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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Well, bigot is a pretty serious remark, unless you happen to be involved in the Operation Overlord planning. Especially because these days it's nearly synonymous with being called a racist. It's a pretty serious disqualifcation. Being called a cunt would be less damaging to ones reputation even if the term is more offensive. Couple that to Brown being all smiles during the encounter, it marks him out as a dishonest twat. Not only does he promptly apologize, adding to the dishonesty, but I'm well putt off by his other comments in the car. He immediately goes to shifting blame on a staffer. Not a moment of "That could've gone better" but straight to the "Whose idea was this?". Yuk! Me, I I'm urging on the Lib Dems. Not only is Nick Clegg half Dutch (not a hint of an accent on him when speaking Dutch) but a bit of inter party wheeling and dealing to moderate the political current will do the UK some good, I think. Provided they don't cock it up completely.
  2. Hmmm, don't think much of this, really. These days optics are quite good and have all kinds of capabilities that the Mk I eyeball doesn't. And unless you have large surfaces of this see through armour, your spatial awareness really isn't going to get that much of a boost.
  3. Not sure why JonS sought to answer you with this forums standard request when faced with corporate spam. Consider posting in the CMBB forum. I expect the Grogs that might best be able to help you still hang out there. Another thing to consider is your name. People most informed about Russian equipment might be among the least inclined to help someone who named themselves after the SS.
  4. Well, they haven't fix it up until now so if the 'AK in place of pistol' isn't corrected with animations made for CM:N then it's a safe bet it'll never happen. We'll see in the coming months. As for your comments on other small arms goofs, could it be that Syria has done things different? What Russia does might not be 100% relevant here.
  5. Cover yes, concealment no. As for the exact mechanics, I'm not entirely sure but expect WYSIWYG with maybe a wiff of abstraction in the end result. But one would always want to be behind the cover, not next to it, to get any benefit. No AoE protection from the blue barrels, for instance. If the bullet doesn't pass through it on the way to the target, nothing will happen in regards to the hit calculations applied to the target.
  6. You know what? Time for a challenge between the CMSF:NATO and CM:N team: First team to post an in-game screenshot of a Panzerfaust wins!
  7. Perhaps it is helpful to hear from someone who isn't a customer to hear why not. Which would be me. I've only given the demo a try yesterday because I chanced on this thread. Previously, I just dismissed this title out of hand. There are the looks of the game. Not exactly setting the world on fire. As a side note, not as bad as I thought once I got playing. YouTube and smallish screenshots images don't do it any favours in this regard. It's not clear what this game is about. People have said it's very much like Empire. What is this Empire you speak off? The turn based system: it's not adequately shown how this plays out in a game in full swing. It's mentioned, but that is about it. One bit which is entirely inadequately shown is combat. You might want to regale us with stories of fighters automatically intercepting bombers entering nearby airspace. I was surprised that one of my DDs detoured from it journey to my invasion staging port to chase off an enemy ship that was bearing down on a lone transport. Details like that needs to be shoved to the forefront, as it's neat as hell! The menus. In what I've seen in preview videos the menus quickly flash open and closed. You want to show more of what is going on with them, actually. It might not sound interesting to show menus but half the game and it's depth is hidden in the menus. Without exploring these depths the game seemed shallower then I found it to be. Communications. You might want to update/remove the Youtube videos that have "pre beta" and such to it. There's a few good vids out there, but I mostly got the older ones on Youtube. They are now outdated, and don't do much to make a favourable impression now compared to, say, the video on Brits EoS site. Minor niggle on that video, the comment about bug fixes. Call me crazy, but I want to hear about bugfixes from fans. When a developer tells me about them, it doesn't make nearly as good an impression, quite the opposite. Maybe I'm silly in that, I dunno. Similarly, the 'news' section of the website might contain more recent updates. At first glance a big "UPDATE: Registrations are now CLOSED!" is not creating a cheery positive vibe in any case, even though it's a useful message. It's petty stuff, I know, but every little bit helps to put the customer in a buying frame of mind. As for me being a customer after the trying the demo... I've thought about about it. Sadly, this is a time where an unusual number of games that tickle my pleasure centres have been released. With Bad Company 2, M&B: Warband and Rise of Prussia, it's going to be tough for any game to squeeze in amongst that! But! When I tried the demo I was dead impressed by this game and it's maker(s). It's been obviously made by a very capable set of hands. Stuff like voice chat, update checker in main menu and other neat touches dispelled my first impression of this being a shoestring budget game. All in all a very professional and complete game. The guys at Battlefront could learn a thing or two! It's clear to me that you guys may want to focus any future efforts on people TRYING the demo of the game, not having it looked at. I hope things pick up, as I certainly would like to see such a Stirling job go rewarded.
