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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I'm a complete sucker for penetration details. CM:N really needs to at least get penetration "decals" for entry and exit holes. They were a source of joy for me in the original TOW.
  2. I'd say it's about time for a bone, a sub-forum or a revised ETA, and June 6th is about as good a day as any to come up with somefink. (though I can't believe Steve still gets suckered into giving ETAs)
  3. Yeah, I was banned as well and so were others. Clearly, it has less to do with us and more with a glitch in the system.
  4. Not to my knowledge. I see you use the original control scheme. I often had the same thing with it. I cannot recommend the stickied Hotkeys enough. Especially if you are comfortable with the UI of CMx1, it is a much better alternative.
  5. I think they got it about right in game. While the 6 pdr lacked the penetration capability required to take out late war heavy armour frontally from long ranges, it could do so at shorter ranges, especially with the more advanced ammo types like APDS. It does need to be noted that the amount of damage done to a tank once it's armour was penetrated by a 6 pdr round was somewhat limited. The 17 pdr was far more powerful, but also more bulky. This made it harder to conceal, man handle and transport. For these reasons (and availability) the 6 pdr was kept in service in infantry battalions, where it gave an adequate ability to defend against German tank attack. All this is as I find it in CMAK. It's no wonder weapon but any German attack who doesn't respect it's power will get punished.
  6. The tricky thing is the balance between what a sensored up vehicle can see and what it will see. If a vehicle has a long time to scan the area then by all means let him spot what is there to spot. But a momentary glance shouldn't reveal to much as the the zoom on those things means you'll probably miss a lot too. Also note that most of what we gamers require our scouts to spot are stationary troops waiting for imminent combat. In real life there's always other stuff going on. Fetching and carrying or soldiers moving about for other reasons. That's the stuff that should get noticed. It's also what CMSF doesn't simulate. A soldier with not getting noticed on his mind, which a stationary CMSF combattant is assumed to be, is and should be a lot trickier to spot. BFC could try to simulate infantry behaviour that's more typical of what a soldier does with his day that might get him spotted. But typically it would just piss off the players trying to plan an ambush, as one of their soldiers gets spotted going for a smoke, or sumfink.
  7. No such thing. Bill Hicks: George Carlin:
  8. Combat Mission doesn't really do reconnaissance in the traditional sense. The moment you view the map, you must assume whatever recce is called for has been done already. Your job is to fight. Recce=reading the briefing. That means that any mechanized recce elements you have are really just a poor man's fire support. The locating of enemies is really to be done with either adequately armoured elements or more discreetly by the infantry. My favourite recce tool? The machine gun. It's long range and typically generous ammo supply means you should be able to provoke a response from opposing long ranged units that isn't too deadly on most occasions. Or failing a response, fire with impunity in to suspected positions.
  9. At that time the NL still had a partially conscripted army, for whom the grooming standard was a bit more lacks. There is still a greater allowance for hair and facial hair, but I don't know if standards are still quite that tolerant. I doubt it. But it certainly isn't just the buzz cut.
  10. Ah, ok. that's a relief. While you are rummaging around, any chance of new (old) emoticons?
  11. The forum is up, down, up and down again a lot. It's been about a week or so of intermittent outages. Anything we need to be worried about? Not our hacker friend again, I hope? I would hate to hear 60 day password change wasn't you guys, even if I find it mildly annoying.
  12. Oh, a discussion about abortion. No, I can't see this go wrong at all.
  13. I perhaps should have specified that I was talking about their possession of this trait in CM.
  14. Ah, I am glad to be mistaken then. Thanks for explaining.
  15. *runs alongside c3k* Honestly, I don't get it. I would've expected tool tips all over the damn game by now. Not least in the artillery/air support section, which is only marginally informative at the best of times.
  16. Oh, come on! Having a connection once during the lifetime of an OS installation or HD of the machine it is installed on is hardly an onerous DRM practise. And even then there's an off line option. If you are unable to do any of that, I suggest your problem lies elsewhere then DRM. Me, I'm more worried about the fact I'd have to go ask BFC for a new license per PC purchase/overhaul. That doesn't sit too well, even knowing that BFC are perfectly willing to re-activate a license for me should I ask. As long as I unlicense and licence my stuff properly, I think it's none of your business what PC specs go with that license.
  17. I always thought it grossly unfair British and US tanks had the "Burns Easily" trait when German tanks didn't, despite some having a reputation for catching fire without even being shot at!
  18. Uninstalling doesn't use up your key. Not even if you don't un-license. Unless you remove e-license (or some of it's components) or do a complete HD wipe, you should be fine.
  19. Oh gawd, you made me look. The lunatic fringe just as loony as ever.
  20. Judging from my experience from games that were patched to make use of multi-core CPUs the gain is pretty minimal. It would appear that most of the additional CPU power is spend juggling the data to and fro. Until such time as we see a huge leap in performance I'm fine coping with a single core.
  21. Hah! The race with the CM:N team as to who can get the first Panzerfaust image out? Here's one to tide you over:
  22. Oh come on Steve, that's not true. You guys don't listen to your customers. I mean, if you did, we would have blast waves and tracer bounce. Now, you might argue that their absence means you only haven't listened to me. But by god man, isn't that even worse?
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