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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. As I understand it you are either hull down to a position or you are not. There's no reason for you to go hunting for that spot wich hides all but your turret, if it says hull down, it is hulldown and fine tuning will gain you no added protection. I wish I knew that earlier, I used to make sure even the lower turret half was hidden. All that effort wasted!
  2. I just have to ask: Why don't you mod some proper tanks?
  3. !WARNING! Irony: Not a description of some kind of iron. Grow a sense of humour people. The only embarrasing thing Tondu did was aiming an ironic post at Americans.
  4. He means here: http://www.cmmods.com an url well worth remembering
  5. Haven't messed around with them much but the impression I've gotten is that the primary protection you enjoy from sandbags is that you drop out of LOS if you hide/cower inside it. I would like to know how much use others get out of sandbags.
  6. Maybe it's just me but I haven't come across any CMAK reviews yet at any of the big (war)games sites. IIRC reviewers got their copies straight after us preorderers (wich was great btw) While BFC can always count on their core fans and word of mouth but some extra publicity is still a necesity. What's going on? :confused:
  7. I too am disappointed with the amount of filler in CMAK. And I don't mean some vague, 'oh I wish this or that' but true honest to goodness dissapointment. I had hoped for a bit more. I didn't know much about Russian gear so didn't notice the amount of filler. But to have it inflicted upon my beloved Brits hurts my Anglophile heart. Some really surprising ones have not been properly modeled. Learning that the making of the Churchill MkI model is at the top of a non existant list does little to cheer me up. I hope that CMX2 is of a more modular build. With each release adding to those that went before, fewer models will need to be dropped by the wayside. So when we get our paws on Cromwells they won't be taken away again! Grrr. :mad: [ December 18, 2003, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  8. What's being simulated, wether by design or error is that if you and two other Archer friends face a PzIV, you'd always think the PzIV was there to kill YOU. That's human nature for you. No weighing up the odds, only:'Oh, ****, oh ****, that tanks going to kill me!' You'd never stop to think that it might nail the other guy instead.
  9. Also note that if someone is saying something in a US website that may not reflect on things across the Atlantic. I'm sure Martin (Moon) was talking about not releasing it in the US shops on a US website and failed to be specific. He seems to have forgotten a lot of us Euros visit the US .com sites. [ December 18, 2003, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  10. Having upgraded from 128 to 384 I noticed a modest improvment, but nothing earth shattering. I'm guessing your video card and brute processing power are the main bottlenecks here, but neither can be fixed as cheaply as additional ram. I think your best bet is to accept things as they are now, keep your money in your wallet and start saving for a full machine upgrade. Upgrading your RAM won't solve the problem, a video card might but a good one is expensive and with a PIII you wouldn't get your money's worth out of the purchase. And upgrading your CPU would most likely be prohibitivly expensive. I feel your pain Herr K, I'm just lucky I'm at a different point of the upgrading cycle and my scraped together rig is still current for a little while longer.
  11. I have only limited experience with fire arms so feel free to ignore/dismiss but... these stories about weak rounds sound a bit dubious to me. At typical combat ranges ranging between 100-150 metres a carbine round is still going to ruin anyones day. Bone fragmentation and such may be less but I'm thinking it should still be enough to put that person out of action. I would prefer the carbine over a bolt action in most combats.
  12. I've seen a fair number of pictures with Canadians with M1 carbines. How on earth did they manage to get hold of those? Trading with the Yanks or did they get issued some?
  13. How about chronological, but without regard for the year? So a january 3rd 1941 scenario followed by a january 20th 1945. That way each theater get's a visit on a regular basis.
  14. *sigh* This is getting repetitive but here it goes: Beautiful job, MikeyD!
  15. Good idea. It means more scenarios to comment on. And the yanks get a chance to star in some scenarios. In the current form of SOTW that would have to wait until some time in the summer. Serves them right for showing up late for the war, though.
  16. Really? Was that me? You have a beter memory then me.(that's not saying much, though) I was thinking: "Ooh, I want that too!". Now I know why I thought that idea brilliant. It is frustrating that you either end up with near invisible infantry or tanks the size of houses.
  17. You use a covered arc when a burst of MG fire would work just aswell? That's... that's... un-natural!
  18. One thing that is a bit weird is the friendly map edge of the Italians being on the opposite side of the map, it leads to highly game situation. Troops that are routed by my units ran towards my line, surrendering when they got there, without exception. Curiously, vehicle crews don't they actually threatened the cohesio of my line and kiled a truck and a few men until I brought in some armour to deal with them. My captured MkVIb tank crews (survivors of a devastating if suicidal charge) managed to escape n similar fashion. Most gamey of all was when routing infantry routed through the gap between the oasis and the ridge. By routing through my lines they got out of LOS of the main Italian body, I had my 4 gun damaged cruisers intimidate them into surrendering. Worked a treat. Fun scenario though, even if I played a the Brits first. I can't imagine what it would be like as Italians with the life expectancy of the Italian AFV.
  19. One thing that is a bit weird is the friendly map edge of the Italians being on the opposite side of the map, it leads to highly game situation. Troops that are routed by my units ran towards my line, surrendering when they got there, without exception. Curiously, vehicle crews don't they actually threatened the cohesio of my line and kiled a truck and a few men until I brought in some armour to deal with them. My captured MkVIb tank crews (survivors of a devastating if suicidal charge) managed to escape n similar fashion. Most gamey of all was when routing infantry routed through the gap between the oasis and the ridge. By routing through my lines they got out of LOS of the main Italian body, I had my 4 gun damaged cruisers intimidate them into surrendering. Worked a treat. Fun scenario though, even if I played a the Brits first. I can't imagine what it would be like as Italians with the life expectancy of the Italian AFV.
  20. The TacAI prioritizes on threat to you but also on your threat to it. The easier the kill the more it favours targeting it. While the lethality of a truck is nil, you can't find an easier push-over. I guess your troops just got tempted by the easy, quick kill. The fact you had a need to re-target is an amazing feat in itself, most trucks die near immidiatly. In my attempt at the scenario my vehicles had a go at the trucks first, too. But they killed them so fast they could soon focus on the real threats.
  21. Talk about service! :eek: :eek: I had an ingame peek at the Matilda, very well done Gordon. You can tell why the Brits gave Caunter camo a try, it really breaks the shape of the queen of the desert.
  22. You couldn't by any chance put them on CMMODS, could you? Madmatt is probaly testing his new yacht/sports-car/plane/Weasel. I've been waiting for that caunter camo-ed Mathilda II since CMAK was announced. I think I can't stand the wait any longer.
  23. Two battles doesn't a pattern make. While I'm with Mikey D and get significantly more then 10% gun damaged it does seem you've had an extra ordinary run of bad luck. Most times I get about 1/3 my tanks gun damaged in a battle (depending on the oppositions ability to fight back, offcourse) and that seems a little high to me. But it wasn't as rare as you seem to think it is. I've read numerous reports where tanks were retiring from battle due to being unable to ire the gun.
  24. IIRC Madmatt stated in a thread about the Churchill MkI that they weren't planning on adding models in a patch. Here: No new models [ December 15, 2003, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  25. With both the Humber and 37mm turret on the disc already you'd think BFC would manage to combine the both of them somehow. There are several things like this with CMAK that makes me think I'd rather have paid full price for a more polished product.
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