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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Do the trucks have Syrian MG ammo? What's the use of annon for the arplanes. The Frogfoot should be able to, at the least.
  2. Realistic shooters do trend towards awkward controls. They really should take a look at the Battlefield series, or the Call of Duty series where the controls are so much easier and responsive, resulting in a more natural feel while operating your alter ego.
  3. Ah, I read it to mean that the photos were made in Berlin, Prague and Vienna. Where a BT would not likely be found. But I see now that if I had paid attention to the photographs that needn't be the case. Some are taken in Russia.
  4. Yeah, very nicely done. Looks cool. Surprised to see the BT (7?) tank. I thought few if any made it that far?
  5. Probably why I posted it in the General Forum, a few days ago. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=92792
  6. A 15 meter calibre sIG. I bet that burns through the purchase points in a QB!
  7. From what interviews of Afghans I've seen, most like the theory of central government but have not seen much more of it in practise. In no small part they attribute this to corruption and dysfunction. The Afghan government aren't even very prone to paying wages to their teachers, police and military. Most also lean towards disliking the Taliban but give credit to them for at the least making the trains run on time. (or sumfink) Man cannot live of political theorem alone, but so far that's about all the central government is offering. Until that changes there's no hope.
  8. Kwazy, a 500ft sIG a minor miscalculation? Ever worked on the Mars Climate Orbiter, by any chance?
  9. ESpecially late in the Afghan war it got ugly as the Afghans reverted back to a feudal system. That led to a lot of barbarity. But the underlying rason wasn't religious. It was indeed the religious nuts that seemed a saviour from this lawlessness. What is truly baffling is that to this day large amounts of US money is still being pumped towards the Afghani Taliban by the ISI. You'd think someone somewhere would think it about time to stop that. Especially since the Pakistan Taliban turned against the central government.
  10. Not really. Afghanistan wasn't all that backwards in the late 70s when the faeces hit the rotational airflow device. Rural parts excepted, but where is that not a universal truth? The Muhajedeen of the 80s are not identical to the Taliban of today. Their particular brand of religious nutjobbery is fairly recent.
  11. To really blow your mind, I believe coding on that hadn't started as late as March 2010. Which does make me wonder what other additional features we are going to see. I just cannot imagine merely re-jigging CMSF for WW2 would be quite as problematic as to take this long. One can only hope it was adding the penetration decals, kill stats and tracer bounce that has been holding up the release. And I can well imagine that BFC have held an intervention to stop Steve making further statements as to the ETA of products, his ability to do so being as useful as a cocaine addiction. What I'm slightly irked about, and increasingly so as time goes by, is that we are now kept largely in the dark. Given the expectations kindled in us customers earlier, that's somewhat unfair. As the gap between the current date and the last ETA grows increasingly wider and no update is give as to what's going on, a certain concern and annoyance amongst customers is only to be expected. Had BFC stuck to the "when it's done" I wouldn't have minded near as much about the long delay. Still, CMN is better off done right then done right now, as CMSF quite clearly taught us.
  12. A few things struck me. Naturally the dramatic increase and the region bound nature of it leap out at you. But also that bomb laying is a seasonal job. But it sure is grimmer then I expected and I consider myself fairly well informed.
  13. I'm with hcrof. Much ado about nothing. So far no great surprise for me, at least.
  14. It's up to the designer to determine whether or not you get resupplied, which can be done on a battle forr battle basis, AFAIK. The briefings tend to give you a clue as to what the ammo situation re: artillery is. If it says "don't expect to resupplied" you may not get more ammo for the mission after that, though at a later date you might perhaps again receive some. Due to it's nature air support tends to be "use it or lose it" in any case. The winning or losing has no specific effect on the ammo situation next scenario. Win/loss may have an effect on which scenario will be next. It depends on the next scenario as to what your ammo replacement will be. So it could be that one or the other scenario has you getting your ammo replenished. Some artillery might be a one off allocation, others might be part of your core units. And even then core units may drop in and out of the campaign, which doesn't really help make things clear. The same artillery might be in mission 1 and 5 but not in 2,3 and 4. how it's ammo is treated in between. It would also help to husband ammunition if there was a clearer UI in the scenario itself in regards to aircraft and artillery. There is no real meaningful info available to the player as to what/how much is left. As for returning men and equipment or replacements thereof, I wouldn't know. Entirely too nebulous for me to make any comment on. Probably somewhat along the same lines.
  15. This a ground warfare sim. Modelling MANPADS, SAM and ADA are outside the scope of that.
  16. Actually, during the events depicted the CV9035NL would not be in operational use, the Dutch possessing just four.
  17. Yeah, the applying of mods takes some getting used to, but is much better once you figure it out. I dismount any infantry and tend to clear them of any useful ammo. The vehicles are then parked in relative safety or behind the infantry to provide fire support. Never give the RPGs a chance at a shot at your vehicles. You don't need to with the range vehicle weapons have.
  18. Oh, yeah. Many fond memories. Was one of those sims that had sufficient realism but wasn't so ball grindingly difficult that I felt alienated. A lost art in flightsims these days, as RPS recently blogged. Though I do recall that I had the rather bad habit of purposely inviting enemy fighter attention and getting in to a gunfight with whomever turned up. Man, I loved arming my plane. I had to check the screenies to check if it was the right A-10 game and that was the one screen that triggered my synapses. You had to hang the weapons on the hardpoint yourself. Very simple but somehow very pleasing for such a boring chore. Beats the usual dropdown menu selection by a mile.
  19. Probably just embarrassed to be seen in a tank with such a puny gun.
  20. I vaguely recall reading that the 1SG is out there somewhere, but not as a separate unit. He is serving in a HQ some place under an officer. Get that officer to walk in front of a bullet and the 1SG should take over. Provided he wasn't hit also.
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