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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. You guys are giving BFC way too little credit. Ever since CMSF was released it's found hip by some to portray them as baby eating morons. They are working hard on the patch. Which I personally prefer them doing rather then them running around in circles here with people who, more often then not, are talking out of their rectal area. Oh, and hi Dalem. Didn't expect to see you here.
  2. It's a war. You do what you can/must. In this case going a-symmetrical is really the only thing insurgents can do. War is a large collection of sneaky, cruel and imaginative ways to kill fellow human beings. There's precious little "Good" in them at the best of times.
  3. Uhm... So I just went to test and had an Apache open up with rockets, scattering them a good kilometre across the map (in a remarkably straight line too) Yeah, that's not very good.
  4. Which scenario and what seems to be the trouble? As for general advice: *Javelins are über. use them against tanks or infantry or buildings you want to level. *Take it slow. With automatic weapons everywhere you can't advance like you could in CM:BO/BB/AK. You need to have killed/suppressed la good part of the enemy before you make a move. *US optics are superior. Use this to your advantage.
  5. I agree with JasonC those videos don't really show anything. First video, you can't tell what weapon he uses to attack the vehicle, though I would reckon he used a Hellfire since it's the pilot requesting to 'kill his ass'. With the rockets the ball would be in his court, yes? After that, I see only 30mm. Second video, near the start I see a Hellfire launched and seconds later land. After that I see a whole host of explosions, mostly 30mm, sometimes a rocket or missile but no telling what it was. Third video. A little fuzzy? That's a very British understatement. Can't really tell what's happing aside from that this time it's really rockets (and 30mm) being fired. But it's nearly impossible to tell where they land. Anyway, I've always had fair results from them, even on 'immidiate'. Certainly don't recognize the 2-3km accuracy.
  6. Rollstoy, if a single squad occupies both tile A and B then the action spots of tiles A and B are checked for the spotting ability of the individuals occupying each respective tile. That's the theory. Practise is that on occasion the perfectly reasonable system above goes OMGWTFBBQ and gets your* soldiers killed. But it is not a fundamental flaw that messes things up at the basic level. It's a good system misbehaving in a noticeably way at the edges. Charles just needs his tank topped up with Red Bull, that's all. *Odd how no-one is ever killing the enemy because of this bug, always it gets the players guys killed. Yet the AI works to the same rules. What is sometimes ascribed as a bug is, I suspect, ascribed to superior tactical prowess in other instances.
  7. Okay, decided not to be lazy today. There seems to be an issue here with the 8x00 generation of cards, discussed and with a workaround here. See how fiddling with the AA settings works for you. It doesn't seem to be an ideal solution but it's something. Good luck!
  8. Are you sure it's the 8500 card? People with the 8x00 generation of cards and with Vista have been happily playing CMBB, so on the face of it you'd think you should be able to do so too. Have you checked the CMx1 tech pages for a potential cause?
  9. It's still a valuable source for information as (without re-reading the entire thread) it is still how the system works in 99% of the case. As such it could help the understanding of what the current issues currently are with LOS, LOF and spotting. Relevant since that's the topic du jour. People wanted the devs word on what was going on, this is still it.
  10. The dreaded "soon" as uttered by a developer. Never was a word more flexible. Thanks Dan!
  11. Sometimes, yes. But the truth is always in the eye of the beholder.
  12. AdamL, you do realise you are asking for "official" news from BFC and then slag them off on the very same page? You are disappointed in CMSF and I understand why, I really do. But let us have some courtesy, shall we? If not for decorum then at least consider that you catch more flies with honey then with vinegar.
  13. And how are things with the project that is somewhere between CMC and Duke Nukem Forever? I stopped pestering the CMC guys because it doesn't seem to be going anywhere and my interest in it has waned anyway. No such luck for you Dan.
  14. You are only partially right. His default position is inside when unbuttoned. He only pops out to fire the MMG when given the target light order. You would have a better idea then me as to why he might not be topside by default when unbuttoned. One might want someone looking through the powerful scopes to complement the TCs eyeball Mk1? *edit* Doh, the gunner would already be doing that. Yeah, now that I think about it it doesn't make sense.
  15. Or your commander lied to you. In most CM scenarios trusting the briefing was a fatal mistake.
  16. Nobody knows, not even BFC I think. They weren't yanked because BFC are meanies but because they couldn't be made to function properly. If these issues are resolved I reckon the chance of mortars added to CMSF are high.
  17. Wrong on several counts. Unless I'm grossly mistaken adjust artillery was in 1.03. And you are assuming every bug surviving thus far has done so because it has gone unnoticed by the testers. Not so, more likely it just hasn't been fixed yet. Not that the forum hasn't spotted a few we missed, but we testers can more then equally trade those for stuff you guys haven't even noticed yet. Arty adjust was a special case though, which I can't tell you more about, NDA and all. Some red cheeks all round, I assure you. When invited to become a tester I was unable to hide my surprise and asked what made them pick me. This question was diplomatically dodged by BFC. I hope it's because I balance my opinions and keep a cool head. Quite possibly they spotted that I was on the forum a lot so had lots of spare time for beta testing too. But there's only one thing I know for sure about beta tester qualifications: Asking for a beta seat is a sure way of never, ever getting one. Not kidding, if you want in they won't have you. And I'm beginning to see their point. Anyone who wants to do this isn't thinking clearly. And I wish I wasn't half serious about that.
  18. I think it's the modelling of this that finished of tank riders. You'd have to animate a bunch of soldiers getting on and off a variety of vehicles. A lot of work for something that does not seem Syrian doctrine and only of marginal value anyway.
  19. Some people are still confusing "has flaws" (which BFC haven't denied, DesertFox) with "beyond any redemption".
  20. If you wanted the full paper manual next time you might wish to ponder a bit longer on what version you purchase. If BFC released a printer friendly version all their direct purchasers might find it none too funny.
  21. I vaguely remember this being talked about early on. It's because "can I see it" has to be asked every moment, by every unit, towards every other unit. "Can I shoot it" on the other hand only is asked when called for. (you or AI give targeting order) The way I understand it the "can I see it" is asked so frequently that it is asked twice. A first CPU friendly ballpark estimate of whether or not you can see it on a grid basis, and if yes, the LOS check will be more fine grained. Aside from that issue another reason why the LOS and LOF diverge is ofcourse that calculations of the straight LOS is different then the ballistic arc for LOF. The worst of the LOS/LOF problems you are seeing are probably bugs and are being and/or have been addressed. But I think there will always be some fudging involved, I'm afraid. It may be worth pointing out that even in it's flawed state it's still better then CMx1. Remember the 15cm round smack in the middle of a squad not killing anyone?
  22. I get the distinct feeling that tadelt wanted a positive thread that would invite someone in the know to chip in. Not yet another moan fest that might put off that person.
  23. Balancing out what you 'overpaid' for CMSF with what you underpaid for the CMx1 titles = happiness.
  24. Argh, participating in these threads is like fighting with one hand tied behind my back. I certainly do not blame BFC for what happened. I'm looking more towards our Swedish friends when laying blame. Guilt by association? Laughable! How do you figure that, exactly?
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