tank engine... Damn, it's getting louder (and closer). Good lord, it's a Jagdtiger (mod)! Well, I'm hoping I'll get this wrapped up (it's still pretty rough in places) before CM:BB ships. Mucho thanks to Makjager for his help on this one. Gordon
  5. Thanks, I'll probably make it available as part of the next CMMOS release which will (hopefully) be at the end of the month. Gordon
  6. Ever since CM:BO first came out, I've been patiently sitting on my hands waiting for a really good M26 mod to come out. Thanks to Andrew, I've finally been able to work up the following Korean War Pershing mod. It's based on the markings of 'C' Company, 6th Tank Battalion in the Han River area during the winter of '51. The idea was to scare the (supposedly) superstitious Chinese peasant soldiers. No idea if it work or not, but it certainly made for just about the most colorful markings ever applied to a tank. Gordon
  7. Sorry, I was busy, but just not on CMMOS-for-Mac. The clean versions will be available with the next CMMOS mod update (shooting for the end of the month, maybe). I've decided to drop the dirty versions. Why, you ask? Well I realized that it was a slippery slope I was starting down. Once I release a dirty version then people will realize that what they want is a dirty version that matches their particular, favorite dirt road mod. And a light and heavy layer of dirt option will be desired. Then someone will realize that the dirt effect really should be seasonally specific (since the summer dirt effect should be more dusty, the winter dirt effect should be more muddy and the spring and fall mud effects should be more springy and fally). Then, some dirt grog will chime in that there's really 35 major geological types of dirt in France, and 30 in the western portions of Germany, not to mention the 15 different types of dirt that comprise Luxemburg, Belgium and the Netherlands. And don't EVEN start thinking about the varieties of beach sand along the coasts. So, given that I don't want to have to provide 3500 (give or take a couple hundred) different dirty mod versions, it's better to back away from the precipice now. Sorry for the broken expectations. Gordon
  8. LGMB, No disrespect intended, but noboby will want divisional markings for units? Polish or Czechoslovakian, etc., markings for their "Russian" tanks? Gridded vs. non-gridded grass? Whitewashed vs snow-covered vehicles? Aerial recognition flags for the early war German vehicles? You're right. Nobody will want any of that stuff, and even if they do, I'm sure they'd much rather swap those BMPs by hand, so I guess I won't even bother making a CM:BB version of CMMOS. Thanks for opening my eyes to reality. Gordon
  9. Great photos, really wish I'd have been there as it sounds like a most excellent adventure. If there's ever another one, I'll try like hell to make it. Gordon
  10. But see here's another problem (of the underlying 3D model that things like weathering tend to exacerbate) which drives us modders nuts. If you look closely at the image below you'll see that the inside fender which is now dirty is used for the front of the gun mantlet which now looks too dirty for its position on the tank. Gordon
  11. Olle, Well, I gave it the old college try (front and side BMPs only - it's just a prototype) but it doesn't seem to work. It just doesn't look convincing to me. Maybe PawBroon will finish up his tutorial on weathering and dirtying vehicles and I'll be able to learn something, but I just don't seem to have the knack for dirt. Besides it tends to cover up all the fine detail I worked so hard to put into the mod in the first place. Sorry, Gordon
  12. Thanks all for the nice comments (except Olle , who I'd hoped would have at least noticed that this mod is more weathered than the "factory" mods I usually do). Vader's Jester, I'm not sure my wife would approve, but if you send a resume and photos I'll at least see if you're my type. Buckeye, you want to be the one that tells 'em the bad news? Tiger, I'd be honored (and Olle would be ecstatic) if you'd apply your damage and weathering techniques to any of my mods (I just don't have the knack or time for it) and if they take off, we can start a whole new category of vehicle mods for CMMOS. btw, here's the snow-covered previews: Gordon
  13. Since I haven't been heard around these parts for a while, I thought I'd give a quick preview of something I've been working on as time permits. Three Tiger IIs as deployed by Schwere SS Panzer Abteilung 501 for the Ardennes offensive. First, Tiger "003", of the Stabskompanie (staff company), which was immobilized near Stavelot and set on fire by its crew before they withdrew. Second, Tiger "204" which was found intact near La Gleize by the Americans. And finally, Tiger "332" which was captured by the Americans and now resides at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, USA. A companion mod with snow covering the vehicles will also be released but I don't have any preview shots yet. Coming soon to a CMMOS mega-release. Gordon [ August 08, 2002, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Gordon ]
