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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Continue, of course. The battle where you have to recover from a reversal are the most fun. Tactically I am at my best when "in the shlt". As for Javelin use, I tend to keep some with the squad to make them flexible. Nothing quite as embarrassing as running in to a tank with your lead units when the follow on waaay back have all the ATGMs. Typically, I've got 1 or 2 with the infantry squads and the rest as overwatch in the hands of supporting units like the HQ or MG units.
  2. Depends on what type of tank it is, I can't recall off hand. But frontally, pretty much anything is going to struggle, including the 105mm from the MGS. The Javelin is so much more effective because it attacks from the top which is nowhere near so heavily armoured.
  3. SA gave up it's nukes, didn't they? But really, the Vuvuzelas are too retarded for words. The continual blaring of these horns is detrimental to atmosphere. Occasionally, when a game moment warrants it, sure, knock yourselves out. But the godawful mindless continually tooting masses should just contract lipcancer.
  4. Are South Africans at all aware how annoying the Vuvuzelas are? Also, South Africa is the lowest ranked nation. Yes, technically the DPRK is lower. But they have nukes and are batpoop crazy. Thus they gain a higher effective ranking on the "Let the Wookiee win" principle.
  5. Let me tell you about the word assume, Steve.
  6. Getting a custom image to show up right is a hassle. Still, pretty cute thingie. I like it.
  7. It already does cone shaped AOE for anti personal artillery. Direct fire conical AOE shouldn't be too hard.
  8. Here's a bit of somewhat related trivia: The CV9035 co-ax can be elevated to a higher angle then the main gun.
  9. Point being that ordinary phishing merely requires an idiot with an internet connection. While this attack is sopisticated enough that it doesn't require foolishness on the part of the user, it does put a few new demands on the attack for it to be successful. You need to be sought out, have multiple tabs open, the tab that the attack is looking to target needs to be one of them and that shouldn't be tab being looked at at that moment. Is this a new threat? Yes. Is this a threat you need to lose sleep over? I don't think so. Howe could you not have gone with "xor-"?
  10. I'm very sceptical that this is something we need to worry about. This seems very tailored attack, wheras the typical phishing attack is a mass traling through the internets.
  11. Not sure why you are dismayed. This pads out an already respectable list of infantry weapons. Brit have already had more reach then most with their SA80 family and their widespread use of sharpshooters at the sharp end.
  12. That's all right Steve, take your time. BUT FOR GODSAKE HURRY UP!!!!! :D:D
  13. lol, we could've just looked at the stated weight on the vehicle. 31 and 38 respectively. *slaps head* Looks like you are right. The appliqué armour is standard, sorta. 100 packages have been bought and should be standard for operational use.
  14. That's the standard for the CV9035NL, AFAIK. 32 tonnes would be the empty weight though. Add about 3 tonnes for a vehicle ready to fight.
  15. Linky! I expect the 23 tonnes to be a typo, it should be 32.
  16. I had expected something, anything, today. Oh well, I guess the BFC crew was busy with more important stuff. ...-
  17. I think those are exactly the types of weapons that can't be transferred. And you are a hard taskmaster indeed to ask a team to carry both an AGL and HMG. Even if one is out of ammo. Also, just to me safe in case I'm wrong above, check if the weapon is in working order and not knocked out.
  18. BFC always put out a demo for all he games they publish. They even have done so for the Brit and Marine module, which I founnd to be quite unusual. When in relation to the release that demo will materialize is less sure, they might want to get the game out first. But it shouldn't be too long after that if there even is a wait at all.
  19. The Dutch MinDef website mentions the switching of targets post launch for the Spike MR.
  20. TBH I never heard of this ban on inter squad weapons pilfering. AFAIK buddy aid acquisition of weaponry is only limited by what is already being carried.
  21. Buddy aid indeed occurs automatically when a unit becomes stationary near a casualty. While there is no specidic order for them to render aid, ordering them towards the required location is really all it takes. Give them a minute though, they aren´t always rushing to them 1st thing. Does it help? Yes, and in real way. Aside from medical assistance improving your KIA to WIA ratio, they also salvage gear and ammo. That MG or RPG the casualty had on him is right there for the taking! So it´s well worth taking the time to do it. Besides, it´s your fault your pixeltrooper got hit, so you gotta take care of him!
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