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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Logic says no such thing. The argument of the death penalty being final is not very persuasive on account of people spending decades in prison don't exactly get their lives back either. There's a difference between the two, but it's a smaller distance then you paint. If you think the justice system is entirely incapable of ever supplying evidence that provides a level of certainty that could green light a death penalty, you shouldn't be against the death penalty, you should be oppose any and all punishment not of a monetary nature. So what if it's revenge? Revenge is not a bad thing. And I think it more a low cost way of waste removal in any case.
  2. Ah yes, it seems to have hit the RWS. The earlier screenies made it look like the explosion was higher. Though now that I look again at your earlier screenshot I see the smaller explosion at the RWS. I was expecting the hit to be at the centre of the larger blast animation.
  3. I would be in favour of the death penalty if I trusted the state more to not fook it up. I've no problem with a death penalty if: -the crime is especially heinous or large -the criminal can't be let back in society -the evidence is overwhelming. Take paedophile murderers. Again and again I'm reading stories how they've killed before, got jailed and then did it again. Fook that! If you can't execute him based on the first case, then blow his head off straight after the guilty verdict in the second. No appeals or clemency hearing, straight to the pockmarked and suspiciously stained wall. Making taxpayers cough up to keep such vermin incarcerated is the greater injustice. As for method: I like shooting or hanging. It has a certain honesty about it. Lethal injection is being nice about a very not nice thing to do. Electric chair is a big no-no.* Inefficient, unwieldy and cruel. And we've got to think of the environment. The hemp fandango is so much greener. Also, don't do it in prisons, especially if you pretend to do it for the deterrent effect. If you feel you need to kill a guy on behalf of the people, do it in front of the people. If you get the death penalty in Iran, they will winch you up in your home town. *I've seen a documentary as to how it came to be that The Chair was even selected as an execution device. Disgusting how that came about.
  4. Once again, Firefly is deadlier. Look at the handle. You can really knock someone on the head with that.
  5. A sign that war is imminent: Four of the North Korean football players have exfiltrated from the World Championship. No doubt we will soon hear of their sabotage acts furthering the cause of the Great Leader in his struggle against the Imperialist pig dogs. http://soccernet.espn.go.com/world-cup/story/_/id/798359/ce/uk/?cc=3888&ver=global
  6. Hmmm, I can now see how you could read it to mean retro-fitting it in existing titles. I just don't read it that way at all though. Nor does it seem likely. While it'd greatly increase the value of CMSF, it'll do little for sales. So unless it is very easy to do and Steve wants a crowd pleaser to draw a line under the less then stellar reception of CMSF, I don't see it happening.
  7. Both! Serenity can: so Tigers and Panthers aren't a problem at all.
  8. Sorry, but it nowhere says that CMSF or Afhganistan will get the new system. Nor does it hint at this.
  9. You aren't scoring points on the adult-o-meter, JB. I think this thread should be re-dedicated to speculation on how long until Juno Beach reaches the exit of this forum.
  10. It's more that it requires a lot of programming time which is sadly limited for such a small company as BFC. With that in mind it doesn't make sense to dedicate this precious programming to multi-core processing because much of this extra power is then spent on juggling the data across several cores. This will give you only a limited performance boost. I've got a couple of games with a multi-core switch. And I can confirm that in every case the differences in performance are minimal or entirely unnoticeable. (on a E6600 2 x 2.4Ghz) It's one of the reason why I always recommend a good dual core with individual oomph over a quad with lesser CPUs.
  11. Those guys never fail to amuse with their vids.
  12. is a quote from Voltaire, regarding the shooting of English Admiral Byng, by the RN, for failing to engage a French fleet.
  13. Heathen! Tradition requires a shooting. On an oil rig will do, they are technically ships.
  14. Ah, faking a match result to fool the populace. That would certainly explain Spain v Switzerland.
  15. That result wasn't so much "Let the Wookiee win" but more "Use the Force Luke, use the Force."
  16. Nah, the way the damage was distributed was a bit iffy (the track damage "consolation prize") otherwise it seemed okay.
  17. For the Dutch it is roughly a Battalion strength commitment since 2003 in post invasion Iraq and then a switch to Afghanistan from 2006 onwards. From the top of my head 11-12 infantry battalions of one kind or another that'd be likely to be rotated, 5 months at a time. Plus supporting units, some doing more, some doing less. But by now I reckon most have had their baptism of fire. We've been pretty light on armour though, so they mostly would've missed out. Sure, it pales in comparison to US or British efforts, but the Dutch army knows what it is about. I doubt there'd be very noticable difference in quality.
  18. The Dutch and Canadians have been active in Iraq and Afghanistan for quite a while. So they wouldn't have fallen that far behind their warmongering cousins. The Germans are seeing quite a bit of action in their end of Afghanistan too. But I wouldn't think any experience gap would have translated in very different troop quality anyway. I could get behind a bit more officer/NCO bonuses. I think that is where the real benefit of experienced troops is: people accustomed to command at the sharp end.
  19. Go pester Moon@battlefront.com btw, have tried merely asking for a new password for your website account? *doh* Blind. With your various attempt you might have been flagged as suspicious.
  20. Forum login and website login aren't the same. Have you ordered anything lately? You need the login you used for that. If not, you may need to make an account.
  21. I recall a thread where a Javelin plunged right down on to the tanks DShK. No kill. Hehe.
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