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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rune

  1. Wrong. The flight path of the shell is NOT tracked. Terrain is checked, but the actual flight track is not followed due to the hit the processor would take. This has been stated several times on the board. Yes, invisible smoke would block the entire height, and personally, I'd rather have the unit fire then be block sue to this invisible smoke. Rune
  2. No it woild not. As stated a few hundred times, the LOS checks are computer intensive. to track the shell of every unit, would require a super computer. Shell flight was not tracked due to the major hit the processor would take. The reason the burning vehicle stops the LOS is smoke. Rune
  3. AJ, You and family are also in my family's thoughts. Let us all know if there is anything we can do to help. Rune
  4. Members of the MBT, While talking in the chat room with Lorak and Panzer 76 , we came to a startling conclusion..... Seanachai is actually Joe Shaw. Our points: 1. Both are olde ones 2. Both never return pbem turns 3. Both are long winded 4. Both have not been seen together by a reliable source. 5. Has either one ever actually won against the AI? 6. Both have a thing for Mormon Women. 7. Both love to sing songs...no matter how bad their voices. 8. Both seem to think the Peng thread is suppose to be taken seriously. 9. Both pick losers as squires. and finally... 10. Elvis thinks both are wankers. Rune Army of the Porcupine
  5. OK...who needs a massive and I mean massive battle to kill a ssn or serf with? I want some feedback on this one, unlike the other slackers who never tell me anything. This one is in testing, want comments on balance. Volunteers? Rune
  6. Of course, when I look this morning it was unreal being featured. Will have to look when I get home. Jeanne/Astrocat didn't know you are in Chicago. You both are more then welcome next time we have a Chicago get together. If you don't mind a bunch of computer geeks, games, and beer. Rune [ February 07, 2003, 05:59 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  7. Nothing in the game will self delete a file. Check your computer for virii. Rune
  8. Also, play as extreme FOW and the first time through you should use the default setup. Depending on the scenario, and if I could get enough information, I try to set the forces up exactly as they were. Rune
  9. Altho I do not see the tusks, nor the long fur...an excellent job, and it now resides in my folder. Rune
  10. African or Asian Elefant? Rune Smilies not included since Peng is having a bad month. Eagles anyone?
  11. Two quotes that stick out for the Russian opinion of the Sherman... I want also to add that the Sherman's armor was tough. There were cases on our T-34 when a round struck and did not penetrate. But the crew was wounded because pieces of armor flew off the inside wall and struck the crewmen in the hands and eyes. This never happened on the Sherman. For a long time after the war I sought an answer to one question. If a T-34 started burning, we tried to get as far away from it as possible, even though this was forbidden. The on-board ammunition exploded. For a brief period of time, perhaps six weeks, I fought on a T-34 around Smolensk. The commander of one of our companies was hit in his tank. The crew jumped out of the tank but were unable to run away from it because the Germans were pinning them down with machine gun fire. They lay there in the wheat field as the tank burned and blew up. By evening, when the battle had waned, we went to them. I found the company commander lying on the ground with a large piece of armor sticking out of his head. When a Sherman burned, the main gun ammunition did not explode. Why was this? The armor comment sticks out for me... Rune
  12. Don't put words in my mouth...i didn't mention the Pz III at all, i meant a Sherman was a better tank due to 1. crew, 2. gun, 3. amor, and 4. The Russians themselves liked the Sherman better. Rune
  13. The set in the Tin has a 1 on it...so here is what I will do. I will wait until someone wins it then order it amazon.com for the correct region and have it shipped to you. Redwolf, if you win, you can get the German version that way. You might not have to drop Rearguard action, as those involved deleted the scenario except one who tested an earlier version long before the tourney started. However, if you want to drop it, it is an option. Again, all i can do is offer apologies, make up by adding the dvd set, and insure it won't happen again. I think I have taken steps to do all this. Rune
  14. Guys, Again my apologies. Jaws got the scenario to test way back before the tourney was started and I didn't knwo he was in it. Holien and Noloff got it as a thank you of all my packs, but once realized they were in tourneys, deleted the file. The scenario in question is Rearguard action...the solution is simple, drop that scenario from the tourney, no one quits and the tourney moves on. I will see if Jeff or WWB can whip up a replacement scenario if that is the route you want to take. I have been exceedingly careful since that point, not sending out files unless I ask if they are in a tourney. However, I will not make any more tourney scenarios and will be contacting Scott to take me off the B&T team, since I do not want to cause any bad reflection on them due to an honest error on my part. As I said, for my atonement, I added the DVD set of Band of Brothers, but won't purchase it until there is a winner in case it goes overseas. {Are American DVDs the same as European ones?) Again apologies... Rune
  15. As my atonement for my slip up, I add to the winner's plate...a 6 DVD set of BOB to be shipped to your address. Lord Dragon and Spanish Bombs fortuantely figured it out, and the other 2 don't play in the tourneys...so if you want to continue and I hope you trust the two of them not to look at the cd, I add the above to the winner's pot. Rune
