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Everything posted by Gordon

  1. BUZZ! Close, but no cigar. Add "50,000" to the BMP number. Gordon
  2. Now it looks like the Finns are trying to get in on the act. Still very much a work in progress. Gordon
  3. akdavis, The reason is that it would take too long to produce 300 vehicles and guns with snowy and/or dirty suspensions. These are intended as "emergency" winter mods so that people have (hopefully a complete set of) winterized vehicles and guns to play with. Michael, Thanks for not taking too long to notice that. I guess my source about Grossdeutschland's "left-handed volunteer" brigade was incorrect. Gordon
  4. pixelflesh, Well there might still be hope as all CMMOS really does is file manipulation, and there's less stringent "realtime" requirements than a game. The problem with creating both CMMOS and "plain-pack" versions of mods is, of course, that of space constraints. Most CMMOS mods can be used as plain packs with some file renaming. For the massive whitewashed vehicle mods (approximately 130 MB total), I am investigating supplying plain-pack versions. Of course I'm still willing to work with anyone who wants to port CMMOS to the Mac, the only problem is that the few folks who have talked to me about have had to cancel their plans for various reasons. Gordon
  5. Hmmm. Well now that Macs use BMP and WAV files, we might want to retry that experiment. Gordon
  6. No, I'm sorry to say that this isn't the announcement of CMMOS support on Macintosh. I'd like to know if anyone has tried running CMMOS under Virtual PC on a Mac? We now return you to your regularly scheduled kvetching and whining. Thanks, Gordon
  7. Hmm. I guess that took awhile to get on the radar screen. Folks should be hearing something from Madmatt soon. Gordon
  8. *Captain Foobar*, I'll assume that's a good thing. phil, Nope, no paypal account, but thanks anyway. I consider the whitewashed vehicles (both these Soviet ones and the German dunkelgrau ones) as "emergency" mods to provide winter versions of as many of the vehicles and guns as possible as quickly as possible while not being too sureal. I believe these mods are historically representative of a fresh coat of whitewash based on many photographic examples. These mods take on the order of minutes per vehicle/gun. Unfortunately, the snow-covered mods take more like several hours per mod to do a decent job, and at almost 300 vehicles and guns, even assuming I ground out 3 per week to the total exclusion of everything else in my life we're talking about a 2 year project. I think I'd rather PLAY the game. Gordon
  9. Wait a minute. Who put these preview images here? These are still very much works in progress, so they're liable to change before they're released, but it appears the Soviets are preparing for a major winter offensive.
  10. MikeyD, So far a Mac programmer hasn't been able to commit to working on the project. Gordon
  11. Pascal, One more bug to track down, a couple of mods to test and then Madmatt to track down ... MikeyD, Well I try to keep out of trouble. Pitch Change Rod, Well for the winter stuff (which covers a LOT of BMPs), we're currently looking at: Armored cars: 3.5 MB Assault guns: 12.3 MB Guns: 4.3 MB Halftracks and trucks: 11.3 MB Tanks 24.7 MB Man am I glad to have recently gotten broadband. Hoopenfaust 101: They're the standard BMP numbers with suffixes that Mac users can strip off. I'll definitely see about making a set of "plain-packs" for Mac users. WineCape, I think I'll accept your gracious offer this time (but only because of the health benefits ). I'll send you an e-mail. Thanks. AndrewTF, Well I had a pretty serious discussion with a possible Mac programmer but time issues (and the complexity of CMMOS) had to nip that one in the bud. I'm still open to talk with any interested party. Gordon
  12. Phil, Please see CMMOS status for some of the answers. Gordon
  13. "Winterfahrzeuge, dunkelgrau" is a complete set of whitewashed (dunkelgrau) German vehicles and guns. Plus other stuff that's on the horizon. There's a also a hint of music wafting in from the steppe along with a convoy of other vehicles on the horizon. Gordon
  14. Ok, we'll need some Allied vehicles to clean up those dirty German vehicles, so the initial release of "The Pig Pen" will include: Now, what about a little winter action?
