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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. How far apart? Are the dead guns ammo guys (not crew) dead? Do you have ammo guys for your surviving gun?
  2. Short answer - no. Once they abandon the gun they cannot redrew it or another. You can share tho if there is an ammo store close by e.g. they’re towing vehicle or ammo stash.
  3. Thank you! It’s one of my personal favourites
  4. Years back when still USSR ended up in Kazakhstan with some Russian climbers. We refilled camping stove cylinders (the wee light weight ones) from a huge propane tank. The wee cylinders tended to bulge a bit. Not sure they shared the wests’ concern with safe operating procedures at the time
  5. Great wee vid showing T-34/85s being driven hard - they’re a lot smokier than I’d have thought! Makes a change from the more common sedate 10km/h round in circles you normally see.
  6. Sadly no. I should have done when it was on offer!
  7. Thank you - my pleasure Aye the CMBS map section was heavily reworked and modernised so in truth it’s unique. You should still manage to work out which bit of the Der Ring map it’s from. But whilst they’ll be similar they’re very different! So your efforts have not been in vain to convert it back. Cheery!
  8. Thank you Aye current ventures ticking away. Work has become tad manic so things slowed down personally a bit. Cheery!
  9. Thank you glad you like it. As @MOS:96B2Pstates in his post it’s a heavily modified modernised version of a section from the CMRT Der Ring map. You can get the scenario on The Scenario Depot. Cheery!
  10. Thanks for this - saved me a lot of hunting down. Much appreciated ta!
  11. Average walking pace is around 4km/h which is 1.5 minutes for 100m which is 1.1m/s so in one turn (60s) you're guys would walk 66m (or 8 action squares), to run (quick) assume pace of 8km/h is 133m a minute or 16 action squares. There are variables such as terrain type, ground condition etc but will help guesstimate how far your guys might move. Mind running |quick/fast) will tire them out. Fast is more like a sprint (but with full battle rattle) so they move fast but they become tired really quickly.
  12. Glad I ain’t the only yin! In my experience the last 20% of my time allocation in a scenario totally negates the effort I’ve put in to achieve victory in the previous 80%. Or, in other words, I always seem to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...
  13. I'd double check the display size txt file as suggested above by Lethaface first as it does like this could be the issue. No harm in also checking the following: In your Nvidia Control Panel under 'adjust image settings with preview' have you changed that to 'use the advanced 3d image settings'? Once done that go to 'manage 3 D settings'? Check that for 'openGL rendering CPU' does it show your Nvidia card, and is that the default? In your game under 'options' does it give you different display resolutions options? Have you selected desktop or another resolution option?
  14. Assuming you on a Windows machine and Nvidia graphics card, you can right click on your desktop and select Nvidia Control panel then select a suitable display there (under 'Display' then 'change resolution'. You can also create a custom profile for your CM EXE file to run with. This thread takes you through the process.
  15. SOP -I aim to have vehicles follow the same break in the fence/hedge to avoid giving too much info away. Off course as has been pointed out you can also use other vehicles to create a diversion by breaking down the fence at other points...
  16. You double checked you are using your gucci PC/laptops graphics card rather than built in MOBO graphics? also you could try deleting your display preferences file then restart the game: C:\Users\YOUR PC\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Shock Force 2\display size.txt
  17. Hhmm can’t mind what module I made em with now TBH. been so long!! Nope Not touched em.
  18. Check out the missions in Forging Steel. They’re from a campaign I did but I also released em as unpacked missions. https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-shock-force-2/cm-shock-force-campaigns/usmc-forging-steel-the-missions/ if something I can do to tweak anything to what you need let me know no promises but I can see what I can do cheery!
  19. Relevant podcast as two guys (serving Brit Army) discuss challenges of training and fighting at night. Some good insight into limitations of NV kit. https://wavellroom.com/podcast/night-fighting-tea-toast-and-tactics-with-ash/
  20. Overlooks the view that if you are fighting a balanced engagement you are not doing it right. in CM if you want balanced best play QBs H2H. Scenarios are not often balanced in the sense you are asking fir. A lot of CMSF2 is asymmetric- Syrian conventional forces taking on NATO conventional forces toe to toe will not end well for them. you can work around this by effectively recreating ‘sandbox’ engagements where REDFOR (Syrian) given top of the lone kit and maxed out experience levels (NTC type thingy) versus bottom of the line NATO stuff with lower experience levels.
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