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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Thanks for the comments. Hope it goes well - be great to hear how you get on etc? Cheery!
  2. Hi Aragorn Glad ya like the map. Image was found at Bundesarchiv and the link to image is: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-732-0138-19,_Russland-Mitte,_Wilkowischken,_Sch%C3%BCtzenpanzer.jpg
  3. Not strictly true - just tested this. Parked a jeep in enemy territory, dismounted the driver and had him wander off into the bushes. Walked a German patrol up to it. No sight nor sound of the German patrol until I see a hand grenade tumble to the ground and KO the jeep. Perhaps in your case the jeep as well as having a driver also had passengers - dismount the passengers but the driver is still in the vehicle radioing back info? As is and based on the above test an unmanned jeep does not work as some sort of intelligence drone.
  4. http://www.blowtorchscenarios.com/ heaps of scenarios here if you go for it.
  5. you're correct - the % casualty limit will have killed off your man hence no show.
  6. In version 2.00 AFVs are mis-ID by sound contacts e.g. armoured car gives sound contact of tank. Also you get generic sound contacts of infantry. How much info you get on ID contacts does depend on what play level you are playing.
  7. +1 - CMX1 was a great game for it's time. But now...? It's gaming history. Id like BFC's full attention directed to CMX2. I spent a lot of time doing scenarios for CMX1 but I am more than happy to be doing the same for a far better game engine in every respect.
  8. Many thanks to Francois for his feedback over at the Repository. I have to quote it "This stuff's so good I don't think it could improve, honestly, it's nail biting pants stretching action." I must admit this is the first time I've had any scenario I've done described as pants stretching! Cheers for taking the time to both play and post your feedback. It's really appreciated.
  9. @Lawrence - Thanks for your comments. Really glad you are enjoying it Out of curiosity how did it go (assuming you've finished)? @Verulam - Thank you I'm really pleased that given the restrictions of the game that I managed to capture the actual action. This map took a long time to do and at the start there were several re-draws. Also took a great deal of time referencing the action from every angle and every source I could get my hands on. As I said I'm really pleased it all worked out. Cheery!
  10. Erwin: this thread - page 6 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=106745&page=6
  11. Both although what I play depends on the size/complexity of the scenario e.g. smaller scenarios/fewer units I'll tend to play RT (with occasional pause). Larger scenarios (variety of units ect) I'll play WEGO. I must admit I like em both. WEGO is great though for checking out just how great looking the game is. I tend not to have time to do that when playing RT as I'm busy keeping an eye on the battle.
  12. @Snake_Eye Thanks for playing the scenario and for the feedback Glad ya enjoyed it! Oh Guid New year tae ane an a' when it comes around.
  13. Hi Rokko Great AAR Many thanks for taking the time to play this one through and post your screenies and comments. I'm away from the game just now so the following comments are done from memory. I think they are correct... "The British positions were really b**** to combat. The game can't handle foxholes well it seems. When you have foxholes, placed behind bocage, placed within an orchard, placed behind a high wheat field and placed on a slope, then you must tremble. You can never really aim at them, tanks, firing from elevated positions pump round after round into the hedges pointlessly and infantry can only target the foxholes after already being in the hedge (of course, they get butchered before)." Yeah the foxholes behind bocage is a pain - bit I don't think that is a game issue per se. The bocage has raised banks so placing the foxholes just such they have line of sight just beyond the bocage means you have to get your infantry close to engage. The wheat and slope situations are current game engine limitations - it's known about and it's possible it could be on the BFC to do list. "Also, I somehow think the troops (on both sides) were too firm or too motivated and experienced. The Brits clung to their positions for too long and my SS grenadiers kept attacking under fire for too long as well. This probably to make fun battles in H2H were both sides can mutually fight to the last man, but I personally prefer battles with more brittle troops (CW 18 Platoon is a great example!)" If I recall the German unit in RL had a load of Russians in it's ranks. I'm sure I changed the motivation levels to reflect this. Also the panzer crews were pretty new to combat so again I think a lot were green etc with reduced levels of motivation. In saying that it did fight well a lot of the time so you should find a bit of a mix. NCOs and officers are generally good tough so if you kept your Germans under command then that should work. The Brits held the line in this action. I'm not sure but I'm pretty certain one chap may well have got a medal for re-crewing a Sherman Firefly and engaging the attacking panthers. It's always a bit of lottery i find selecting the experience/motivation levels. I tried to reflect the units RL make up and experience/motivation levels but I think in-game they are dialled up slightly higher - least ways it sometimes feels that way when playing. "But all in all, I had a blast! Thank you George MC for providing this great scenario." Well I'm pretty chuffed you enjoyed it so much - thanks
  14. Hi Sakai007 - correct it's not compatible with 1.11 as it was created under v2.00. My apologies I forgot to make that clear in the download info. It's worth upgrading as I would have struggled to crate good AI Plans without having the extra slots.
  15. Not sure off hand. I can't see why not but it could be an issue associated with QB? All my scenario design experience is not with QBs I'm afraid. Still away from the game so can't check to see what the issue is. Nothing in the manual?
  16. Glad ya enjoyed it the PDF was included to help give a context to the rather tough (impossible?) situation the Germans faced. All in all I think wittmann and his unit knew they were heading to their deaths - the whole German attack was launched in the hope of stalling the continuation of the allied attack. Re Villers Bocage - I had considered doing that, but as a cmbn scenario I'm not too sure how well it would work - plus it would be huge like really huge anyways cheers for playing 'demise' oh and have a Merry Christmas
  17. Not got the game to hand. But just checking the obvious - you have the obj enabled in your game view (alt j)?
  18. Glad ya liked it - thanks for taking the time to play and post your feedback. Much appreciated.
  19. Thanks for the recent feedback from Carl and Thor. @ThePhantom- glad ya enjoyed it. I'm currently playing it myself and my attack has...errr... 'lost momentum' at the moment... Be keen to hear how you get on with your next play through? Thanks again to you guys for taking the time to play and post - hugely appreciated
  20. You have to create the "Z" Folder within your game data folder. Once you have done that just pop in your editor map image. This thread has step by step instructions http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=98199
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