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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I, a beta tester, have been in these types of threads before. They are tiresome because there is ignorance at one side of the debate and a NDA at the other. BFC too have already participated in similar threads, to explain as clear as they can what happened. But they aren't obliged to retread the same thing every week or so. You want them to speak up to earn your respect? Do a search, and earn mine.
  2. Funny stuff dale, and I suppose pretty damn close to what happened. But could you let everyone get back to blaming the beta testers? I was enjoying that part immensely. Yup.
  3. This Syria thing is too insensitive, I will not play it! *moves Waffen SS across the steppes of Russia*
  4. Can't find it after an admittedly cursory search, but Ted is correct.
  5. Lt.Belenko, I understand your disappointment. I guess you, like most of us, hoped for something a bit more finished. However I must profess bafflement as to you still 'playing' v1.00, which shouldn't even be a release version! Why not play 1.03? You are now judging a product without technically ever having played the official release. That's an unreasonable position to take. As a beta tester I must admit I am somewhat unappreciative of your comments regarding the beta testers. In part because your speculation is off the mark, but also because we testers are under a NDA. So what happens in beta stays in beta. It's kinda hurtful to see such speculation when we have our hands tied in such discussions. Suffice to say we are neither blind, dimwitted nor so far up BFC's arse we can't see daylight.
  6. Man, I played CoD a lot! I seemed to have misplaced the CD though. Finding fun servers is paramount to the online enjoyment. Some seem to attract grade A arseholes, most are filled with the general f-ing populace and then there is that rare gem, a server with realism settings of one sort or another and a crew of mainly old farts that don't accuse you of camping if you don't SMG rush every goddamn time.
  7. IIRC it's a thumbs down on that feature. Storing the game data would be too much of a load.
  8. Was that Stryker unbuttoned? It needs to be to make use of it's special equipment.
  9. What type of fire mission did you request? Not sure of the names, but selecting "light" should get you 30mm, "heavy" should bring Hellfires into play. Wasn't there an "intermediate" for rockets too?
  10. My e-mail seems to be down. But I think I'm not out of line in saying that work is in progress to fill in the blanks so all QB combos have at least one corresponding map. Pad152, it depends on what you regard as "fixed". The bugs plaguing QBs should not be too long in getting fixed, with refinements and improvememnts coming soon afterwards, one would assume. If OTOH you mean fixed as in more like CMx1 then yeah, that's probably going to take a while.
  11. I'm just pointing out that saying:"Or is it going so bad that you have nothing positive to tell us?" might not be taken very well by someone who is undoubtedly busting his ass getting CMC together. Basic human nature at work, people don't like being criticized and will try and avoid it if they can. Hunter is (probably) a human being, so he's more likely to respond to a more positive invitation to give an update. Just saying.
  12. Well, you catch more flies with honey then with vinegar. So phrasing it the way you did wouldn't really persuade Hunter to come here. How about trying a more inviting, positive approach?
  13. "Game returns to main menu when "OK" is clicked" happens because there is no QB map for that combination. Rather inelegant, yes. QBs as a whole are rather troublesome and are being worked on. Also, more maps are in the works.
  14. Something akin to XCOM (1+2) could work fairly well. Random maps put together with tiles. Same hills and buildings etc, but the whole worked pretty well. If something like this could eventually be made for CMx2 I'd be more then happy. Would I be right to assume putting together credible houses would be the chief problem? If you can do random map with pre-build houses you could go a long way, I would think. You'd get villages that wouldn't always make a whole lot of sense at times, but I reckon it might be worth it. [ September 06, 2007, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  15. Select the infantry unit you want to load up and issue it a movement command, then move your mouse cursor on to the Stryker. If you do it right, the cursor will change into a downward green arrow. Click. Your set! If it's downward yellow, the unit won't fit for some reason. Now go and get your guys killed!
  16. After ToW I thought RT was my bag. HATE it in CMSF.
  17. I would reckon BFC thought that battling over the stairway was a bit much to model. Hence shooting through floors to 'simulate' this.
  18. On that second point: yes, this would be less then ideal. It's probably in part to blame on walls being weird/broken with LOF and LOS in particular. In 1.03 this may be better, as wall issues got addressed. But knocking it over with a tank will I assume remain a no-no and backing up to engage will likely be beyond the AI's grasp.
  19. There's been a few tankers here and there who have already expressed an opinion of tanks driving through walls. The general consensus is that you'll risk throwing a thread and losing a thread sucks big time even when there is no enemy around. In this case have been worth the risk. But that's asking a bit much of the AI if you expect it to make this decision. If you wanted to go through that wall you might want to try knocking it over with gunfire next time.
  20. Gone back? What makes you think I ever left. CMx1 and CMSF are not mutually exclusive and I happen to enjoy both.
  21. A question a fair few grunts have been asking in real life. If you are using someone non specialist and requesting immediate air/arty support then there is a good chance it will not drop where you wanted it to. A 5 minute delay will near guarantee that it will drop where it is supposed to. In 1.03 you can now adjust arty/air support, which helps a lot. Especially if you ask for a slow rate of fire, which will limit the damage done by shells dropped short.
  22. Because you have difficulty reading, I'll try again, with bolding. He's not being given a hard time for posting on the issue, he's being given a hard time because his chest beating is so laughable.
  23. In the other 1.03 thread Steve says it's looking like tomorrow. Some more cake, anyone?
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