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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Aye people think managing convoys in CMX2 is a pain. Try doing it in CMX1 with a mix of experience units in one unit... urgh...
  2. What a new feature and not overuse it. Nah...! It would still quickly escalate. Lets say accompany (I tend to use three AI groups to run them) so three strands to co-ordinate this unit. If I add one conditional trigger to them all that's doubled it to six strands. If I'm using the full 32 way point options it becomes a lot of managing. Doable and I know other games use this but they use an interface that allows this. That's why I can't see this happening within CMX2 unless there is a massive redesign and reengineer of the current AI plan designing interface in the editor. So if at some point in the future we go into CMX3 then yup I'm on board with a whole new AI planning interface that allows me to do it in 3D with the unit and then can show me run the whole plan in 2D whilst i watch it. And lets me intervene and tweak stuff. In short if I can paint AI plans I'm up for that!
  3. Aye be interesting where this goes in the future. In an ideal world the AI player will be self aware and will generate attack and defensive plans on the fly with zero in-put from the player (if desired). Although the most likely outcome from an AI having that degree of ability is the end of humanity... Personally I'd like the ability to create conditional triggers but I also know that will create a **** tonne of work for me when creating an AI plan... Especially if I have my wished for 32 AI unit slots... Then again I'd not want to see a return to the old CMX1 AI plan flag rush (although that did make AI planning ever so simple).
  4. Good point Mikey, as having the strategic AI plan options to branch rather than be linear would mean keeping track of multiple variations. I'm not sure that would make AI planning easier, and given that currently the AI planning process is a block for designers making play against AI scenarios (though does not prevent making play H2H only).
  5. Ongoing thread discussing the strategic AI limitations and methods for making the best of the tools we have which you might find useful? And this one
  6. Well that's impressive! When playtesting this I did, err, not very well! Hope you liked the wee twist? SPOILER ALERT - highlight text below to see IIRC it was slightly ahistorcial given that from around 30 minutes on the latter part of the action makes the assumption that Bill Cotton from B Squadron managed to find a way through Villers Bocage on it’s southern side. This bit of pathfinding allows the rest of B Squadron to follow and attempt a counterattack against the Germans. I must admit I shyed away from doing this for a long time thinking this would never work in CM. Its good to see it does and whilst it allows the player to recreate and play about with a famous (infamous?) event it also provides an enjoyable mission. Thanks for playing it and cheers for the support and positive vibes! Cheery!
  7. Given the current state of AI in games, if you are seeking to replicate how a human may play using the AI and specifically the AI in CM then you are on a road to frustration. There has been some useful, practical and workable advice regarding how to get the 'best' out of the AI given the current limitations of the AI. So there are options. 1/ If you think the AI is rubbish and lacks then play against humans (just don't play against me because my playing in CM makes the AI looking positively ninja General like in comparison...). 2/ Work with the AI tools we have and seek to make the best we can - @MOS:96B2Phas some excellent suggestions how this might work. 3/ Pound sand and bewail how crap the AI is. Choices, choices, choices...
  8. There shouldn't be anything on the brits/Canuks that will have eyes on in the opening turn. Most likely just some stray shrapnel from the Brit arty. You can use different set-ups for the AI controlled side - its easy enough to do via the editor. I can't recall without cracking this open in the editor if I did that for the Allied AI this mission. I know I did for the German AI side.
  9. Enjoy! Don’t get killed in turn 1 in this one!
  10. @Falaise I feel your pain! I appreciate the feedback on the map and it’s relationship to the real world. Actually really chuffed that I managed to get it close to the real place. Good luck for your next replay. Maybe go into battle buttoned up next time
  11. Close assaulting tanks has been discussed at length previously.
  12. I supported the panzer reg manual - top quality work, so expect the same from this when it is released.
  13. He's fairing better in this alternate reality! Glad you like the map. Sweated this one using aerial images of the terrain to ensure suitable tree cover! Elevation changes were a challenge also. Glad you are enjoying this as I hung off for ages in doing this as didn't feel I could recreate it in CM. So pleased it plays out as a scenario. I've a load of CM stuff in the pipeline - so yes, soon
  14. Nope they can only area fire on enemy targets they know off - via shared or own info. They can still use speculative fire on locations if no enemy contact. Wittmann still in his ride?
  15. I play that when I'm playing against the AI - my units can only engage enemy that they know are there so it forces me to ensure C2 is kept in good shape. And it's easy to implement.
  16. So I'm Scottish (yes I know) but even though I speak English (and when with friends use Scottish dialect - I'm a Fifer - that's broad as Scots goes with words like 'eicht' (eight) and 'twa' (two) and 'richt' (right). I've written articles and all sorts published and profession (in my other life). But writing briefings for scenarios is a style in and of itself. My writing has all sorts of idiosyncrasies I'm not aware off until pointed out. though, I'm lucky in that @Combatintman does a bang up job of picking me up on my rather 'variable' use of the English language (and for that I am forever grateful and I'm due him loads of beers, and crisps). A great many scenario designers are not native English speakers, but man, speaking English covers a lot of variables and styles! So please cut independent designers some slack. There is no 'style guide' for custom made missions. In that regard I'd suggest good briefing graphics are key as I think they should give the player a good summary, of what they have to do in the mission (objectives, own force and enemy). Make it pictorial, make it accurate, the nuance comes in the briefing. I like detailed immersive briefings personally, although I do know they are not everyone's cup of tea, but I do hope the briefing graphics will give any non-native speaker the intent of the scenario/mission. Tioraidh!
  17. Useable on both ‘versions’. Under the hood they’re the same. Enjoy!
  18. Assuming you are using the download from the BFC site and on windows you’ll find the folder under battlefront in documents.
  19. Thank you - really pleased you enjoyed it so much :) Aye Kampfgruppe Waldemüller’s attack when it finally went in, with 15-20 Mark IVs advancing to the north. Fire from the tanks of the 1st Northhamptonshire Yeomanry knocked some of them out, but others reached the cover of the densely wooded hedgerow and gully known as “Le Petit Ravin.” As Ken Tout noted in his account a “stalking, hunting and killing contest” then took place in and around Le Petit Ravin between the forces of the Yeomanry and Kampgruppe Waldmüller. In my eyes this is the more noteworthy engagement in the whole battle but is often overlooked due to earlier events a kilometre or so to the left. Cheery!
  20. Cheers ta! Impressive result! I've played this versus the AI and in a PBEM. In the PBEM I got a bit of a kicking against my oppo (who played the Brits) whilst i made a very good attempt at emulating the German tactics and course of action (with similar resultant outcomes!)... Aye Gaumesnil can be 'problematic' as it was in the actual action. Glad you enjoyed it. I spent a fair bit of time trying to get the map 'right' for this one, as I did the Villers Bocage scenario - mainly to explore what happened in both actions. Cheers for posting the AAR. Cheery!
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