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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Not a screenshot but a wee quick and dirty video of a bunch of Panthers prepping a Polish village before going in. The burning vehicle was err, my point Panther which ran into a PAK ambush...
  2. If you are after late war Ost front books I'd totally recommend "The Sword Behind The Shield" by Norbert Szamveber - excellent account down to the tactical level day by day of the German efforts to relieve Budapest during Operation Konrad (I, II and III).
  3. For setting this in a scenario - You'll need to buy a battalion, strip it down to a platoon, delete the rest of the platoon so you have a HQ (you'll need to allocate them as a reinforce unit with their time set for arrival waaaay past your scenario end time). Select teams and change the parameters to 'poor' equipment, also select head count as 50%. Voila! Single rifle men with **** gear. Piss about with the soft settings as suggested by @Combatintman As they are more likely to be stay behinds I'd select piss poor skills (that's a technical term - least them won't be ninja snipers - unless you want em that way in which case just ramp up their experience) but consider making fanatic. It does seem like these guys holed up then preferred to die in place.
  4. Bren was lighter and less prone to overheating (mainly due to it's slower rate of fire and mag holding less ammo). The lewis gun was prone to overheating (sustained firing resulted in overheating until it stopped altogether) and you could not change the barrel in the field. My tuppence worth!
  5. I'd echo the comments above - especially Jon S' thread about mission 9scenario) design. However if you have never a mission before, I'd strongly suggest laying of the campaign initally but focus on creating a scenario (mission) to start with and see how that goes. To save any future graft I'd create a core units file and use this for your scenarios (for now unlinked). That way if you decide that mission making is easy and want to go the next step you don't have to go back and change all your units and you can easily incorporate your brand new mission into your campaign with minium fuss. The manual has full details re creating core units file (you can then customise names, unit details etc etc - these would stay constant throughout your campaign). The single biggest issue with a company sized campaign are losses.So you will need to consider this - casualty rates in Cm due to players actions are very, very high. I'm very capable of losing a whole company in one mission!! Good luck with it.
  6. Part way through. Worth getting. Interesting angle is the relationship between him and his crew. Him a fresh faced inexperienced Lieutenant straight out of training - his crew hard bitten war weary desert veterans. You can cross reference this with Hill's book "By Tank Into Normandy" - different perspective to the same events. Heartily recommend it.
  7. Totally agree - had some promise then it goes a bit odd part way - good description two different films as there is little or no link between the two sections. Still for all its faults it has T34s
  8. No worries - hope they are of use. Re Soviet armoured cars they work in game if they are used more for spotting. But for that to have worth you need to have spotting victory conditions. I use this in a recent scenario where the Soviets get points for spotting German units. I have the AI plan move them into OPs overlooking possible German lines of advance, then pull back when the German trigger the appropriate AI plan. I have also found that larger maps make a lot of this work as the Soviets can use the distance to observe and also set up guns for long range DF.
  9. Not books as such but some articles I've found on the interweb and Jason C's post on the subject condensed into one - all at the tactical level. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pdy64puraa6h185/AAADJ0plhpuszEVVcLGoYay8a?dl=0
  10. Cool! Thanks - pleased to hear you are enjoying it Cheers for taking it for a spin @Erwin
  11. Well thank you @c3k Really chuffed you are enjoying all aspects of this. All credit to the guys who did the playtesting and a massive shout out to @Combatintman who did huge amount of work checking and proofing the briefings and the associated PDF. All in all it was a team effort. Thanks again for the high praise and good luck to you and your depleted kampfgruppe with Mission 3a - I suspect your cross attachment elements may be doing a bit more heavy lifting than they envisaged! Cheery!
  12. Cool - nae worries I'm really pleased you are enjoying the experience. I think (hope) all the missions have a slightly different twist to them whilst aiming at realism. Good luck with the rest of it. Cheery!
  13. Hi @General Liederkranz Hhmms that's odd. I checked and you are on Mission 2a (good effort by the way). It shows in my scenario file the mortars are "off-map" but they don't appear. I suspect a wee bug. What I've done is added the mortars on-map. I've re-compiled and a link to the revised compiled version is HERE. Thanks for drawing my attention to this. I had thought I'd fixed this as this issue cropped up before. I'll get onto Booty later and have him update the file at TSDIII. Thanks again. I suspect Mission 2 might be a tad tougher for you unfortunately. Just pout it down to battalion fubar! Still given you'd done well in the first mission I suspect you'll cope with this slight set-back. Cheery! George
  14. Hi @General Liederkranz Thanks for the comments. Pleased you enjoyed the first mission. Re the mortars - I'd have to check. Can you confirm what version of the campaign you are playing (version 1 or 2) and what version of Mission 2 you are on (the campaign branches after Mission 1 depending on the results of Mission 1). My recollection is you should have mortars unless you used all the ammo on Mission 1 but I would need to double check that's the case. Cheery!
  15. They come in all shapes and sizes. Balka is a term for a water cut feature. Balkas can be as large as valleys and as small as an eroded dry stream bed. Sometimes they have side bank erosion channels. How they look depends on the area and soil, so balkas in the south look more like wadis/dry creek beds whilst further north they can be wider and less eroded. Maps usually show what the "balka" feature looks like. If you want narrow and steep then ditch lock with some sections not locked works well. Trial and error will get the result desired. Shallow balka Shallow balka Eroded balka Behind commander head deeply eroded balka
  16. I think this, although not directly game related, might be of interest to a great many of you. If the mods think wrong forum please feel free to move. Given the interest in modern warfare I thought this forum would be a good start point. Also gives a perspective to aspects of the action on the CM battlefield we never have to take into account... http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/12/magazine/what-if-ptsd-is-more-physical-than-psychological.html?_r=0
  17. http://www.thestrategybridge.com/the-bridge/2016/6/9/frictions-of-contemporary-warfare-whats-in-it-for-ground-forces Interesting article - imagine having Rules of Engagement and negative social media reactions enacted in Combat Mission!
  18. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Royal-Marines-Mission-Afghanistan-DVD/dp/B0073QJ6K4/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1465487320&sr=8-6&keywords=our+war https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ross-Kemp-Afghanistan-Collection-DVD/dp/B005GJUEGK/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1465487349&sr=8-8&keywords=our+war Good starters. I've friends appearing in both DVDs - they served with 45 Commando.
  19. I've uploaded a version 3 (with a tweaked Mission 1 - amending the victory points a bit to make it easier for the German player to "win" the first mission; corrected some issues with the format of the first briefing). You can grab the new version HERE Thanks to @Bootie for updating the file at TSDIII
  20. Good to hear good luck with your scenario when It's released. I've just started work on another one myself! Good luck the next mission. Top tip - take your time... I look forward to hearing how it goes. Cheery!?
  21. I've recompiled it H - temp link till its updated at TSDIII https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38597470/CMRT_KGr_von%20Schroif_v3.zip
  22. oops... you know I checked and double checked this bloody thing! I'll do a recompile very soon. Well spotted
  23. Re being spotted - points are pro-rata. The approach I've found works is to lead with a smaller point force with stuff held back. It's hard to do though as you start engaging the tendency is to bring more stuff up. Or take the hits and lose assets but risk having less spotted.
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