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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. What a surprise, MikeyD actually makes a beatifull mod. Oh wait...no...he does that all the time, doesn't he? A beauty, as always!
  2. 1) No, no good reasons, only good reasons not to. They can spot for your mortars from slightly behind too. 2)Not in as far as bonusses go. They have the aded benefit of being able to command every unit without HQ though. 1st platoon cannot take over 2nd platoon. Companies are not so hindered. 3)You mean left out of the fighting altogether? I always bring them along. It's just a few rifles and grenades extra but they do help. And it means the enemy fire may gets spread over 4 units instead of just the three squads, rducing supression a bit. 4)huh? 5)AFAIK it helps in spotting but as far as cover goes you are either in woods or you are not.
  3. The CMAK engine is definitely preferable over CMBO. The uber artillery and kamikaze infantry won't be missed by me. But CMBO is more arcadey so if you want uncomplicated quick paced fun you can't go wrong with CMBO. Most of the times you can fake Western Europe scenarios anyway. But like Gurra indicated, you'll be missing a few units: Cromwell, King Tiger, Pershing and Puma. Maybe a few others but these are the prominent ones. But you get even more back in return. if I were you I'd go with CMAK, or better yet, open that wallet a little further and buy the trilogy pack.
  4. The CMAK engine is definitely preferable over CMBO. The uber artillery and kamikaze infantry won't be missed by me. But CMBO is more arcadey so if you want uncomplicated quick paced fun you can't go wrong with CMBO. Most of the times you can fake Western Europe scenarios anyway. But like Gurra indicated, you'll be missing a few units: Cromwell, King Tiger, Pershing and Puma. Maybe a few others but these are the prominent ones. But you get even more back in return. if I were you I'd go with CMAK, or better yet, open that wallet a little further and buy the trilogy pack.
  5. I believe a prayer might work. Try this one, it has proved to be effective.
  6. Ah, didn't check the date. *mumble mumble people bumping old threads without telling mumble* It's all Andreas' fault! *prostrate myself humbly*
  7. Whoohoo, Andreas is going to mail MikeyD about how to make a proper link that doesn't mess with the browser format. Thankfully the crappiness of MikeyD's link making ability is proportional to his skills in making spiffy mods.
  8. Hithere! Depends. If I'm tinkering with infantry I like to have it in +4. Tanks are +2 on large maps and maps with a bunch of infantry. Lower sizes depending on map size and clutter and few inf to keep track of. I'll take this opportunity to repeat the hope that in future CM incarnations there will be seperate magnificantion levels for inf and AFVs.
  9. Stunning. Simply stunning. Those screenies have melted my brain. I won't enjoy playing CMAK until these (and the previous) WIPs become de-WIP-ed. *wink wink nudge nudge*
  10. "Base plate imprint of German mortar found by US armour"
  11. I'm not Andreas (it makes me feel good saying that), but weren't 37mm PzIII's in the 1.0 version and were then taken out from the unit lists when it was pointed that they were never used in North Africa. However, scenarios made in 1.0 work in 1.01 and the equipment remains as well. </font>
  12. How did you get around the absence of early war 37mm PzIIIs? I found PzIIIGs with HE ammo only come closest. btw Excellent! *sets fire to my Ninjas*
  13. Errrm, how many more Fireflies do you want? I'm happy with the IIC and VC that are included.
  14. Good work. I must say you are getting better with each mod. I wasn't to sure about your early mods. To be honest I thought they were quantity over quality. (no offense) But I now see all the practice paid off. Sweet mod, man.
  15. Never have I seen a smoke trail, and sorry to say this, but I should know if this happens, I've shot down hundreds of planes. Are you sure it didn't fire rockets? An aircraft kill is displayed by a small midair explosion (so small it's hard to differentiate beteeen it and 37/40mm AA bursts) and an explosion soundeffect. Your best bet is checking all the AA guns and flexible mount vehicles. They almost always get their kill performed. Only once did I get a kill in the end score afterwards that I never saw back in the AA units neither during or registered afterwards. Yes, I did check every AA capable craft and no AA capable unit routed off map. That was a bit of a baffler. But on the portrayal of AA kills is equal to aircraft portrayal itself: Very much lacking.
  16. And anyone who has seen the Dorosh ASL mods for CM will testify that ASL finished off CM!
  17. downloaded and installled without checking the BMPs. It's MikeyD stuff afterall. Did peek at it ingame. Wow! Spledid work as ever!
  18. What struck me from pictures of WW2 foxholes was all the junk scattered around them. Ammo pouches, food containers, webbing, bits and bobs of kit etc.
  19. I agree, I'd prefer them to arrive close together to. I spend much of my setup time getting my squads in neat units so I can easier oversee my troops.
  20. Well, I haven't tried since CMBO so no surety here. But you are going to have to chuck heavy stuff at it and lots of it. Or use up so much luck that it would be better to unsubscribe to any lotteries forever. IMHO not really worth it, unles there is absolutly no other way. Late war I really miss ATRs. Zooks/piats/shrecks need to get so close you might as well move a squad up behind it.
  21. Heinzbaby, I have a little something you might want to use. Drop me a line. Email is in my profile. Thx!
  22. By saying grenading is easy I think you are ignoring the fact that the thrower is likely to be more busy not to get shot then making an accurate pitch. And having adrenaline gushing out of his ears from battle stress won't help his aim either.
  23. On location of AA, You'd be wanting to have them placed such that all the protected units are in the same(ish) direction, not to far away otherwise you'll be hard pressed to score hits, not too close to avoid tracking problems. No further then 500m is my preference.
  24. I haven't even seen them yet, but I think I'm save in saying that they are beautiful. Thanks!
  25. The 3d models are hardcoded and can't be changed.
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