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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. He! Aye good spot This mission is based on the one in the von Schroif campaign BUT the map has been extensively reworked, the Soviet AI plan has had a total overhaul, slightly different objectives scoring, different OOBs. So whilst it appears similar it is very, very different. Re scoring - the scoring as @Combatintmanstates is flexible. for spotting the player only gets points if the they a have a positive ID on the unit NOT if you only get a sound contact or fleeting 'what's that?' type spot. However in this scenario just spotting stuff will not be enough to either win or lose this. Both players will have to do more to earn a win. If players follow their mission orders and aim to achieve them then they have a good chance of winning. So in this regard @Combatintman's advice is on the nail - "Think of the mission holistically and view it through the common sense/realism lens rather than trying to score every single point available." Good luck Cheery!
  2. If it ain’t cav a stand-alone NTC scenario is a recce platoon so even smaller. Scouts Out set in Germany is a cavalry platoon.
  3. @Heinrich505 He! Nae sure about the genius bit! Good to hear you’re on the road with Von Schroif. I hope you enjoy it. I’ve a few more campaigns on the simmer just now. Busy doing some updating using CMFR. Good spot re Mit Karacho and the characters. I significantly reworked that mission in CMFR and the Soviet’s have a whole different set of AI plans and triggers. Was fun to see it in winter. Yup the two key characters are a nod to Cross Of Iron, albeit with different ranks. Good spot! Look forward to hearing how this and Von Schroif go for you. Cheery!
  4. He! He! Thank you I was aiming to tactical dilemma! I can’t mind exactly how the scoring works ( and away from my pc just now) but should be possible to do one or the other and still get a win, provided you keep your casualties down. I’m sure that’s the kicker scoring wise. Regardless though, I’m truly glad you enjoyed it cos I was also aiming for that
  5. Cheers ta! In my testing the points scoring successfully doing either at minimum cost to both forces should secure a win. Good luck
  6. Excellent - enjoyment is key and glad you did re the result. does depend on casualties you suffered in the attacking force as well. You’d lose points for not holding the bridgehead but getting Stransky and his guys out of Dodge should net you enough points. I’d have thought but not if you lose a lot of the rescue force. This is all about force conservation for the Germans. Just can’t afford to lose tanks and SPW in this. Cheers for the feedback if you have the final save file and don’t mind sharing please I could double check the scoring. Cheery!
  7. Thank you! Excellent When this was being playtested it was fascinating to see the different ways players resolved (or attempted to resolve) these dilemmas. Ways I'd never envisaged! Be interesting to see what your approach is. Awra best!
  8. More on @Battlefront.comCMSF2 and BritMil use https://wavellroom.com/2021/04/30/wargaming-in-the-army-reserve/
  9. Help Desk have US hours - if you are in Oz I suspect the US will be sleeping.
  10. I did a Mius scenario for CMX1 years back and recall from accounts the issue the panzers had with Soviet foxholes and snipers. I might have got that too right in the scenario as in my playtests no German tank had a TC left alive! Tall crops will also help mitigate long range LOS/LOF on trenches. Keeping em hidden to the last gasp would be key I suspect.
  11. I have for a similar type scenario. Pros with ditch lock - you can create custom trench systems and firing points Cons - troops don't use them the same way i.e. they tend to want to sit on the top edge and engage... No FOW os you can see the trench system. Purchased trenches Pros - FOW and better cover Cons - Less flexibility in placing and harder to create firing positions Combing the two does not work. Vanilla trenches linked to foxholes might be an option if FOW and cover is what you are after?
  12. If you muck about with the unit equipment quality how does that impact on types of weapons the unit has e.g. use the lowest setting for equipment quality?
  13. Ha! Ha! Aye.. Richt aye! Your translating skillz are much appreciated ta!
  14. Sorry bud overlooked this one! My apologies! Aye it's one of mine. Started out life as test scenario whilst i played about with stuff and evolved from there! Thank you - glad you like it.
  15. I find it interesting watching different play styles. From a design POV it's also useful to see how some players might approach a scenario I've designed. I watched one previous a while back where the person streaming spent around five minutes trying to guess what they were meant to be doing in the mission (in the 3D view) without once checking the Op map, Tac map or the briefing... Like 10 seconds looking at the Op and tac map would have told them the key info. I was, shall we say, puzzled... My personal preference is watching the videos that have been created using edited footage. I generally find them more engaging and interesting to watch. Horses for courses though I guess.
  16. He! We've all been there! Good to share though and good to hear you did some trouble shooting and worked it out. Cheery!
  17. My pleasure. If you can't resolve why the units are not moving just attach the file here and I can give it a quick look (tomorrow) to see what's up? Cheery!
  18. re 2 have you allocated an AI group to your units e.g. 1st Platoon tanks are AI Group 3 (you do that by using the F1, F2 etc keys whilst in the unit editor) - no units allocated to your AI plan = no unit moving. The other thing, and not being funny but I've done this! Is check that your Red AI plan has actually been created on the red side and not the Blue side... Ask me how I know this can be done easily.... re 3 the area fire (Red is where the unit will aim and attempt to fire on (area fire) if it has LOF. it won't move that to area. So your troops will travel from one AI movement point (the yellow squares) to another and attempt to area fire at the painted area fire targets if they have LOF OR an enemy appears in which case the now sighted enemy becomes the [priority target. Hope this helps - you've just got into a whole new game! Cheery!
  19. If you want to read some research rather than hyped up stuff page 21 of this paper might be useful. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amos-Wright-Iii/publication/230590819_Methamphetamine_for_Hitler's_Germany_1937_to_1945/links/5a86ebbaaca272017e5a77b7/Methamphetamine-for-Hitlers-Germany-1937-to-1945.pdf?origin=publication_detail summary from above paper: Methamphetamine was synthesized in Germany in 1937 and commercially re- leased in 1938. It became a popular stimu- lant for tired night workers and a recre- ational drug for young people until mid- 1941 when it became a controlled substance. It was abused by the armed forces during World War II when it was distributed by some commanding officers (occasionally over the objections of the units’ physicians) to prevent or treat the fatigue of exhausted troops and thus allow them to survive, de- spite the strict restrictions issued by the Army Inspectorate. There is no evidence for the claim that the use of Pervitin was encouraged by the Nazi government to cre- ate a “superman.” In fact the Health Leader L. Conti strongly discouraged its use.
  20. Hhmm... let me think. Do I know them? Are they dead good at spellun'?
  21. There is a twitter feed (UK Fight Club) which often details how they are using their bespoke version of CMSF2 which some might find of interest. As an example this is one recent post.
  22. Your best bet for this is on-map mortars and you can then create a linked order and area fire to an AI trigger. Its not possible via off-map arty/mortar assets.
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