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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Here's an article in English. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-world/2010/04/11/now-that-s-a-stone-chip-115875-22177419/ In my defence, I posted then looked for an English version, so the feeble joke in the title wasn't copied from The Mirror. The downside is that I would appear to stoop to their level all on my own. What a cargo not to secure it properly. I think the driver is going to face a bit more then merely paying damages. Thanks to everyone who made me crack a smile, some good ones.
  2. It will be interesting to see how well it works. I might not want that routing green panzershreck team to nick rounds from an elite panzershreck team as they flee past. An extreme example perhaps, but I guess there's a lot of nuance in ammo distribution preferences that poor old Charles couldn't possibly code for. But it's sure is good that ammo management gets some love. With this new ability, will maximum ammo loads be lowered some? They seem rather generous in CMSF and I wouldn't mind seeing this limited in future releases. IMHO there is not enough of a downside to just distributing all the spare ammo right at the start of the scenario. But it's another step in the right direction. Stuff like this makes me a lot happier about the wait.
  3. Ouch! Since it's been rather quiet over here, how about we liven things up a bit: I challenge my fellow forumnites to come up with an explanation of the above. All entries welcome, except the actual story behind this incident.
  4. I was thinking more of BAR and Bren ammo bounces distributed among the squad. I didn't dare dream of flexible belted ammo, or anything being done with them other then just being there visually. To make it clear, with the G43 thing you already exceeded my expectations. Kudos for that, as that's not an easy thing to do.
  5. I think they are ex-French BT-9s, which in truth are more Yale then Harvard. *edit* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A4nner_gegen_Panzer I think wiki might actually be incorrect, observe the non-retractable landing gear. But the two are so closely related as not to matter, really. Compare: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-6_Texan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_BT-9
  6. It's an easy slip of the mind to make and overlook. But for it to go totally unnoticed by that many in that environment, yeah, that's not a good reflection on US politics and education. Also, thermological? Huh?
  7. IIRC the whole smoke debate hinged on the assumption that while it happened, we players would be horribly gamey and overuse smoke. In this case, a training-film does not widespread useage make. I would love to see WP though. Amusing that even as early as WW2 those Harvards were standing in for WW2 combat planes. Hadn't heard of Flare Guns being used in an AT role before. Interesting but obvious, in hindsight. If you've got a gun for projecting a big fat flare, you might as well put it to other uses as well.
  8. Now that is admirable attention to detail. I wouldn't have expected it. If you have gone to such great lengths for the G43, what's been done with MG ammo?
  9. 7.62x54R, 7.62x54R, my kingdom for a box of 7.62x54R!
  10. They kinda have to add up to a hundred if the ratio is initially denoted in %, seeing as it's the very meaning of the word percentage. Half the berries weight has been lost in water, honest. The 0.5lbs people are very good explaining the loss of 1% water, but forget to explain the apparent gain of 1% fruit. You have to do both or the sums don't add up.
  11. The Russian war dead were the currency with which eastern Poland was paid for. If anything, the CIA might have been inclined to downplay them.
  12. Could there be a better place for a listening station then a vineyard? "I heard it through the grapevine".
  13. I could think of a thing or two. Some of those things don't even involve tracer bounce, blast waves and campaign continuity.
  14. Objection! HMS Victory, launched 1765 and commissioned in 1778.
  15. This past decade I've seen too many news items of the aftermath of a bomb blast where people are being piled, often rather roughly, into whatever transport is available that I find it laughable to read a claim that this is now terrorist behaviour. Then you magic all this Terrorist with AKs and RPGs. Have you even seen the footage? Point out these Enemy Combatants for me, please. Most of the people have clearly empty hands, for goodness sake. As for it being an "active combat area". Uhm, no it's not. It's their neighbourhood they are walking around in, in apparent safety until the helo decides to put an oar in. The second group, how long do you think they should have waited since the last shots before they'd help out? Your defence of this incident is unfathomable to me. Cock ups don't come much more evident then this.
  16. Angryson, you may wish to clarify your position. Because right now it reads to me that you categorize every Iraqi person as "bad people" deserving of whatever fate the helo jocks choose for them. On what basis do you apply the term "bad eople" in this case?
  17. Those Apache jockey's IFF evaluation isn't much better then this guy's: They saw what they wanted to see. The second attack in particular is indicative of an unsuitable mindset. As per usual though, I'm more offended by the cover-up then the incident itself. This kinda stuff, though bad, happens. But lying about it, no, that just sends the wrong signals about what the organization condones. Counter productive too. I bet anyone living near that location took note of what they know had happened, what was said by the US to have happened and drawn their conclusions from that.
  18. Stand by for mister picky... It's not half the water that evaporates. It's slightly more then half. As can be seen in the result, half the weight of the berry (in water) evaporates . Thus it can't be half the weight of water, seeing as the amount of fruit doesn't change.
  19. Okay, let's explain this with matter that is more easily understood. The Rat Patrol bounce a convoy of Germans. They are badly outnumbered, only 1 of a hundred combatants is a Rat Patrol Member. Combat occurs. As in their habit, the Rat Patrol doesn't lose any members. Hurray! The Germans suffer such casualties that we are told at the end 2 out of every 100 surviving combatants are members of the Rat Patrol. Or 98 per hundred are German. Hang on! 2 out of 100 seems to suggest that The Rat Patrol got bigger in combat. That obviously can't be true. So let's make that a mathematically cleaner and easier on the brain 1 out of 50. So post combat it's really 1 out of every 50 combatant that is Rat Patrol. To recap: At start there were 99 Germans per Rat Patrol member, post combat there's only 49 Germans per Rat Patrol member. At start: 99 Germans and 1 Rat Patrol member= 100 Post combat 49 surviving Germans and 1 Rat Patrol member=50 Thus you can see, half the participants in the combat got killed.
  20. But you aren't losing 1%. It doesn't say that. What it does say is that proportionally there is twice as much fruit in the berry on the second day in the berry than there was on the first, when compared to the amount of water. But the amount of fruit in real terms has remained constant, we are told. Thus this significant change in ratio must have come at the expense of the water.
  21. Against HEAT rounds it might. But I don't see how a tunsten/DU pentrator would be inconvenienced by it, even if it wasn't too fast to be intercepted, as I suspect might well be the case.
  22. Are you sure you are inputting he e-license number and not an order number?
  23. Hiya, and welcome to the board/bored. It definitely helps if you think less in numbers and more on what is really going on.
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