  8. Let's steer this conversation away from bad puns. *!* Aaargh!!!!
  9. Cheer up, much of Dorosh's post count was wiped too. That should balance matters nicely.
  10. While the Normandy campaign is the main focus of the family, along the way it is going to reach in to September to cover Market Garden too. Unless I missed a memo. This also paints a nice theme for the two families. One has the advance across occupied Europe, the other covers the advance in to Germany.
  11. Winterized units and winter weather? Sure, Monty had trouble breaking out at Normandy, but I hadn't realized it was that bad.
  12. And then the server shuts down and that's that, no more PBEM. To my mind TCP/IP is there to serve those that can't (be bothered to) email files and I hope it gets expanded to it's former glory. That should go a long way. But a third party between me and my opponent? I'd rather not, even in a dream world where BFC had unlimited programming time. Besides, with the size of files that sometimes crop up in CMSF, I'd think it would be rather costly in terms of bandwidth. 20MB don't sound like much, but even a few score mailing that type of file back and forth throughout the day, that adds up. We are asked to e-mail a file back and forth. Surely we can manage that?
  13. Some people might call that a CH-46 Sea Knight. Chinook is noticeably bigger. *edit* On second viewing, it actually could be a CH-47.
  14. It's not that BFC are unaware of SS and FJ contributions, it's the logistics. To have the FJ and SS in the main title release from the get go requires a fair bit of work, I would think. There's always something we can point at and say "what about unit X?". Also, not un-importantly, including so much would severely limit content for modules. Me? I'm surprised we even get US paras. I would have thought that they would be combined with the FJ, British Paras and the much overlooked glider troops in a single module. Throw in some extra terrain to create Arnhem and voilà, an easily marketable module right there.
  15. Uhm... no. Those rough estimates have been slipping and sliding for a while now. We were given a firm December 2009 as late as November. And before that there already was some delay. Then just after the New Year, then a slide to spring. Which is now, so to deny there's a delay is provably incorrect. We are very much nearing a years delay. The important point is that it does not matter, as long as they are working on it, it'll all be to the good of the product. I don't think anyone, BFC and us customers, want to see another CMSF-like release. So I say take your time. And the bones are finally trickling in at a more reasonable pace now, so that makes the wait easier too. But still no forum or game name...? No, I don't see the point of that. Certainly not if the release is as near as we've been led to assume. I kinda get the forum bit. There's a danger of us getting over excited if we get a place of our own. I don't buy in to that theory, but I get it. But not releasing the title to the public, no, that I cannot fathom. *edit*
  16. It's being worked on, but no date for it. In the mean time: http://cmsfmods.greenasjade.net/mods
  17. I think they are hoping that we all move on and use Green as Jade's place. http://cmsfmods.greenasjade.net/mods Just as good, and has an extra special deluxe bonus feature of letting you thank the guy by donating some cash.
  18. My eye is more drawn to the other fellow having an apparent problem with his Garand, having to manually eject spent cartridges. btw A bit early to bring it up but the double insertion of stripper clips will have to be done for the Lee Enfields, who were fed with 2x5 also. Was it even possible to change the magazine?
  19. No, as I read it a G43 going to reload like a magazine fed weapon, with every magazine beyond the third assumed to have been an earlier emptied magazine that has been refilled with stripper clips at some time. This later re-filling goes on "behind the scenes" as it were and will not be simulated directly.
  20. FYI, Google Translate is a surprisingly good translation tool. Beats the hell out of Babelfish. It manages to make fairly readable texts.
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