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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. IIRC you played it as a play tester? So aye it went through a few alterations. There are several AI plans also. So if you’ve not played it since your play test then there might be some surprises.
  2. Just found this great wee video clip from @panzertaktic on Yoiutube NOTE contains spoilers!
  3. Hi @Hister I've been following your FPS woes on the forum. Interesting findings though, but glad you have managed to get up and running. Re the campaign TBH i don't think it will make any odds. Without giving too much away the AI plans coupled with the new behaviour might make some missions a wee bit easier but others might be a touch harder, Overall i think it'll balance out meaning if you command your unit well you'll still have a good chance of completing the campaign. So kick the tyres and fire her up! For the first mission, my top tip is read the briefing. I don't want to give any spoilers, so I'll leave it there. Although your plan (in concept, not detail) seems sound... Be keen to hear how you get on. Cheery!
  4. http://ncairngormsblog.sais.gov.uk/2015/02/blizzard-conditions-7/ Click on the wee video. You can see, in this case there is still vis. Zero vis would be called a 'whiteout'. I've been in white out conditions so bad you could not tell if down was up and vice versa. very disorientating!
  5. Cheers - feel free to doodle about with the KG von Shroif ones as well
  6. Like @c3k I can confirm I've observed snipers targetting high-value targets such as officers and NCOs (small unit leaders) and vehicle commanders.I have seen a sniper in game stop an attacking Soviet infantry company by taking out all the squad and platoon commanders (I saw this by looking at the body count post game). The challenge is finding the best position for them to engage and kill without being spotted and shot to bits in return...They work better if pre-placed and hiding up in good cover with good LOF. Hard to do when the enemy has possible 'eyes on' but easier at the set-up phase in a scenario. Try using 'slow' (where they crawl) if you have to get them into a position where the enemy may have LOS/LOF to?
  7. Cheers ta - maybe I should have said parenting!
  8. Hi Guys Cheers for the kudos! @Aragorn2002 if you still have that info I'm happy for you to share it. Bit strapped for time right now to go and dig the info out so would most likely take me a few days to fit in between baby care!
  9. Just give @Bootie a shout and he'll upload it for you. He's a cracking lad and will sort you out.
  10. One of my pals is an ex Royal Marine sniper - he says movement of a subject is always a giveaway - easier to spot em.
  11. He! Aye she does Lot's of leg kicking and arm waving when they play.
  12. Thanks guys - much appreciated Also found out she seems to like Raubtier!
  13. Just in case it was missed I upload all the missions as standalone scenarios to TSDIII a while back. NOTE: outwith the campaign they may well not be 'balanced' as within the campaign I assume the German player will take casualties. Still if you never completed any missions or fancied seeing what the alternative path choices would have taken you, then you might find it useful. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-add-ons-scenarios/kampfgruppe-von-schroif-missions/ Cheery!
  14. Don't have to extract the missions from KG von Schroif - done it for you: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-add-ons-scenarios/kampfgruppe-von-schroif-missions/
  15. Thanks guys She's a wee bit small to handle electronic stuff but appears to like reading Ost Front history. http://imgur.com/a/ZWZvT Oh and it looks like I can't upload images directly to the new forum at the moment. The above link takes you to IMGUR in the meantime! Cheery!
  16. Hi @MOS:96B2P It is but progressing very slowly. My wife and I have just had a wee baby so that's taking up a lot (most if not nearly all!) of spare time. The screenshot is from one of the missions within a campaign based around KG Muhlenkamp. Its taking alot longer than planned to put together. Most of the maps are around 3 x 4km, a few smaller, one larger. This map is 4 x 2km and covers a small counter attack by Panthers from 7./II pushed back a Soviet armoured probe near DOLBIZNA. I'm busy playtesting the Soviet AI plan just now. It has some interesting LOS and long range fire fights on the map. Surprising that it is not playing out as I had thought due to the LOS/LOF the Soviets have. I'm losing more Panthers than I should be!
  17. Thanks for that - I missed this. Bit of a bummer. I'll chase up using Imgur - thanks to @Muzzleflash1990 for the suggestion.
  18. Cheers for the tag @MOS:96B2P Re the question above - I'm not sure whether you are asking if you can modify the morale levels for individual missions in an existing campaign (in which case no - you'd have to have the decompiled campaign i.e. all the component missions and the core units files to do this); or whether when designing a mission within a campaign you can tweak the core units "normal" morale state for specific missions? In which case yes. So in short you cannot modify any aspect of any missions within an already compiled campaign.
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