  15. Phil asks where CMMOS is. Well I've finished the new features, "Old Dog" is re-working the documentation, and we're wrapping up testing of the new features and the new mods and should have everything posted as soon after I get everything squared away with Madmatt. So call it anything betweeen 1 month and 1 year. But enough small talk, where are the previews, you ask? Ok, we'll have some of the initial "Der Scwheinestall" mods: Der Schweinestall mods will feature optional Nazi flags as aerial recognition panels and unit-specific markings. Gordon [ November 12, 2002, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: Gordon ]
  16. Gentlemen, Sorry but I haven't been keeping up with the CMBO forum lately. Anyone having problems with CMMOS should e-mail me at "gordonemolek@poboxes.com" with a description of the problem and a copy of the file "CMMOSLog.txt" from the CMMOS installation folder. We'll get to the bottom of your problem. Gordon
  17. japinard, If somebody can point me to a reference showing the Germans using any flag other than the Nazi flag as an aerial recognition panel I'd be happy to supply it as an option, but AFAIK, that's all they used. Gary Barr, Soon, and we hope to start mass producing these as part of "The Pig Pen" mod group. Gordon
  18. highlife, Thanks for the info. I've completed Das Reich and LAH markings (both early war and Operation Zitadelle versions) and s.Pz.Abt. 502. Unfortunately, Grossdeutschland didn't seem to mark their Tiger much (except for the tactical numbers on the turret sides). Shoerner, I can make the tracks darker, but they'd be the same everywhere (there's no dynamic shading). aka_tom_w, They're not available yet, and will be part of the flagship launch of CMMOS for CM:BB, most likely on CM:HQ. Nowotny, Thanks, but I'm trying to get OUT of the modding business. Gordon
  19. Every once in awhile there's some discussion of a Mac version of CMMOS, but it's never gotten to the point where anyone's asked me detailed implementation questions or asked for source code. Maybe we need to take up a collection to buy me a nice Mac and developer's kit. Gordon
  20. Naaaah !! Serious tank commanders made them washed by crew every morning !! </font>
  21. Captain Wacky and akdavis, Yes, the flags will be optional. illo and Ozzieboy, Like most things, you can never please everyone. There's a clique that wants the flags bright and clean so that they're easily seen in game and there's a clique that wants them faded and dirty. So, of course I'll probably offer both. Warlord69, Well, I'm hoping that the pig pen team will crank through all the vehicles. The more volunteers, the faster it will happen. The Oak, Well I guess I'll have to make sure that I never travel to Germany. I never could understand the restriction. ianc, By "white insignia" do you mean unit markings, etc? Yes, those are planned, but AFAIK, most ostfront Tiger units received their Tigers in the dunkel gelb base color rather than dunkel gelb (or repainted them shortly after receiving them). If anyone has documentation on Tiger units that saw action painted dunkel grau, I'd appreciate hearing about it. The only one that I know of definitively is s.Pz.Abt. 502 near Lenningrad). Pascal, T-34 model 1940, T-34-85 model 1943 and T-34-85 model 1944 are done, and the complete KV series is nearing completion. As soon as CMMOS v4.00 is ready and we get the pig pen team running full boar (get it! pig pen - boar) there will be a big release. Gordon
  22. Thought folks might be interested in seeing what's being prototyped for "Der Schweinestall - Dunkel Grau", the muddy, dirty, early war German Vehicles rule-set of CMMOS. It will be a companion to "Der Schweinestall - Dunkel Gelb", the muddy, dirty, "yellow" German Vehicles rule-set and "The Pig Pen", the muddy, dirty, Russian vehicles rule-set. Comments and suggestions welcome, Gordon
  23. joshik, You're welcome aboard, but we're going to do more than just talk. Gordon
  24. Seahawk-vfa201: I'm working on CMMOS for CM:BB (Windows), and I'm always open to work with any Mac programmer wiling to work on a port. Tiger and mike8g: Welcome aboard, looking forward to you contributions, both in terms of mods produced as well as feedback enhancements to the process. Gordon
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