  16. This is what I posted in the other thread. Blame this one on me guys...a total screw up on my part. At the Chicago get together, I gave people a copy of the scenario folder so they would have the new scenarios I made. I didn't know I had some from testing from other authors that were to be used in the tourney, or I would certainly not given them out. I slipped once and as Nidan knows, i specifically ask if in a tourney so I do NOT send out the files. There were only 4 CDs given out, and I don't know if any of the guys are in the tourney, other then one person who realized it right away and came forward. I apologized to Treeburst already...and to those here now. I honestly didn't know those scenarios were on there. So, the couple people promise not to look at the CDs, I think you are in good shape. I know the person who caught it did not look at the scenarios. Again, many apologies...I just didn't realize it. Rune
  17. Blame this one on me guys...a total screw up on my part. At the Chicago get together, I gave people a copy of the scenario folder so they would have the new scenarios I made. I didn't know I had some from testing from other authors that were to be used in the tourney, or I would certainly not given them out. I slipped once and as Nidan knows, i specifically ask if in a tourney so I do NOT send out the files. There were only 4 CDs given out, and I don't know if any of the guys are in the tourney, other then one person who realized it right away and came forward. I apologized to Treeburst already...and to those here now. I honestly didn't know those scenarios were on there. So, the couple people promise not to look at the CDs, I think you are in good shape. I know the person who caught it did not look at the scenarios. Again, many apologies...I just didn't realize it. Rune
  18. yes, yes iw as...until we ran them out of guiness. Thanks for those who showed....we had a great time Rune
  19. 1 hour 55 minutes and counting Rune
  20. One more reminder for tomorrow.... Rune
  21. Panzer, will get it out to you when I get home. Look for it this early evening. Yep, I agree with you, a lot of players don't want to start in mud, but it doesn't mean there aren't people who want to play a hstorical battle at the start. [Only at the start, as once the scenario begins, it is no longer historical for obvious reasons] However, as a scenario designer, I want there to be something for everyone...and I try...not always successfully...but try I do. xeres is correct, poeple play styles differ greatly. Heck, my own do...there are times I want to play a simulation...and other times I just want to play to have fun. Sgian, I have a scenario done being used in ROW, that features a fighting withdrawl. I will release it once all the players are done with it. Had some excellent feedback on it, and I expect some not so great...as people's styles vary so much. Without giving spoilers, maybe one or two of the guys playing it can give a thumbs up or down. Guys, without spoilers, Rearguard Action, thumbs up or down? Rune
  22. The point is, you would not like the scenario, but I guarantee you, there is someone else out there that would give it a go...including a massed Soviet assault! That is the point, while a game, you can see how well you would do given whatever circumstances occured! It is why I tried to get a wide variety of scenarios on the CD. Different types, sizes, situations, terrains, regions, etc. For each person who just like MEs, there is a person who wants to play a historical battle. For each person who wants only fair balance, there is another who wants to fight against the odds and see if they could do better. You are right, for you, you don't like that type of battle. For me, I wanted to give someone the chance to compare themself to what really happened. Heck, i get people complaining that the Iron Roadblock isn't replayable after you figure out the tactics. No kidding..it is a TUTORIAL, and is marked as such. No matter what a scenario designer does, there will be people who like a style and people who won't. It is the reason I have made over 100 scenarios now...the chance to give everyone something they would like to play. Not everything will appeal to everyone...but understand, there are others out there would DO like different things...and play them. Heck, one scenario I loved from CMBO was a totally unrealistic fight on a volcano. It was different and enjoyable. Another fun one was a racetrack where the fans were snipers. Totally off the wall, but I laughted when I played it. So, don't think there are absolutes...there aren't. Just because you don't like a style doesn't mean everyone doesn't like it. Find what you like and stick with it. There are over 11000 people here, and I bet there are 11000 opinions on what a good scenario is. All that being said....wanna be a guinea pig on a new scenario? Two player, need feedback on balance. Rune
  23. LD, You let a woman who plays Combat Mission get away?!?!?!? I am going to have to have a long talk with you tomorrow young man. Over a beer, of course! Rune
  24. And as a scenario designer, I say it was realistic. Luck had a factor in many battles, and 1-2 scenarios showing what fighting in mud was like is much more real then never having a vehicle start in mud. For each player that says the only want this way, there is another that says that they want it another way. My briefings always show the terrain, feel free to skip any that say mud. To say a scenario designer should never do that, artifically restricts a historical battle. Korshun Relief a column starts out in mud, but then again, they really did. What CMBB cannot do, is reflect what a muddy road looked like after several tanks went over it. Maybe for the engine rewrite we will see better handling of mud, and the real effects of it. I know we heard stories of mud and the effect on modern tanks when we had the get togehter at Ft. Knox, including the story about a vehicle that buried itself so bad in the mud pit, they left it there. As I said, don't restrict what a scenario author can do. Just about for every rule, there was an exception...and doing some of the exceptions is fun. Rune [ January 24, 2003, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
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