  14. Sorry that I'm late to the party. I was going to suggest that if you have problems with particular vehicles not working within CMMOS when others do, that it's usually indicative of not having all the mods installed. If you're still having problems, please attempt to load one of the failing options within CMMOS and e-mail a copy of the file CMMOSLog.txt from within your CMMOS installation folder to me at "gordonemolek@earthlink.net" and I'll look it over and probably be able to tell you what you need to install, or what else might be wrong. Gordon
  15. Joe, Please keep us posted, as I'm (obviously) very curious to see how it turns out. Gordon
  16. But you don't mention if you also tried shutting down as many background/taskbar processes as possible in order to reduce contention for the Windows TEMP folder (and also shut down any virus scanners). Thanks, Gordon
  17. Ok, I've consulted with my ace Windows guy, and this sounds like it's a contention issue between the InstallShield installation process and something else that's running on your system. They're both probably trying to access the windows TEMP folder and not playing nicely so that a deadlock occurs. Try shutting down all non-essential processes on your system before installing CMMOS. This includes all the crap in your system tray and any other background tasks that the task manager shows as running (especially shutdown any virus scanner software). Hopefully that will clear up the issue. Please let me know if that clears up your problem or not. Thanks, Gordon
  18. Otime, We care. We care deeply, otherwise we wouldn't put all the effort we do into it. It's just that we're very, very busy lately and didn't see your post. There are a few old-style batch mods that are lurking around the net that still require that the "patch mod" (either hi or low res) be installed, and there are a few CMMOS mods that lived on various servers that are not accounted for that we're trying to track down and add to the CM:HQ site. Please bear in mind that the CMMOS mod community in particular, and the overall CM:BO mod community are at best a loosely organized group of fanatical, anarchist volunteers, so the railroads will never run as well as they did under Mussolini, so to speak. Regarding your camo Shermans working, but nothing else, if you've verified that at least one mod works properly, then 99.99% of the time CMMOS itself is properly installed, and the solution ususally involves fixing a problem with the installation of the mods themselves. Were all the mods that you downloaded unzipped into the CM:BO BMP folder? Please try applying another option for a different vehicle or terrain and then e-mail a copy of the CMMOS log file "CMMOSLog.txt" from within the CMMOS installation folder to "gordonemolek@earthlink.net" and I'll take a look to see what the problem is. Also, just to be sure, are you exiting/re-entering the game after each attempt at changing a mod? This is necessary because CM:BO needs to reload the graphics textures for the change to be visible. Gordon [ July 31, 2002, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: Gordon ]
  19. See CMMOS v3.02.001 update. Marco's M10/M36/Wolverine/Achilles is simply the best there is, bar none. At least until I do release my camo versions of them. Gordon
  20. Absolutely not. You've never had to "lose" downloaded mods with CMMOS updates. I wouldn't do that to everyone as I know how painful dialup modem downloads can be. Gordon
  21. Any day now ... And we've added a couple of bonus items. We're up to 44 mods. Gordon
  22. Just a quick update. We're experiencing a slight delay on the posting of the CMMOS update as we wait for the final few pieces to wrap up. It should be anyday now. Gordon
  23. lcm1947, You post wasn't taken wrong and I don't think PawBroon's post should be taken wrong either. Yes, a Jagdtiger based on parts of my King Tiger is in the works, but is not very far along yet due to other issues. It's in the pipeline though. Gordon
  24. Well I hope the resolution to both is very soon. With Garry Kump back, and Old Dog poking his (cold wet) nose in here every once in awhile, once your situation is resolved, we can have a big old reunion party. Gordon
  25. Ted, Would you like some private time alone with yourself? :eek: Gordon
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